I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 80 Is my friend in good health?


In the chat group, there are several women chatting again.

Most of the unread messages accumulated in the past two days are these.

Li Ye read it expressionlessly.

Then, he regained his mind.

The whole process takes very little time.

Even all the online group members didn't realize that he had just come online.

Outside, the sun was shining brightly.

However, Li Ye did not run out to bask in the sun.

Just because the light from the three suns in the pendant has far satisfied the body's current demand for stellar energy.

He could feel himself becoming stronger and stronger every minute...

Perhaps it won't be long before the energy of these three stars will become insufficient.

But even at this time, Li Ye would only put in a few more suns.

Or, just try to build a neutron star!

The little bit of reinforcement from being outside in the sun seems so trivial in comparison.

There is no longer a need for this.

So since there is no "cultivation" time...

The rest is naturally entertainment time!

So immediately, he took out the gaming equipment.

And the games Li Ye is playing now are naturally not online or online games.

Those people on the Internet are too "bad" and not worthy of being opponents.

With his reaction speed far beyond that of ordinary people, there is no gaming experience at all.

It will even be directly regarded as a plug-in and blocked by mistake, 100% of the time.

Although he can completely abandon this influence and directly ask the game for an account privilege or something.

In this case, the game will not become obsolete...

On the contrary, it will be because of Li Ye's huge popularity among the outside world that this game will become popular all over the world.

However, this is not necessary at all.

Maybe I'm tired of reality...

Therefore, he prefers challenging games to "cutting grass" games.

Several of the stand-alone machines he currently has are customized by specialized personnel.

The required reaction speed and level of difficulty are astonishingly high!

In the eyes of ordinary people…

It's the kind where the character dies instantly as soon as you click the start of the game.

There was no time to react at all.

But in Li Ye's opinion, it is still not difficult at all.

However, it can still be considered somewhat interesting.

at this time…

All I could see was that his eyes were wandering, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

But the hands operating the game controller have turned into afterimages that cannot be seen clearly.

As for the game screen that keeps flashing on the high-definition large screen, it is even more dazzling.

The cooling fan is still blowing!

However, it is obviously still unable to compete with the heat brought by this ultra-high frequency image.

Soon, a plume of black smoke came out of the screen body.

But it crashed directly...

Seeing this, Li Ye also stopped what he was doing.

He was not very surprised by this.

After all, this is an extremely normal thing.

If the game controller were not protected by a biological force field, it would have been scrapped long ago.

Well, I just forgot to protect the screen with a bio-force field.

Li Ye was not angry either.

He calmly set up his gaming device, linking it to another screen.

At the same time, a thought came to mind:

Maybe I should manifest a virtual gaming device?

at the same time.

In the chat group, new messages are constantly popping up.

The atmosphere was extremely lively.

This is because a previous "promise" is about to be fulfilled:

[Fei Yingli: Everyone, I have no work today, so I just want to prove my cooking skills to you. 】

[Fei Yingli: I’ve bought the groceries and let’s start cooking! 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Looking forward to it! 】

[Mai Sakurajima: That’s great. I haven’t eaten yet at noon. 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Well...seeing that Eri is so confident, I'm actually a little worried. 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: This may be because of the influence of Siya...]

[Xia: Soon, Teacher Jing, you will find that you were not wrong! 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: This is even more worrying! 】

[Fei Yingli: Don’t worry, I won’t poison you! 】

[Fei Yingli: And Siya, if you continue to slander me like this, I will blow your head off when we have a chance to meet. 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Sister Thea is just joking, how bad can the food be? 】

[Mai Sakurajima: That’s right, just do it quickly. 】

[Liu Peiqiang: Madam, don’t forget to prepare one for me. 】

[Tony Stark: Ahem, I can try too. 】

[Yamiyue: +1]

[Fei Yingli: Don’t worry, it’s all available, and it’ll be quick! 】

Conan World.

Mihua City, in a high-end apartment building.

"I'm back!"

When Xiaolan walked into the house, she shouted directly.

Compared with the clothes that were originally washed and turned white...

The few pieces of clothing she currently wears appear to be extremely brand new.

Like brand new.

Well, it was actually Fei Yingli who took Xiaolan to buy it the day before yesterday.

But after subconsciously shouting, Xiaolan didn't see the figure she imagined in the living room.

"Mom...didn't you say you wouldn't go out today?"

After she was slightly confused, she vaguely heard a voice that frightened her heart.

"The sound of cooking?"

Xiaolan's face turned pale subconsciously, and then she walked to the kitchen in disbelief.


Fei Yingli, dressed as a cook, was seen cooking vegetables, with a table of "meals" placed next to her.

It's like having a banquet!

The first time I saw this scene...

Xiaolan immediately thought about running away and leaving her hometown.

Fortunately, Fei Yingli's words "sustained" her: "Xiaolan, don't eat secretly..."

"I prepared this for my friends!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, she began to worry: "That..."

"Mom, are your friends physically strong?"

Although Fei Yingli was not sure why her daughter asked this, she still responded truthfully: "Of course..."

"No average athlete can compare to them."

"That's good." Xiaolan was relieved.

However, she still had a doubt in her mind, which she did not ask:

Who could a group of friends be in better shape than athletes?

Where did mom make friends with her?


The scene returns to S city.

in the living room.

Li Ye was seen calmly operating the character and quickly cleared the last level of the game.

And this means that the game has lost its value.

Just because he played it a second time with his super memory, he couldn't find any fun.

Then, just when Li Ye was about to choose the next game...

The notification tone of the chat group rang.

【Ding! Some people gave out a physical red envelope. 】

【Ding! Someone @ed you. 】

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