That was entrusted to Inuyasha by the patriarch.

Is it really not necessary?

"Old man?"

Inuyasha murmured, then cheered up, and went in directly with him.

"wait for me!"

Kagome and Xiejian went together.

Dog general purpose.

Sesshomaru came here early to wait for Inuyasha.

He tried the upper enchantment.

He can't touch it at all.


"Go away!"

Sesshomaru slapped Er Gouzi away with a slap.

Yakumo Zi: 【So ruthless! 】

Tony: [This is an old tradition! 】

Hitting his younger brother is really cruel.

Qiu Zixi: 【By the way, do you want to take this broken tooth? 】

Sesshomaru: [No need, I'm going to find the weapon that really belongs to me. 】

After watching the plot, in fact, Sesshomaru has no obsession with Tie Sui Ya.

After all, this is simply a weapon that does not belong to him.

What's more, now his strength doesn't need Tie Sui Ya at all.

In the original book, the reason why he is obsessed with Tie Sui Ya is just because of approval.

Today, he doesn't feel that way at all.

So it's just a formality.

Read this.

Sesshomaru took Tie Sui Ya down.

With one blow, a burst of monster energy directly overturned the entire corpse in an instant.

"not bad."

This weapon looks really powerful.

Saying that, Sesshomaru threw the weapon in front of Inuyasha, then turned and left.

"Hey! What do you mean? Are you a charity?"

"Ha ha."

Sesshomaru ignored Inuyasha, glanced at the evil view beside him, and said coldly, "Let's go 々`."



Shouldn't he be breaking his teeth?

"Master Sesshomaru, wait for me!"

Xiejian saw that Sesshomaru was about to leave.

Seeing this, he quickly followed.

If it is lost at this time.

I am about to die.

【Ding! Sesshomaru successfully changed the plot, reward: 20,000 points. 】

Qiu Zixi: 【Isn't this too simple? 】

Tony: [Sour! 】

Uchiha Madara: [This TM is also okay? 】

White Beard: [20,000 points... Can I get 20,000 points just by going through the motions? 】

Liang Bing: [So that's how you get points! 】

Uncle Nine: [I probably understand that you can get points for just a small change, good guy, that's too simple. 】

Qiu Zixi: [Under normal circumstances, it would never be so simple...]

Just went through the motions, and then got so many points.

No matter how you look at it, something is wrong.

Qiu Zixi really couldn't imagine why she suddenly became like this.

Yakumo Zi: [Could it be because you didn't break your arm, and then you defeated Inuyasha with randomness, did that change? 】

Aizen: [No... I think it may be because the plot has been changed once. If it is changed like this, maybe more points will be obtained. 】

Qiu Zixi: 【According to what you said, if this is really the case, we still have to thank the mastermind behind the scenes? 】

If it wasn't for that guy's change.

Doesn't it mean that they don't have so many points to earn?

Aizen: [It's just a guess, after all, I found out the clues of the man behind the scenes before, and the chat skirt will give rewards, what do you think? 】

Qiu Zixi: [It seems to be the same... It can't be that the chat skirt realizes that if this person is not found out, he will bleed heavily, so it's like this? 】

Good guy.

Although this explanation is somewhat far-fetched.

But it cannot be said that there is no way to explain it.

Miyano Shiho: [What's next? Are you going to find that girl named Ling? 】

Sesshomaru: [Only stupid half-demons will be with humans, I will turn off the live broadcast first! 】

Qiu Zixi: [...]

I'm afraid I'm going to find that little girl named Ling.


Dian Zhongdian.

There was a burst of laughter in the chat skirt.

After closing the live broadcast, Sesshomaru knew what was going on even if he didn't watch it.

"Master Sesshomaru, where are we going now?"

Xiejian glanced at Sesshomaru and asked.

After coming out of General Inu's tomb, he felt that he couldn't understand Sesshomaru more and more.

Tieshaya, who had been looking for it all the time, used it for a while and then gave it to Inuyasha.

And he actually calls him Brother Inuyasha.

That's something I've never seen before.

After waiting for a long time, but Sesshomaru did not speak, Xie Jian cried.

Even though I'm used to it, this feeling is really uncomfortable.


"`~Your son is really interesting."

Sixteen nights made a joke.

It was over for the two of them.

I thought the two brothers would have a fight.

"It's interesting, it's quite arrogant, and I don't know who it is inherited from."

Isn't it still yours?

Shiliuye looked at Ling Yue advanced in surprise.

She can really talk nonsense with her eyes open.

Sesshomaru's character is obviously following Lingyue Xianji.

Bai Ye definitely doesn't have this personality.

"Speaking of which, when Bai Ye comes next time, he must look good!"

"Yeah, that's right, Death Ghost and Dragon Bone Spirit have also asked, and they have no news about Bai Ye."

While the two were talking.

A figure walked slowly into the hall, and after seeing the two people inside, he said slowly, "Long time no see."


"Well... I came to you this time because there is something I want to tell you... (OK)."

"I heard that your disciple has become a teacher, so you came out to play with us?"

"It's not this thing, it's something else."

Her disciple Kikyo has indeed graduated from the teacher.

She has taught Kikyo everything she can.

Before leaving, Bai Ye gave Cuizi some skills related to Qimen Dunjia.

In order to understand this, she spent countless hours on it, and finally managed to understand it. After that, she also taught Kikyo the art of retaining the face, and gave Kikyo some life-extending things to eat.

she is waiting.

When Bai Ye comes over, I hope he can help his disciple live forever.

"What's up?"

"Seimei is resurrected!"



Seeing that she didn't speak, Cuizi went on to say: "This matter must be reported to Master Bai Ye, and after this reincarnation, Qingming seems to be even stronger than before!".

Chapter 88 - Rewards for collaborators, a new world opens!

"He resurrected?"

"Who is Qingming?"

Izayoi hadn't joined when Seimei was eliminated.

Naturally, he didn't know about Seimei's existence.

"An onmyoji who was once killed by Master Bai Ye has great power, and this time he has been resurrected, even more powerful than before. I am afraid we are not opponents, so we can only find Master Bai Ye."

Cuizi briefly explained.

She had been to the place where Seimei was scourge before.

Then the remaining strong power even surpassed the remaining power of Heian Jing.

In other words, Seimei was not only resurrected this time, but also stronger than last time.

And not a little stronger.

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