I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 115:

Gan, heaven, kun, earth, extreme, meaning 'strengthening energy can reach far away places in all directions'. It comes from "Between Heaven and Earth, Kyushu Pole" in "Huainanzi"!

Everyone thought, if this old man showed great power in ancient times, he could really destroy the dynasty with one person's power.

Chapter 18 The protagonist appears, the climax is coming

After many people's brainstorming and speculation, although L still has doubts, the general Taijia still believes in the identity of the old man, and at the same time has come to a conclusion on this matter.

Most of the time, people just want a result. In fact, when these people saw the strength that the old man showed far beyond human beings, they already had confidence in his words, and now they are just looking for someone Reasons and excuses to make your trust appear more scientifically based.

"Chief, can I get in touch with this old man?"

Just when the entire conference room became quiet, someone suddenly and cautiously said a word, and immediately everyone turned to look at the leading general.

Rather than continue to guess at random here, of course, it is better to get in touch with the old man more closely: it would be better, maybe they can explore more mysticism secrets, not necessarily

The general shook his head and sighed, "...Our Ambassador He tried to get in touch with him, but the old man said that the servants of the evil gods are raging now. What is there to say after he destroys these monsters. For such a person We don't dare to force anything, and it's Japan again, and our people can't act casually."

".Our military is studying how to contact this old man. This is tantamount to the third type of contact."

"It is reasonable to say that the Ming Dynasty entered and even these people beyond common sense. Our government also doubts whether they have the concept of a country and national boundaries."

Everyone nodded secretly when they heard the general's words. It seems that the government was not confused by the benefits that can be seen on the bright side. With this - the individual is almost comparable - = only the army's superhuman contact , that is really the same as contact with aliens, you must be careful.

Especially what the general said was right. The territory of modern China was decided under a series of humiliating history in modern times and after agreements with various countries. In this case, these extraordinary people who do not return to ordinary people will recognize the government of ordinary people? Will they recognize this Territory? Even in the eyes of others, there may be no concept of country, but the strength of the other side. You really don't need to care about the government.

This is equivalent to beheading the officials of this dynasty with the sword of the previous dynasty. Even in Taiyi, government departments], there is no reason or excuse to contact people.

"As for what the old man said. Do you have any ideas, such as the meaning of his return this ten-day."

The general asked again.

Gui Bin's heart moved at this time, and he blurted out, "-_In some wild history in China, or in strange people's tales, the stories of ghosts and ghosts have been recorded. Regardless of whether these records are true or not. But from Ruling's situation At least those spirits and monsters are very likely to exist, and many of the mythical beasts that have been handed down in modern times, even immortals, will eventually be close to the records of the ancient books."

"..Will these extraordinary people still have some traces of activities in the pre-Qin period? After that, the reason why they disappeared is because of the arrival of the era of the end of the Dharma that Buddhism said, and even...even we are guessing a little, It is very likely that when the end of the law came, it was the beginning of the feudal dynasty, when the first emperor burned books and slandered Confucian scholars, and the books he burned were related to the records of these extraordinary people."

"And these people with mysterious powers are here because they can't survive in the end of the law. We assume that there are extremely terrifying powers in this group of people, just like the ancient immortals, they may be Can it open up a new world or go to another planet?

"Now it's because the era of lawlessness is coming to an end. These people with extraordinary powers will spring up like mushrooms after a rain, and from the words of the old man, we can also see that these extraordinary people are not monolithic, and there are differences within them. camp, otherwise he will not call Cthulhu the evil **** and oppose him."

After the general heard Gui Bin speak, he didn't say anything. Instead, he praised, "Young people are imaginative. It is a possibility. The power displayed by these people is difficult to explain in detail with science. It is not necessarily impossible for them to use their bodies to travel the universe and the stars. Explaining the mystery is inherently poisonous."

After Gui Bin finished speaking, he was apprehensive (agba). Fortunately, the general as the leader did not say anything, but praised his guess.

But General, is it really good for you to admit that occultism is really good. Are we not materialistic!

Although these words are just guesses without any evidence, science is about seeking truth from facts. Without more evidence to prove it, everyone can only use guesses.

"Since according to what you said, the Qin Dynasty entered the era of lawlessness, it is only recently that the era of lawlessness has come to an end, but the old man was from the Ming Dynasty, so it should have been the era of lawlessness at that time."

Someone refuted Gui Bin.

"Every era has some very lucky people. Maybe this old man was lucky in the era he lived in and found something from the pre-Qin period: the treasures left over, let him also have it. Become an extraordinary person Maybe.

