I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 44 Editorial Group Announcement

[Group message notification: Administrator Li Ye sent a group points red envelope. 】

[Nefertari Weiwei: Master Li Ye sent a red envelope! 】

[Fei Yingli: It seems that there is no designated member. Can everyone receive it? 】

[{Administrator} Li Ye: Yes. 】

[Thea: If that’s the case, don’t be slow, everyone, hurry up and grab it! 】

[Thea: Wow, so big! Grab the red envelope and get 70,000 points, you are so awesome! 】

[Thea: Please tell me the amount. Is it me who got the most? 】

[Nefertari Weiwei: 160,000 points, thank you Lord Li Ye. 】

[Fei Yingli: 130,000 points, thank you for the gift. 】

[Tony Stark: 140,000 points. 】

[Ye Shenyue: 110,000...]

[Thea:? ? ? 】

[Mai Sakurajima: I think I got 180,000 points. Thank you very much to the administrator for the red envelope. 】

[Mai Sakurajima: That’s it. What’s the use of the points? What's going on with this chat box in your head? 】

[Mai Sakurajima: By the way, can you see me talking? 】

[{Administrator} Li Ye: This is a chat platform that spans many dimensions, and the group members are all people from different worlds. 】

[{Administrator} Li Ye: As for these points, they can be directly used to strengthen one's own physical fitness, treat injuries and other purposes. You will know after trying it. 】

After responding to these two sentences, Li Ye started to wait.


【Ding! Group member Liu Peiqiang received your red envelope. 】

【Ding! Group member Shizuka Hiratsuka received your red envelope. 】

【Ding! Group member Lelouch Lamperuki received your red envelope. 】

After all the last places in the red envelope were claimed by three newcomers.

same time…

A large wave of emotional values ​​are coming one after another!

In this moment, Li Ye received the fourth and fifth feedback from the divine stone one after another.

Even the sixth feedback seems not far away!

As for the source of emotional value?

The answer to this question is self-evident.

Maybe it’s because of the excitement of receiving a large bonus point bonus, or maybe it’s due to the shock of a few newcomers to the chat group…

But in short, it comes from the emotions of the group members, that’s right.

As for the amount of emotional value that the fantasy stone can collect, compared to the awakened ones...

The "income" of these group members is obviously much higher.

The emotional value is almost as if it has increased by a million times!

So instead of doing things in reality to speed up the collection of emotional values...

Not as good as Duo Shui Group?

This joking conclusion made Li Ye feel slightly depressed.

But this is true.

So the next question is how to quickly obtain the emotional value in the group...

To be precise, how to make group members have emotional fluctuations due to themselves?

Give out red envelopes like before?


Although there are thousands of awakening stones on Blue Star, it is almost equivalent to Li Ye having hundreds of millions of points now.

In other words, you can send out such red envelopes almost hundreds of times.

But the Awakening Stone is one of the keys to the emergence of the Awakened.

He also hopes that after the Fantasy Divine Stone is promoted, a group of stronger awakened ones will appear!

If everything is recycled, then what else is there to play with?

What's more, after the same behavior occurs multiple times...

The degree of stimulation to the emotional threshold will be greatly reduced.

With Li Ye's temperament, he would naturally not do such a "stupid" thing.

So this idea never appeared in his mind.

After confirming that those emotional values ​​really came from the members of the group...

Li Ye did intend to pay more attention to the situation in the group, but he had no intention of doing so deliberately.

Just let everything take its course, but he is not in a hurry.

There is plenty of time.

Of course.

Li Ye will not miss out on some emotional values ​​that can be easily obtained.

For example, part of the wave of emotions just now came from the newcomers’ shock at the situation in the chat group...

Just because of his previous explanation, he successfully allowed the sacred stone to collect relevant emotional values.

At this point, he thought it could be a reference.

However, I didn’t want to become the “newcomer guidance mentor” in the group because of this.

That's too much trouble.

Instead, a simpler and more convenient way should be adopted to obtain this emotional value.

In this regard, Li Ye also thought of a way.

Then, he directly edited the content of the "Group Announcement":

[Instructions for joining the group: This is a chat platform that spans many dimensions, and the group members are all from different worlds! 】

[Here you may be able to gain many friends, partners, and even enemies from other worlds. 】

[You can question or disbelieve, but don’t ask questions like a fool...]

[Observe silently, time will give the answer. 】

[——From the editor of {Administrator} Li Ye. 】

Looking at the finally generated group announcement, Li Ye thought it was very good.

What satisfied him most was that the identity of the editor was finally indicated.


It not only provides a long-term channel for collecting emotional values, but also barely fulfills the administrator's obligations.

It’s like killing two birds with one stone!

Immediately afterwards, Li Ye began to pay attention to the situation in the group.

Maybe it's because I just experienced the strengthening effect of points personally, so I have a certain amount of trust in this chat group.

So this time, the newcomers didn’t question it much.

So at this time…

Xiya in the group has already started promoting her business to the newcomers.

In her opinion, this time is a big deal.

And because of the boss's generosity just now, everyone has a lot of points in their hands.

Of course you can’t miss it!

However, there is still a certain degree of difficulty in such a business...

[Mai Sakurajima: It’s unlikely that it’s a work that records our future destiny, isn’t it? 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: According to Miss Siya, are we just fictional characters created by an author? 】

[Thea: No, no, no, of course not! But I don't understand the cause and effect relationship. 】

[Thea: Anyway, you just need to think of me as a businessman selling "future information"! 】

[Liu Peiqiang: So, if you buy this, what do you need to pay? integral? 】

[Thea: Yes, you know the future and I gain points. 】

[Lelouch Lampeluki: The magical effect of points can be easily verified. But there are obviously doubts about this woman's words. 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: That’s right, maybe we should ask other elderly people in the group for advice? 】

[Mai Sakurajima: I agree. 】

[Nefertari Vivi: This, I can prove that Sister Thea did not lie! 】

[Lelouch Lamperuki:...]

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Are you her sister? 】

[Liu Peiqiang: Testimonies between relatives are not very reliable. 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Hey, this...]

[Mai Sakurajima: Well, I think I can ask the administrator just now? 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Indeed! 】

Thanks to [book friend 20220308085154497] for the 500 points reward

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