Chapter 260 The King and the Weak.

Iron Man French is also a little people’s livelihood outside, his own combat power is not bad, with extremely strong destruction and smart energy. This is also the most praised thing that Franky the Iron Man is on the outside.

The iron will made him confident, and between the flames, he once again blocked there like a copper wall.

“I won’t let you go on, I’ll use the strongest force to block you”

Franky the Iron Man speaks the most ridiculous dream in the world.

It was to block the white night, and even the top powerhouse on the sea did not dare to think that he could do this.

“You are better than I thought, it is better to come to my subordinates.”

Bai Ye’s question was completely useless, and the other party shook his head.

Franky the Iron Man raised his fist again, threw out the chain, connected the fist, and swung it bravely. The steel fist became an iron ball at the end of the chain, and it was not slow to flick around.

There were afterimages of fists in all directions, and the other party actually drove the attack speed to the extreme. With a swoosh, the huge fist was already in front of his eyes, probably less than a meter away from him.

Bai Ye stretched out a finger to block the blow, and then gently blew forward, the whole movement appeared very smooth and casual, after this breath, Franky felt the endless wind, he couldn’t even stand, and directly withdrew more than a dozen steps.

The iron man Frankie’s cold sweat is gone, and now he is absolutely panicked in his heart. When he wanted to move again, he felt that his body was completely difficult to move. Either they are shocked and panicked by powerful forces, or there is a problem with the body structure. Steel French is no opponent.

Frankie is not on it, and there are other masters next to him.

This time it was Usopp who appeared, and the other party was also not a powerful supreme powerhouse. It’s just that it’s very capable at the time of the attack.

He uses slingshot bullets, which are a lot of strange and infinitely strange things. Usopp’s attacks are weird, with a variety of stats and support effects.

Most of the bullets he uses are plant seeds, which can greatly restrict the other party and have various effects. For example, create smoke or turn into a terrifying giant plant, stretch out its tentacles and entangle the other person.

In Usopp’s opinion, these attacks are very effective, and the tentacles that appear can trap each other almost everywhere.

“I’m also a warrior here, and I won’t let you go on, especially if I want to protect the weak people on board.”

Seeing the other party’s insistence, Bai Ye actually felt ridiculous.

Usopp is relatively weak in this team…

“Usopp, you are almost the weakest in this group, I will give you a chance to show it here, but you only have one minute, you can also escape immediately, you will definitely not die.”

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he threw a punch at the sea. In the blink of an eye, the sea exploded, and the waves of water were fierce.

Usopp was intimidated by the current man.

This man called White Night, every time he takes one more step towards himself, it is already scary, and maybe the next contact will be a death blow

“Don’t come here, I have other weapons if you come again, I have something here that can kill you directly.”

The other party became more and more panicked, this look was very scared, he even held a slingshot and kept drawing, but did not dare to move.

“I said, you are already 0.3 is very weak, you should have the courage to escape. Or fall down. ”

Bai Ye glanced at him, and his body exploded.

The unlucky Usopp was indeed shocked by the power of the overlord and fell directly to the ground. The other party fell to the ground in panic.

However, when he fell, a strong man who could be regarded as the number one finally rushed over.

As Usopp fell, Jinpei suddenly arrived and used his powerful fishman karate.

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