I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 11 Chat Group Points (2/2)

Chapter 11 Chat Group Points (22)


Because pure words can easily be misunderstood.

Li Ye's complimentary comment was directly misunderstood as being dissatisfied with the Witch of Destiny's behavior of collecting two rewards.

So the "Desert Princess" in the group enthusiastically helped to explain.

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: According to the witch sister, divination poetry is an intuitive expression of the obscure destiny. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: In order to perfectly interpret the meaning of the divination poem, the fortune teller must always maintain a state of spying on destiny...]

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: This is the original saying at that time. Do you not understand it very well? 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Hey, actually me too. 】

[The Awakened One: No, I understand. It means that interpreting divination poems is also a very laborious task for diviners. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Well...although it feels a little different, that's basically what it means. 】

[Supreme Awakener: Yes, but since interpreting poems also requires payment, why not just charge them together? 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: This estimate is to allow the parties concerned to analyze the meaning of the divination poem based on their own situation. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: In this way, the fortune teller can save time and energy, and the client can also choose to pay less. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: The reason why we don’t charge them together directly is probably like this. 】

[The playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer:...]

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Hey, does Mr. Arms Dealer have different ideas? 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: No, I think you make a great point, please continue. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Hey, thank you. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Generally speaking, it is not necessary to let the witch sister help interpret the divination poems. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Of course, this is just my personal conjecture, please don’t take it seriously. 】

[Supreme Awakener: Since we can’t take it seriously, then let her speak for herself. 】

[Supreme Awakener: By the way, let’s see if your divination method can also spy on my destiny, @the omniscient witch of destiny. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: This is definitely no problem. 】

[Supreme Awakener: You are quite confident, but don’t talk too much. Maybe even she herself doesn’t have this confidence? 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: There is no need to doubt this, after all, the witch sister’s group nickname is omniscient! 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Also, the currency circulating in the group is not money such as treasures, but group points. 】

[The Awakened One: Points? 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: This point comes from the chat group and has magical effects that can strengthen oneself, extend life, heal injuries, etc. It can be said to be a relatively versatile thing! 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: But at present, we only know that points can be obtained through the check-in function. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: You can also collect a lot of points by recycling some special resources unique to the world from the chat group. 】

[Supreme Awakener: A special resource unique to the world? 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Actually, I’m not very sure. The world is alone and so on. It’s just a guess right now. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Because so far, I am the only one in the group who has gained a lot of points by recycling a Devil Fruit. 】

Devil Fruit?

He captured the point.

Then, Li Ye, who has a "super brain", just changed his mind...

He then dug out a work related to this from the countless information in his memory.

"One Piece"!

Also a work from the old times.

At the same time, Li Ye also found a character that matched the nickname "Princess of the Desert Kingdom".

The princess of Alabasta?

Nefertari Weiwei!

And the whole process of recalling only takes a moment.

But he did not choose to show it in the group.

[Supreme Awakener: So, what about the sign-in function in the group? 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: The Devil Fruit seems to be a special fruit found only in my world, that’s why I said that before... Well, you don’t seem to be interested in this. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: I originally wanted to give you a detailed introduction to the function of the Devil Fruit first... But that's okay, let me just talk about the sign-in function. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Actually, there’s nothing to introduce about this. You just need to enter the word “sign in” directly into the group and you’re done. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: It’s simple, just get the chat group points. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: However, the rewards obtained by signing in are naturally not very high, generally only in the range of 1 to 30 points. 】

[The Awakened One: Sign in. 】

【Ding! Group members who are powerful awakeners check in and receive a reward of 100 group points. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Wow... you actually got 100 points? ! 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: You are really outrageous. It is no longer normal. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: The maximum number of points that all of us signed in before was only 23 points... The lawyer mother-in-law who just joined the group like you today also received 3 points! 】

[The undefeated queen of the legal profession: Hahaha, lawyer mother-in-law? 】

[The undefeated queen of the legal profession: Although I did only get 3 points, is this malicious title of lawyer mother-in-law definitely referring to me specifically? 】

[Princess of Desert Kingdom: Uh... I don't mean any harm, right? Isn't this right? 】

[The undefeated queen of the legal profession: It’s definitely wrong. Don’t be misled by that guy who looks like a scumbag just by looking at his name! Say goodbye to mother-in-law, just call aunt. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: What about the lawyer aunt? 】

[The Undefeated Queen of Legal Affairs: Well... No, that’s not right either! In fact, calling me aunt is not very good. Sister, you should call me sister. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Ah, why do I feel that calling me aunt is more appropriate? Or maybe I can change it back to my original mother-in-law? 】

[The undefeated queen of the legal profession:...]

After checking in to the chat group.

Li Ye, who got 100 points, stopped paying attention to the news in the group for the time being.

Instead, spend the points directly at the first opportunity.

"Isn't it said that you can strengthen yourself? Then strengthen it..."

Just when such thoughts flashed through his mind, he heard the notification sound of the chat group.

【Ding! Are you sure you want to spend 100 group points to strengthen your physical fitness? 】


After the words fell, Li Ye's dark eyes moved.

Although he didn't notice any movement just now, he felt that his physique had been strengthened slightly.

It's like an extra drop of water in the ocean!

If it weren't for his amazing control over the physical body, Li Ye wouldn't even be able to detect it.

And this slight improvement, although it is far less than the change brought about by him staying under the sun for a millisecond.

But enough is enough.

This change was enough for Li Ye to confirm the authenticity of the chat group.

Dimensional chat group? !

He looked at the chat interface in his mind, and his calm heart began to waver.

"It may become a lot more interesting in the future."

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