I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 132:

Your Excellency the President says things he doesn't believe

At the same time, the mysterious old man made by Huaguo Modu and Lui appeared on this land.

Chapter 40 Before death, all living beings are equal

(New January, please customize. Fully booked. Monthly ticket~)

Once again, when he set foot on the land of China, Louis had a feeling of being in a different world. Although he actually went from a human to a lizard to a dragon, it was not too long, but Louis still had a fact. Feelings of change.

He is no longer the ordinary person who was worried about the house and worried about his career with his hair falling out. He has become a great dragon with the possibility of becoming a god, far exceeding that of mortals.

Shaking his head, letting himself forget these irrelevant sighs, Louis is still playing the mysterious Chinese old man.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, thinking about what to do next.

One of the little things related to China is that he needs a spokesperson in China. to help him find enough material resources.

Wasabi is the main material for making magic potions, which is the second of the two big things that Louis came here, but in addition to wasabi, Louis also needs more modern materials.

Such as wine, finer food, some cultural and educational products and even some simple entertainment products, these are very important to him.

Of course, Louis knew that the city of dragons, or that his own territory in the future could not rely entirely on the resources of the earth for development. They needed to learn to be self-sufficient. But before that, at the most important early stage of development, Louis needed to use modern materials to develop. Help him through the difficulties of starting a business and let his territory develop rapidly.

And with the previous performance in Japan. It seems very easy to find a spokesperson for himself in China, so for Louis, this is a small matter, a trivial matter not worth mentioning

For example, the luxury car that was just driving past him, the girl and her family in it might be a good choice.

"Oh, since you happened to pass by me when I was in need, then I will give you the wealth and honor of the mortal world and save your life."

Louis is now standing on the street of the Devil City with "Hidden I. As a character called a demigod, he can clearly perceive that there is a murderous aura aimed at the man in the luxury car that just drove past. little girl.

"Compared to assassins like Lisavor in the world of Saint Soren, this kind of killer who will release his murderous aura... is really not enough to see."

Louie chuckles = the footsteps are chasing. go up.


"Miss. The car behind is following us."

A Mercedes-Benz car was driving on the road of the capital city. The driver of the car glanced at the rearview mirror and said to the girl sitting behind the car.

The girl is probably in her early twenties. With exquisite makeup, Zhang Guazi has a beautiful and dignified face, and she has a girly dress that looks very expensive at first glance. And the temperament developed by Cong Xiao, the first impression you give is that of a white girl. Fumi

The girl's name is Qin Yaqian. She was born into a wealthy and expensive family, and her family assets are also ranked among the top in China. Her grandfather started his business during the reform and opening up. Through the reform of the spring breeze to go to sea to do business, he has earned a huge family property, and the entire family also has famous assets in the magic capital, which can be said to be a real rich man.

And Qin Yaqian herself was smart and eager to learn from a young age, at the age when others had just graduated from college. She has already obtained a master's degree from a well-known overseas institution. After returning to China, she is now working in her own company as an intern. With the addition of a beautiful appearance, she can be a star. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the son of the emperor.

Really looks. You have an education, and you have an inheritance that can't be spent in a lifetime. This is completely the template for a modern urban novel.

Facing being followed. Qin Yaqian is quite calm, and even has maturity and calmness that doesn't match her age. In her capacity, she has been protected by bodyguards since she was a child. I have also experienced many kidnapping incidents, but each time it was either a near miss or an escape. Her family's protection has been very good, so she doesn't care about the so-called stalking incident.

"Are you trying to kidnap me?"

Qin Yaqian took out the vanity mirror and looked at her makeup to see if she needed to touch up her makeup, then she scratched her brown hair that had just been dyed yesterday and asked casually.

"Looking at their behavior, it's a bit similar. The kidnappers I met before were very similar to their behavior."

The bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat::= stared straight at the car following him in the rearview mirror. He said calmly.

Qin Yaqian thought about it. She decided to give some face to these kidnappers who wanted money and not life, and said, "Drive the car into the city."

When the car drove into the downtown area, the kidnappers would have given up. Although Qin Yaqian felt that her bodyguards could easily deal with these thieves, it was better to pay attention to safety just in case.

A gentleman does not stand under a perilous wall, nor does a lady stand under a perilous wall!

"Understood. Miss."

The bodyguard let out a light breath after hearing Qin Yaqian's words. He was really afraid that the eldest Miss Qin would let them go to Suburb E without fear, and they would have a hard time doing it. Protecting people is much more difficult than killing people.

Fortunately, this eldest lady is not the stubborn and willful eldest lady in the novel at all. = It's like the eldest lady in that kind of novel. In the real world, you can't survive three episodes.

The vehicle drove into the downtown area of ​​​​Modu. After the bodyguard saw from the rearview mirror that the following car was missing, he also showed a smile, ": Madam, the other party retreated."

"Well, when we get home, let someone investigate to see if any of our Qin family's business rivals are targeting us. If it's just some little thieves who want money, that's fine.

Want to deal with our Qin family. Just be careful. "

Qin Yaqian said in a mature tone that did not match her age.

"Understood, Miss, we will investigate carefully when we go back."

The bodyguard nodded in response.

Suddenly, the driver of the car slammed on the brakes

Because of inertia, Qin Yaqian, who was sitting in the back seat without a seat belt, swayed forward. My forehead hit the backrest of the chair in front of me

"It's alright, miss."

The bodyguard in the front row asked quickly.

"I'm fine, just touched what happened?"

Qin Yaqian covered her forehead and took a deep breath. Although she told the bodyguard that she was fine, she was so pampered that she was sweating and tearful when she was touched like this. She had to secretly promise that she would wear a seat belt even if she sat in the back.

"There's a lorry in front of us that suddenly broke down_ We almost rear-ended."

the driver explained

. "The van is broken?"

The bodyguard sitting in the co-pilot froze for a moment, and his expression changed, "-...someone was following us just now, and now the truck in front of us is broken down again. Where are there so many coincidences, miss, get off the bus!"

However, the bodyguard's words were still a step too late.

This is an intersection, and in the other direction of the intersection, there is another big truck coming. The big truck saw the intersection, not only did not slow down, but even accelerated.

At this moment, Qin Yaqian's mind flashed countless classic vendetta scenes in movies, blocking the way with a blank car, and then driving another car to hit her. Under the attack of two large trucks, no matter what luxury car has to become meat pie.

"The car I was following just now forced me to come to the trouble zone."

"'Knows me well. Knows what choices I'll make at that point.'

'And I had to know my detailed driving route to make these preparations in advance

_ "'Not to kidnap me but to kill me, it's definitely not what a competitor did to kill me and it doesn't work for them.'

'It can only be family. ’

At that moment, the faces of her two older brothers flashed in Qin Yaqian's mind. Who of them?. Or did they do it together?

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