Chu Nan defeated the gangsters three times, five times and two times, punching and kicking them.

"Do you still dare?" Chu Nan stepped on the gangster's face hard.

The intensity continued to increase, and the gangster screamed like a slaughtering pig because of his headache.

After being a gangster for so many years, this is the first time that 놛껩놆 feels so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't dare, don't step on me again." The hero didn't want to suffer the immediate loss, and the gangster hurriedly apologized to Chu Nan.

But Chu Nan stepped harder, with a smile in his eyes: "I could have told you to get out just now, but you still have to push forward. I can't forgive you."

He stepped hard on his feet and blood flowed down.

Chu Nan squatted down calmly and said in a very soft voice: "Little bastard, let me give you a piece of advice. Stay away from me in the future, otherwise you will be in danger."

Anxious to find Long Muyu, Chu Nan did not stay here any longer.

Long Muyu ran far away, and it took Chu Nan a lot of time to find him.

"Brother Chu Nan, are you okay?" Long Muyu's anxious eyes filled with tears.

Chu Nan shook his hand and turned around with a smile to prove that he was fine.

"I encountered a lot of hatred in junior high school, and we fought for a few years. They were no match for me." Chu Nan explained with a smile, without any emotion.

The most serious time was when she was admitted to the intensive care ward. Chu's mother was shocked. She spent a lot of money that time, and it took her only two years to pay off her debt.

Then 놛 started to fight constantly, trying to be a little transparent.

"Let's go shopping for clothes." Chu Nan didn't want to talk too much about the past.

It has passed long ago, there is no need to miss it.

Long Muyu changed the topic.

The atmosphere between the two gradually improved.

After choosing the clothes, Chu Nan sent Long Muyu home in a very gentlemanly manner.

"See you next time." Long Muyu smiled and waved, unable to help but look forward to it.

To be honest, she didn't want Chu Nan to leave immediately.

But if a girl is reserved, she can only tolerate her thoughts.

Not long after Chu Nan returned home, the female reporter once again continued to send messages and transfer money.

Working hard: First, are you still there? Please pay attention to me, please?

Hard-working worker: If you want it and you don’t want to accept it, then I will donate it to charity. But I can’t take it, because it’s not my money.

The female reporter is extremely determined.

Chu Nan still ignored it and pretended not to see it.

놛If you don’t reply, the female reporter probably won’t bother you again.

Chu Nan then contacted a lawyer and was busy most of the night before he had time to sleep.

the next day.


I heard that the president had been replaced, and the company employees were discussing it.

Ye Wanxing didn't sleep all night last night, and there were obvious dark circles on her face.

Bai Xiaoguo accompanied Ye Wanxing.

"President, who do you think bought the shares of our company? With 70% of the shares, he must be very rich. Why don't we hold on to him?"

Bai Xiaoguo didn't understand much and could only ask Ye Wanxing.

"I called and asked its shareholders, and they all said there was a young man. I was wondering if it was really the one named Chu Nan."

Chu Nan's words came to mind, and Ye Wanxing was touched in her heart.

Really 놆놛 seems to be pretty good.

"I heard that the 놛 family still lives in an old house. President, I know you have a crush on 놛, but 껩 can't blindly trust 놛."

Unlike Ye Wanxing, Bai Xiaoguo has no expectations for Chu Nan.

"And 놛 actually asked for leave today. I didn't let him, so 놛 said that 놛 wanted to resign. The company is currently short of people, and there's nothing I can do about 놛껩."

Pouting his lips, Bai Xiaoguo complained to Ye Wanxing angrily.

Chu Nan seemed to be more arrogant than she thought.

The company is too lazy to hire an ancestor who has nothing to do.

"Maybe 놆 is too tired, so it would be nice to let 놛 rest for a day."

Ye Wanxing's voice was gentle.

Standing up slowly, Ye Wanxing walked to the window in a bad mood. What she saw was a familiar scene, and tears instantly poured down her face.

"I may not be able to continue working in the office."

She looked at it greedily, trying to reflect everything in her eyes into her brain.

She worked hard to build the company, and she was very reluctant to leave it at this time.

"I understand you and know what you care about most. President, if you don't still have 30% of the shares, you can ask the new president to let you stay instead of becoming a shareholder."

Bai Xiaoguo was heartbroken, but couldn't think of a better way.

Unfortunately, she was too poor to help Ye Wanxing collect shares.

"Listen to God's will." Ye Wanxing didn't know where she was looking.

2 p.m.

Ye Wanxing sat quietly in the office chair, cheering up.

The new president must be allowed to see the best side as her final contribution.

In this way, the new president will definitely treat his employees well in the future.


A knock on the door sounded slowly.

Ye Wanxing didn't dare to keep the new president waiting, so she got up and opened the door herself.

The door slowly opened.

Ye Wanxing was surprised to find Chu Nan and was stunned.

"You, you, you..." Ye Wanxing was at a loss for words.

Why did Chu Nan come to the office? Could it be that Bai Xiaoguo ordered it?

Thinking about it, Ye Wanxing smiled and blocked the door to prevent Chu Nan from entering: "We are welcoming the new president today, Chu Nan, please go back quickly."

Time passed, and Ye Wanxing forgot that Chu Nan asked for leave today.

"President, have you forgotten what I said yesterday?"

Chu Nan slowly reached out and pushed the door open, with a smile in his eyes.

The sound of fireworks blooms in my mind.

Ye Wanxing stepped back in a daze, pointing at Chu Nan with her left hand and holding her forehead with her right hand: "Chun Nan, you didn't really buy those shares, did you?"

I really couldn't believe it.

She was just very lucky that someone was interested in her company.

It turned out that she had planted the seeds herself.

"I promised the president, so I must do it. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to come to the president." Chu Nan patted his hand and explained.

He stood in front of the lawyer behind Chu Nan and opened his briefcase seriously.

"The lawyer is responsible for the handover. You shouldn't mind the president."

Chu Nan casually found a place to cross his legs, looking like a dandy.

At this point, it was useless for Ye Wanxing to say anything.

The handover took an hour to finish.

Chu Nan was bored waiting, so he walked to the side of them and listened quietly.

After the meeting, Chu Nan wanted to leave, but Ye Wanxing asked him to stay.

"President, do you have anything else to tell me?" Chu Nan leaned against the wall, playing with his fingers with one hand, and seemed quite interested.

Ye Wanxing nodded, holding back the tears in her eyes: "I know it may be shameless, but I want to ask if I can continue to stay in this office."

She has been here for so long, she has a deep affection for the office and doesn't want to leave.

"President, you can do whatever you want. Although I bought the company, I hope that the president will be the vice president and handle the things that I can't solve for me."

Chu Nan showed a gentle smile, and his worried heart slowly calmed down.

He was also worried that Ye Wanxing would leave because of dissatisfaction.

He thought too much.

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