Gui Bin said without even thinking about it. At the same time secretly contempt, you old guys just don't know how to follow trends. Read more online novels now.. Immediately you will know what the protagonist's fate is. What is it called. 'Resurrection of spiritual energy'.

Thinking of the recovery of spiritual energy, he thought of "Journey to the West"... No, Gui Bin thought that it would be great if it were true. Doesn't this mean that he also has the opportunity to become an extraordinary person!

I just don't know if I can still cultivate immortals when I'm old. ’

He said yes-


"It is meaningless to speculate indiscriminately. Government departments will visit famous mountains and rivers, and try to go to some sheltered caves. See if there are any Taoist temples and Buddhist temples left there. Maybe you can find the earth of extraordinary people living in seclusion."

The general ended the topic in a timely manner, and looked at the Taoist Association and the Buddhist Association at the same time.

These people are all ordinary people, and the government departments have already tried them out, but I think it’s true that these people who are involved in the secular world still seem to be cultivating Taoism and Buddhism.

The people of the Liangtai Association have repeatedly promised to cooperate with the government departments to find the possible locations of secluded immortals from various classics.

Louis didn't know what happened in China, but he thought about it with his toes. Now governments around the world are probably talking about his situation at a conference.

At the airport, I chatted with the Ambassador He for a few words, and after saying everything he should say and what he shouldn't say—without saying a word, Louis just ignored those people and left the airport directly. It seems to be slow and fast to go to the core area of ​​Tokyo

He walked down the street with his hands on his back. The atmosphere of the quiet thief was in stark contrast to the noisy atmosphere around, and the contradiction was striking.

And Louis made several gestures with his hand in his sleeve. The lip fish didn't move, but chanted the spell to activate the spell.

The protagonist himself has appeared. Then start the next spell. Let the climax come L

Chapter 19 The Cross-Universal Belief Experiment

"Legendary Spell, I Legendary Undead Transformation" One by one"

Louis, who was approaching the core area of ​​Tokyo with his hands on his back. Squinting slightly, he launched a spell again.

"There's only one spell left before this big drama can end. This way-: How do people doubt in the afterlife. They will also have to believe in the recovery of spiritual energy and the reappearance of mystery..."

"Science can't explain the mystery, or the current science of the earth can't explain the mystery. In order to get the knowledge and intelligence related to the mystery that has been renamed. Governments of various countries: They will treat us like guests, and I can easily get what I want. All the resources you want. Well, yes, it's us. As an extraordinary person with a long history of inheritance. How can it be possible that only Chinese people appear."

Louie is not a wolf warrior. Not even a little pink, who is not interested in helping the country fight to the death. As a giant dragon who has obtained the "Hope of Conferred God...he will not let himself become a thug of the country. On the contrary, his goal is to be above the state institution.

He is a complete egoist, all for his own greater good - first.

Common sense, of course, it is impossible for this world to only have the culture of the Chinese people to give birth to these people with supernormal powers. Such as Japanese witches, onmyoji, witches, vampires, wizards, angels, demons, etc. in European and American cultures should all exist. Louis wasn't ready to let them go.

And the reason why he appeared as a Chinese this time is just because he had the identity of a Chinese in the past, so he sent the solution of the first extraordinary power incident to this country, as a repayment for the past self who was born in this country. The causality of the country.

The real master of mysterious power. There should be no concept of a country, and Louis just wants to leave such an impression on the world.

He is going to play supernatural beings of different forces around the world to solve different supernatural events, which is to give an impression to all countries in the world that these supernatural beings have their own groups, a social group, such a group of supernatural beings gathered together The power is enough to make all countries in the world dare not covet, so that they dare not break the pot and really fight against these extraordinary people.

Secondly, Louis is also doing a 'trans-crystal wall system belief experiment'. Otherwise, why would he need to be so tired to do things? Then he is solving events by himself, and he can control human beings. He can secretly control the heads of countries and rule the world in the simplest and easiest way.

But then he gets "kingdom" instead of "theocracy".

Therefore, what he needs to get divine authority is to "fall down the traces of the ancestors"


Tokyo Area U.S.-Japan Joint Operations Department-

Smith of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Oshima of the Scientific Special Investigation Team sat up and discussed the snowy Tokyo situation.

As for why it is called the special investigation team of materials science, it is only because Oshima thinks that the name of the department of Murray is too pretentious. In order to prevent himself from falling behind, he specially called to change the name of the department. I did not expect that there are not many Japanese government. Agreed after thinking.

‘Don’t you have Iron Man Hulk in S.H.I.E.L.D.? Our scientific special investigation team also serves Ultraman!,

Looking at Smith beside him, Oshima finally felt a lot more relaxed.

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