Li Group.

Chu Nan slowly pushed open the office door, and saw Mr. Li again.

"Mr. Li didn't come today?" Chu Nan asked in surprise.

Hearing Chu Nan's question, Mr. Li's face obviously looked a little bad.

It was also intentional. Li Qi didn't answer many calls.

"Mr. Li, you specifically told me that you were going to meet Mr. Li today. If you don't come, I can leave."

Chu Nan wanted to talk nonsense to Mr. Li, and said directly.

"Mr. Chu, please don't leave. We can just talk."

Mr. Li was naturally willing, which directly stumped Chu Nan, and his expression was a little nervous.

Wrapped in various emotions in his heart, he kept praying for Li Qi to come.

Chu Nan's character has always been difficult to guess, and there is no way to persuade him successfully.

If I come any further, I feel that our cooperation may be completely ruined.

"Do you know what Mr. Li wants to tell me?" Chu Nan pretended to be interested.

Then he smiled and hurriedly sat on the sofa next to him.

Since I'm here, it seems good to just leave directly.

In this case, I will be merciful and wait for a while.

Mr. Li kept looking for topics, but his words were a little stiff because of his anxiety.

Chu Nan answered casually, and his eyes kept moving back and forth.

"Mr. Li, you should finish your words." Chu Nan began to release the pressure again.

It's been almost half an hour, and I hate Li Qi even more.

If I had known it would be like this, I should have come a little later.

"Can you stay a little longer?" Mr. Li's eyes were full of anxiety.

Evil son, why did you come here? I can hardly bear it.

"Mr. Li, since Mr. Li is coming, I should go and take care of my business. I don't have time to stay here all day and listen to your gossip."

With a smile on his face, Chu Nan didn't give Mr. Li any face.

What he did was already wrong.

If it were a few months ago, he might have bankrupted the company immediately.

He has plenty of money, so doing this little thing is no problem at all.

When he was about to stand up, the door suddenly opened.

Chu Nan looked up slightly and saw Li Qi at a glance, and stopped moving.

Seeing that Li Qi finally came over, Mr. Li finally let go of his irritability.

Fortunately, the most critical time was not wasted, and he could also breathe a sigh of relief.

"You better come here quickly." Mr. Li shouted hurriedly.

Li Qi nodded obediently, and then looked at Chu Nan.

Chu Nan straightened up instantly, but he didn't hear any insults for a long time.

He couldn't help but start to wonder.

If he guessed correctly, Li Qi might scold him right away.

"You are Mr. Chu Nan, right? I have heard that you are a young man. I am very happy to meet you." Li Qi extended his hand in a friendly manner.

Chu Nan looked straight at Li Qi and didn't find anything wrong.

Slowly, he suddenly remembered what Li Sheng had said to him.

He said that Li Qi was face-blind.

But at that time, he didn't care and thought Li Sheng was joking.

The only thing he didn't expect was actually true.

Chu Nan felt frustrated instantly, but still shook Li Qi back.

There was no way, he still had to do some superficial work to avoid problems.

"Let's sit down and talk." Mr. Li also had a smile on his face.

The matter was finally resolved satisfactorily, and he could calm down a little.

Mr. Li's face appeared in his mind, and he was in a complicated mood.

If only Li Sheng was here, he wouldn't have to worry about any problems.

It was really a pity the more he thought about it.

The most outstanding child died like this, and he couldn't calm down.

Chu Nan chatted casually, and he especially wanted to leave here immediately.

He didn't wait for a satisfied expression, and now he felt even more bored.

He should have called Li Sheng over, Li Qi would definitely have all kinds of doubts.

Chu Nan shook his head helplessly, and he was more and more satisfied now.

"There's not much time left, so I won't stay longer." He got up when he found a chance.

Mr. Li also got up in a hurry, and then he insisted on sending Chu Nan home.

Sending him home is of course possible, and Chu Nan asked Mr. Li to send him to the parking lot.

"Please, Mr. Li, we will have a pleasant cooperation in the future." Chu Nan said with a smile.

He was about to get in the car.

After Chu Nan returned home, he immediately went to find Li Sheng, and his expression changed slightly.

"How is it?" Li Sheng couldn't help asking when he saw Chu Nan.

Various thoughts have spread in his mind.

"Your brother seems to be face-blind and didn't recognize me. We get along peacefully and nothing serious has happened."

Chu Nan's eyes were filled with hidden anger.

Damn, it's exactly what he thought.

"Did I remind you? How could you make such a mistake?" Shaking his head, Li Sheng had actually guessed it a long time ago.

Chu Nan looks smart, but in fact he is careless most of the time.

He makes all kinds of mistakes from time to time.

"There's no way, I didn't expect that my facial hair would be so serious." Chu Nan dared to admit that he didn't believe it at all at that time.

After all, I have never witnessed the existence of face blindness.

I thought it was all fake, but I didn't expect that I was wrong.

"Then this meeting must be as you expected. What do you plan to do next?" Li Sheng's eyes were full of expectations.

Chu Nan shook his head slowly, "I haven't thought about it yet. Since you haven't recognized me yet, I will wait until you recognize me before taking action. The company is already waiting."

After speaking, Chu Nan's heart became colder. He had already thought about what to do. Li Sheng nodded obediently and planned to help Chu Nan.

"What can I do?" The scumbag began to look forward to it instantly.

He thought that Chu Nan would definitely give him some tasks, which might make him free.

"You don't need it for the time being. I haven't thought about which position you will replace." Without any hesitation, Chu Nan said it seriously now.

There was no way to start, and he didn't think that he would dig Li Sheng.

A lot of positions have already been filled by people, and he can't act casually.

"Well, I will wait well." Li Sheng pouted disappointedly.

Sure enough, Chu Nan's idea was beyond his imagination.

Every time I thought I could succeed, but every time I failed.

The more I thought about it, the more confused I became.

"You are not completely well yet, stay at home and recuperate. When you are completely well, I will assign you a task." After a moment of silence, Chu Nan patted his chest and promised Li Sheng seriously.

The pie must be drawn, and when it will be realized is a matter of time.

Li Sheng did not notice that it was wrong, and his eyes flashed instantly.

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