I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 363:

Marda is a pure earth person, and her resume can be found on the Internet. She has also received the miracles of Christ. She is more authoritative than the old Chinese and Japanese priests. c makes the earth more trustworthy, and this move by Louis can be regarded as serving multiple purposes with one stone.

(o;- "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me so. Go ye so that all

baptize them in the name of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey all that I command you. And I am with you always, even to the end of the world."

Those in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran are all devout believers. They are able to comprehend the thoughts of God. Following the words of Christ Louis, these believers all know that the Lord Christ has fulfilled the destiny of this time, and once again of saving the world. will return to heaven.

"Lord, how we hope to keep you on the earth, let us listen to your teachings again, and let all people in this world be grateful for your righteousness."

Believers Kneeling and Weeping Grieving Christ's Departure

"You should not grieve, but laugh right. I am the bread of life, and whoever comes to me will never be hungry, believe me. Never be thirsty."

Christ Louis smiled, Xiu's body seemed to be turned into a spirit, and a road to heaven appeared on Xiu's head. The road to heaven seemed to be connected to another aspect and plane L to the sacred place.

There seemed to be chants singing in the distance, and the devout believers present saw the scene of heaven. There are countless angels sprinkled with flowers. The flowers on both sides of the road grow bright gems. The river flows with milk and honey, the highest and the greatest, the most divine and the most holy. This seems to be the place of redemption and return

in front of people. Christ has ascended

The believers wept loudly again, sad and happy for Christ's departure, and longing for and moved by the sight of heaven they saw

"Religious people. Why do you kneel here and look up at the sky? This Christ Louis, who was taken up from you, went to heaven. - He went to heaven in the same way as you saw him. He will come again.

The contemporary saint of Christianity, Marda, who was given the name of an angel by God, saw the cry of many believers. She said softly.

Listening to the voice of the angel, many believers finally suppressed their sadness. One by one, they stood up and saluted this angel on earth, even the Pope was no exception.

Francis =: Although the world has also been restored to youth by the gift of Christ. But compared to the divine grace that Sister Marda received, his graces were a little less.

But Francis I did not have any jealous emotions, _ just was happy for Marda, because it proved that Marda was a truly holy person, and would be rewarded by God.

This is the kind of goodness that a church with the true God can show.

good. Not those churches that secretly do dirty things in the name of God.

Because whether it's the Pope or other clergy, they know that God is watching them, and if they don't do the good of the Bible, they will lose their eligibility to ascend to heaven after death.


"_Ye Christ ascended into heaven, and Xiu ascended into heaven in front of everyone."

When the news of Christ's ascension spread out, the heads of states who believed in Christianity held a brief meeting. Christ did not care about the appearance of Xiu when people saw Xiu, so the scene of Xiu's ascension was artificially recorded.

And now these heads of state who believe in Christianity are watching this video blowing

"Vatican is really about to become a country. They have an angel on earth."

"Yeah, the Vatican is under the guardianship of angels, and the power of Christianity has soared."

(Wang Haozhao)__"But didn't you find it? Today's Christianity has very low political demands, and it seems to have become a complete religion."

"That's because in the past, although everyone believed in God, no one knew whether Emperor H was real or not. Of course, the Vatican would have political needs, but now the existence of God has been proved. The Vatican has obtained theocracy. How dare those clergy dare Let yourself be perplexed by the sin of the earth sect."

"That's good, if we encounter an unsolvable super-wind incident in the future. We can ask the angels in the Vatican to solve it. We are believers of Christ anyway, and compared to those pagan gods, we are still more angels. To be more believable, especially Sister Marda who was once a human, must understand us better."

The news that the Vatican had an angel quickly spread all over the world. This news made the high-level governments of all countries envious, even China. Because the angel of the Vatican can be said to be the first extraordinary member of an organization on earth. strength,

Chapter 133 Antarctic Continent

In Antarctica, icebreakers with flags of various countries are breaking through the ice and moving forward.

There are still planes flying in the sky, and there are bursts of roars.

"Captain, why are there so many icebreakers going to Antarctica all of a sudden. Is this an important mission? Or is there something mysterious discovered in Antarctica."

= The staff on the Huaguo icebreaker excitedly confronted the captain.

He stood in the captain's room and looked around, when Ertu was still curious about everything. Especially when the supernatural power appeared, many young people had a dream of reaching the sky, and this young man was the same.

Begin to fantasize about what mysterious items are waiting for someone in Antarctica, and he is about to become the protagonist of the legend.

But the captain's two words made him wilt and let him down.

"Your level of secrecy is not enough. There are some things you can't know."

The captain of this icebreaker was barely classified enough to be sent to the Antarctic continent to transport supplies.

A month ago, an extraterrestrial meteorite descended. Almost destroyed the human beings on the earth. Fortunately, Donghuang Taiyishen smashed the malefic star with his supreme power. However, some of the malefic star fell on the earth.

For ordinary people, that extraterrestrial meteorite event is over. But for some insiders. They know that the misery of the earth is just beginning. _

The captain of this icebreaker was not long ago enough, and he knew some secrets. For example, Typhon, who was making a fuss in Los Angeles half a month ago, was formed by the broken sugar of one of the meteorites. The fragments on the top are not only that one, but the horror contained in them: terror makes people faintly frightened.

Naturally, this news should not be known to ordinary people. But governments of various countries cannot turn a blind eye. The only thing the United Nations government department is looking forward to now is that the monsters that the remaining fragments may turn into are not as terrible as Typhon.

To say that the only good news recently is the angels given to the earth when Christ ascended into heaven. This lets people know that human beings on earth can also obtain superhuman powers that are almost superhuman, and the existence of angels also gives people a certain amount of power. confidence.

The debris scattered by the malefic star has been monitored by various governments. Especially the country where the fragments are located is even more nervous, for fear that someday these fragments will turn into monsters and appear.

But there is a piece of debris that is a headache for all countries, because it has fallen on Antarctica, and countries have no choice but to unite. A monitoring site has been established on the Antarctic continent. Monitor that piece of debris from the nearest distance.

"Let's go to the Great Wall Station to report first, and then go to the new United Nations base."

The captain gave an order and parted ways with the other ships that were galloping together in this icy waters, and headed to China's base in Antarctica first.


"Be careful, these instruments cost tens of millions of dollars, don't break them

"Check--down the signal tower.

"It's the polar night in Antarctica. It's really troublesome, it's just the lights."

"Hurry up, hurry up, we have to start this base today."


Antarctica-= an open space. People from all over the world are busy. Under the leadership of Chinese engineers, the basic construction of the base is being completed.

The United Nations Research Base in Antarctica, which is dominated by the five permanent members, was established almost in the fastest time after the decision. In addition to monitoring the meteorite debris that fell on Antarctica, it is also for the study of Antarctica, a continent without A.

In the past, competent powers established scientific research stations in Antarctica, but they all managed independently. This time, all countries jointly funded and established the largest and most technologically advanced Antarctic Continental Research Institute in Antarctica.

"Really. If it weren't for the fact that the airport here can't do it for the time being. Can't send heavy transport planes. We would have finished it two days earlier.

The lead researcher from China walked up to an American and complained.

"Hey, but anyway, we've finished it today, haven't we? Wang, we're going to go to the place where the meteorite fragment fell, and put the instrument there for monitoring."

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