I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 319:

"The storm at sea comes as soon as it is told. How can it be predicted accurately."

"The storm this time is very large, and the speed of formation is beyond imagination. All the people on that ship are in danger, we should let them come back quickly!"

Someone shouted in a hurry.

"No, we can't let them come back. Going to that island is the first priority."


Just as everyone was arguing, the ships in the sea were also moving forward in the stormy sea, and the sky

The huge waves hit, making this steel ship seem to capsize at any time, and the wind blowing wet the deck, even modern steel ships seem to be so incompetent in front of nature.

Many people in the cabin were crying. Some people were vomiting leaves. Facing the apocalyptic scene, even the ten soldiers were pale, not to mention the ordinary civilians.

"Is this the test of going to that island?_

as the person who got the invitation. They are all those who believe in the existence of magic, also, it can be said that the second. Immediately, someone came up with the idea, and it got the approval of most people.

So even if the waves are rough again. The swaying boat made people's stomachs roll, tears flowed, but no one came up with the idea of ​​going back now.

"Why is the storm here so weird? It's forming too fast. I don't remember such a storm in this sea!"

The captain's room was busy, and faced with such turbulent waves, even these sea soldiers were pale. Under the boundless power of nature, mortals seemed so insignificant.

"Look, what is that!!"

He pointed to the glass window of the captain's cabin, in the storm. In the surging waves = the big wooden ship appears like a ghost in the dark rainstorm

No matter how terrifying the raging waves and gusts of wind are, they can't get close to its body. The too natural power comes to its side and crosses over like a mysterious sea monster appearing in Miwen.

"Then....that boat is really wooden?"

This terrible storm, any wooden ship will definitely be torn apart in an instant, but this ship happened.

The ship is floating in the air. "

"You are watching carefully! .L those winds and waves are directly passing through this ship, it is not floating in the air at all, but does not exist in this world"

Ideas such as 'ghost ship'_'void ship' appeared in everyone's mind.

It was seen outside the deck of this ship. There are several mysterious mages wearing mages robes covering their faces.

Chapter 76 The Evil God Appears Again

The storm of the void passes over this ghost ship. Without leaving any traces on it, as the ghost ship approached, people on the modern ship were surprised to see that those storms gradually disappeared as the ghost ship advanced.

"Look at the text on the hull of that ship and on the pole!"

Someone excitedly pointed at the ghost ship. Looking at the countless magic marks that appeared on its surface, the crew members on the ship at the same time recorded everything that happened here and sent it to the rear.

"Is this the power of magic?"

"It can make the storm disappear!


Everyone said a word to me, and watched this ghost ship approaching in shock. Watching it seemed to cross the void. From the ghost state to the entity, and with the ghost ship as the center, a vacuum zone with a diameter of 100 meters is formed, surrounded by heavy rain and wind, but this zone is calm.

The staff of the famous countries in the back of Scotland did not leave after sending these people away. They established a temporary command headquarters to see everything that happened ahead.

'This ship is not sailing in reality'

"Could it be that it sails on other worlds and can switch between virtual and real?"

"Hurry up, hurry up. Take a screenshot of this picture, record all the words on that ship, and check the mysticism books to see if there is any news of these words."


The logistics department composed of various countries is in a hurry and on the Taihai Sea. The ghost ship Q approached the modern ship. Under the tension of many soldiers and crew members, there was a man on the ship wearing a retro robe. In a low and hoarse voice, "....Is this the qualified apprentice who can learn A this time? Hmph, there are seven billion human beings in modern times.. But there are so few qualified people, human beings are really degenerate."

The wizard's words were sarcastic. In this storm, it is passed in the ears of every -= individual.

No one dared to answer his words, this wizard just stood there. It actually brought (= a sense of trembling fear, which made people tremble.

Although some people blushed and wanted to say that modern humans are healthier and have more knowledge, but when they think of pollution in modern society, they think of the purity of the natural environment in ancient times. Perhaps this is the reason why modern humans have more and more magical talents. The reason for less?

"Hmph, forget it. Anyway, it's enough to have so many people. If you want me to say that the Marchis people shouldn't be looking for apprentices among humans in this era, you have forgotten the power of magic, but Lord Marchis' decision I can't refuse, thank you. Future apprentices. Because of Lord Marchis' kindness, I will give you a chance."

"-. Remember, my name is Barry. Will be your teacher in the future."

With obvious arrogance, the wizard named Barry waved his hand. Under the exclamations of everyone, a long bridge like a rainbow crossed the sea from the ghost ship and placed it on the deck of the giant steel ship.

"Come on, I don't have time to waste here."

At the impatient urging of the wizard. Someone carefully stepped on the bridge made of light

Then I saw that this light seemed to be an elevator, and in the blink of an eye, the people above were transported to the ghost ship

The ten soldiers on the boat did not dare to speak, but watched with trepidation as these ordinary people crossed the Rainbow Bridge under the urging of the wizard. into the ghost ship.

Those holding the invitation letter also kept silent, perhaps because the wizard who came to pick him up seemed a little grumpy, which made them even more fearful.

Under the watchful eyes of many soldiers and crew members on the ship, all the more than 100 secretaries entered the ghost ship. Then they were underestimated by everyone. The wooden sailboat was treacherous. The alien floated up, left the solid and turned into the void, and entered the void B.

"When the ghost ship disappeared, the storm reappeared, and the giant steel ship cast by modern technology rolled again, and the soldiers on it came back to their senses. They looked at each other with horror and shame in their eyes. Excellent soldiers from various countries in the world were sent to protect these ordinary people, but they did not expect that in a few words of a wizard, they actually gave birth to fear that they did not dare to resist. Maybe this is the power of magic?

The officers in the headquarters looked indifferently at the screen displayed on the front screen. When he saw his excellent soldier, he was so frightened by the aura of a wizard that he did not dare to move. Everyone looked at each other. But in the end they didn't say anything. The officer from America sighed softly. Said, "Let the ten soldiers on the front line come back, we know too little about magic, only after we have cracked the secret of magic, can we overcome fear

Human beings are always afraid of the unknown. This is human nature. When the secrets of magic are thoroughly exposed in front of many famous countries, when magic is still mysterious, even the United States, the world's most powerful country, will express the power of magic. Be careful. This is really the destructive power of those extraordinary events that have happened before.


The U.S. Homeland Defense Agency, dubbed 'S.H.I.E.L.D.', is located in Washington State. It is a new organization formed by members of BI, IA and other departments and many elite soldiers. In addition to these main staff, there are also people from the United States. Experts and professors from prestigious universities in various states can be said to be the most powerful institution established by various countries on the planet today. A military general leads this institution.

"Director, there is new information..."

There was a rush of footsteps in the headquarters building where the American-Cut high-tech equipment and research institutes are doing their best to study supernatural power.

An agent walks into the office and salutes

"what happened?."

The headed old man sitting in the chair looked solemn and wore a military uniform with a stern expression. His waist was straight and he could not see his old age at all. It was General Robertson, the person in charge of this institution.

"This is the one we are in charge of investigating that came from the United States. A dozen people have obtained detailed information on the personal information of the magic invitation letter and their family situation."

The agent quickly put a report in front of General Robertson, and said in a very fast tone, "...This young man named Alex has a very complicated family situation, and his stepfather died suddenly and inexplicably this morning, and his It's terrifying to die. It's like being eroded by some mysterious force. It's turned into a twisted monster."

General Robertson picked up the material. First, I roughly read the tragedy of the young man named Alex, and expressed his affection for his past childhood. Then I picked up the photo of his stepfather when he died.

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