Mrs. Feng glanced at Chu Nan seriously, but she was quite satisfied.

He looks quite talented.

Even if his home was a little worse, she felt it was almost the same.

"You two, sit down quickly." Mrs. Feng reminded anxiously.

They had their own ideas and had completely forgotten about their blind date.

The date was sitting awkwardly in the corner, not knowing what to say.

It's obvious that this is a blind date for me, so what's going on?

"Xiao Wu, you have also seen that my daughter doesn't like you, so you should go back first." After a moment, Mrs. Feng finally noticed that she didn't dare to look at the expression of her blind date after some apologetic explanations.

It was she who forced him to come, but she was the one who finally let him go.

How will I meet my friends later?

Sighing helplessly, Mrs. Feng wanted to find a place to hide.

"Aunt Feng, it's okay. I just have some things to do at home, so I'll go back first." The blind date showed a gentle smile.

As he spoke, he stood up, and as soon as he turned around, his eyes were filled with coldness.

If he dares to snatch away his blind date, he will not let Chu Nan go, nor will he forget this humiliation.

He must chase Feng Ruoxue later and humiliate her severely.

Apart from this, he had no other thoughts and left the box directly.

"Baby girl, why didn't you tell me first? It's fine now. Xiao Wu was offended when we were not careful. What do you think I should do?" Mrs. Feng was so angry that she clapped her hands hard. Feng Ruoxue.

It was estimated that Chu Nan was still here, so she didn't dare to directly accuse Feng Ruoxue.

"Mom, haven't I already advised you not to find a boyfriend for me? But you just didn't listen to what I could do." Feng Ruoxue was not afraid, but began to argue with Mrs. Feng very seriously.

If you dare to hurt yourself, then you must be rude.

"Who told you not to explain everything clearly? I don't know."

Neither of them was willing to admit that the atmosphere was wrong, and tensions suddenly became tense.

It was Mr. Feng's method, and it took him a while to coax them.

Chu Nan was shocked by Mr. Feng's operation and learned a lot.

He didn't expect to be able to coax people like this. He has really learned it now.

If Miss 꺶 is really angry in the end, then he can directly use this method.

"What's your name?" Mr. Feng asked Chu Nan with an angry look.

He couldn't believe it, but he just noticed something was wrong with his daughter.

If I'm not mistaken, my daughter may have been really moved.

That was the little cotton-padded jacket that he had coaxed since childhood, so how could he accept it? He instantly became more hostile to Chu Nan and stamped his feet hard.

"Chun Nan." Chu Nan replied immediately, with a serious expression on his face.

Mr. Feng continued to find trouble, "I don't know where you graduated and which company you are currently employed in. Can you tell me in detail?"

Even if he was just a little bit wrong, he would make Chu Nan worthless.

He is just an ordinary person and is not worthy of his own daughter.

"Dad, he has been running the company" Feng Ruoxue answered for Chu Nan.

According to his own understanding, Chu Nan will definitely tell the truth now.

She still couldn't accept it, so she had better explain it to herself.

"Baby daughter, please talk to your mother properly." Mr. Feng was not satisfied.

You haven't even married yet, so why did you start helping Chu Nan to accuse him?

Mr. Feng felt like his insides were about to break.

"I remember, Xiao Chu, I seem to have seen you on TV." Mrs. Feng reacted immediately, her eyes twinkling.

The first time she saw 껣, her friend was next to her, and she gave her a few compliments.

"I really don't know what kind of person this young talent will be tied to."

She was still saying this at that time.

What he never expected was that Chu Nan would appear directly in front of him.

Still staying with my baby girl.

Also, her daughter has always been very discerning and will never get along with the playboys. She knows her daughter's character very well.

"That's really my honor." Chu Nan smiled politely.

Although he looked calm on the outside, he was stiff inside.

When will he be able to leave here? He has begun to regret it now.

The two people were singing different facial makeups, and he could hardly bear it anymore.

What a hassle.

"You are such a young and talented person. I was particularly impressed when I saw him. You still thought of adopting you as our son-in-law," she laughed loudly, and Mrs. Feng started to joke.

Mr. Feng couldn’t believe it.

His wife was obviously standing with him, so why did she suddenly switch sides?

Well, it seems that I was the only one who insisted on my idea in the end.

In this case, he must persist to the end, he has already decided.

"Your company is still relatively small for the time being. You should know that we are not well-matched yet, right?" Mr. Feng Ma started to stereotype.

He wanted to see how long Chu Nan could tolerate him in the end.

"Of course I know, but in order to match Miss Feng, I will definitely work hard. I hope you can believe me."

Standing up, Chu Nan looked towards them, with a normal tone in his voice.

Mrs. Feng was so moved.

As expected, he is worthy of being the person he sees, he is really excellent in every aspect.

"What if you fail in your business and leave a huge debt?" Mr. Feng still didn't want to trust Chu Nan, but became more determined.

Chu Nan would definitely come to deceive people.

No, I must struggle hard today and find out everything that's wrong.

"I won't let her bear it with me." Chu Nan told the truth.

He had heard too many sweet love stories, but if he really had to choose, he would rather the person he liked live a good life than suffer with him.

No one can be the real salvation of anyone.

He understood this truth deeply.

If that person really wanted to stay with him, he would scold that person away.

"You think very clearly, which is different from what I think." Mr. Feng was obviously stunned for a long time before answering Chu Nan's words.

To be honest, I couldn't make a choice just now.

But Chu Nan was so determined.

Now it seems that Chu Nan is really showing an unusual maturity.

"Everyone has their own ideas. I can't include everyone." Chu Nan said calmly, his eyes moving all the time.

In fact, he was quite worried just now. He didn't expect that President Feng was embarrassed about this.

It's simple, and there is no need to think too much.

He only needs to find out the truest self, and the rest depends on President Feng.

It would be best if President Feng is particularly dissatisfied with himself, so that he can be relieved.

"I am particularly satisfied with you." Mrs. Feng spoke first.

Later, they were eating and drinking, and Chu Nan didn't have time to speak.

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