"Okay, sweetheart, I promise you yes."

Belmode felt that it didn't matter if he agreed.

Anyway, I used to be a sophomore.

In the worst case, it will be fine to obey the law and obey the law in the future.

Moreover, she looked at Bai Ye very much like the silver bullet that penetrated the tissue.

Strength and brains are very good.

And the most important thing is that there is no problem with guts.

This kind of person seems to be doing great things.

"In that case, it's almost there."

Bai Ye touched his chin, all the people he found in this world have been completed.

For the rest of the people, Bai Ye hadn't made up his mind yet, so he simply didn't look for them.

After all, there are almost enough people now.

Belmode was infiltrated into the black organization, and Rumi Wakasa was brought out by Shiraoya to **** the Detective's behind-the-scenes point, and the three Maoyan sisters and Koizumi Hongko were behind the Phantom Thief's point.

It's almost all done.

In the end, you only need to find the three Maoyan sisters to reconfirm.



"Ha ha."

Belmode sneered, and then quietly watched Bai Ye leave.

This **** is not even willing to stay for a quarter of an hour.

Before, I never left my baby, but now I run really fast.


Cat's Eye Cafe.

There was also an uninvited guest in the closed coffee shop.

"I said, how did you get in?"

The doors are all closed, unless one enters from the room of the three of them.

See Bai Ye came again.

The three sisters felt helpless in their hearts.

It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

"Don't worry about this, I told you before, what do you think?"

Bai Ye didn't come here to talk to them.

As I told them before, Bai Ye confirmed with them and prepared to leave.

"Are you sure you won't interfere with our actions?"

If it is true what Bai Ye said, they can only agree.

Because in terms of strength, he was no match for Bai Ye at all.

And Bai Ye just wanted them to make troubles and steal things.

As for the rest, don't care what they do at all.

Therefore, there is actually no big difference from their previous state.

If it is true, it is as Bai Ye said.

Then agreeing to Bai Ye seems to be the only way out.


"Okay, we agree too."

Laishenglei nodded, and directly said what was discussed before.

Since Bai Ye agreed, they would naturally agree.

【Ding! Select a collaborator to complete, this reward: the ability to be good at will be randomly increased by one level, physical fitness level +1 (can be shared with collaborators), additional rewards for the host: 30,000 behind-the-scenes mafia points, collaborator contract. 】

【Ding! Your immunity to debuff effects is increased by one level, and a new effect is obtained: 50% of the effects are reflected back to the user. 】

Not only is it immune, but it can also bounce back 50% of this debuff?

Bai Ye thought that this random boost was not bad.

After sharing it with several others.

The three Maoyan sisters improved their thieves skills, Belmode improved their fighting gun skills, Rumi Wakasa improved their reasoning ability, and Koizumi Hongzi improved his red magic power.

0····Ask for flowers···0

It can be regarded as fulfilling the promise Bai Ye made to them before.

It will make them stronger than before.

"I feel that my body is much stronger than before..."

Laishengai punched the iron plate with a fist, and a shallow fist mark appeared on it.

She was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect that I could leave a mark on it, and I didn't feel any pain.

"You did it?"

Excluding all the impossible, there is only one possibility right now.

Laisheng stared at Bai Ye with tears.

Only Bai Ye can do this, right?

"It's a gift for you."

Bai Ye shrugged and said something perfunctorily.

Now he is looking at the ability of the collaborator contract.


There is also some emotion in my heart, I didn't expect this ability to come at this time.

[Partner contract]: After the contract, the host will be able to share all the abilities of the partner, and get a 10% increase in all aspects; the partner will get a 5% increase in all aspects, and cannot betray during the cooperation period. The host can unilaterally tear up the cooperation, and The name and information of the host cannot be disclosed at will, and members in the same world will feel it.

This is like the seal of the root of Danzo's tongue disaster.

It can make people unable to say things about themselves, and this is even more ruthless.

There is no betrayal in the contract, but Bai Ye can unilaterally tear up the cooperation, a proper black-hearted capitalist.

And the contractor can use all the abilities of the contractor, and then there is an increase in combat power.

It looks pretty good.

Find a chance to go to Hokage, Pirates, Inuyasha, and those worlds to contract all the pits that were buried before.

before this......

Bai Ye turned to look at the three sisters, and then slowly said: "I have a good thing for you."


An ominous premonition appeared in the hearts of the three sisters.

A blue bird mark appeared on the three of them.

"All right."

The three marks are done.

Bai Ye went to look for Belmode, who was about to get up and leave at this moment.

He was hugged by Bai Ye before he left, and then imprinted a contract mark on his body.

Wakasa stays in the United States, and Koizumi Hongzi and the two finish it.

Bai Ye bid farewell to this world.

There are still things he hasn't dealt with! talent.

Chapter 80 - Chat Skirt Project, Catch the Insider Crocodile!

"Well, this guy is really not a normal person."

Rumi Wakasa always feels as if she has a connection with other people.

Before Bai Ye left, he also talked to them.

And a few companions.

As long as you see the mark of the blue bird and feel it.

That's who they are.

But it's amazing to say the least.

Just like radar.

Although I can't accurately grasp the position of other people.

But it is indeed possible to sense some weakly.

able to use this method.

After thinking about it, he is indeed not an ordinary person.

After packing her bags, she was ready to go to Sakura.

It's time to fulfill the promise to Bai Ye and go find his old enemy!


"Master Bai Ye's magic is so strong!"

Koizumi Hongzi touched the blue bird imprint on the back of her left "Zero Three Zero" hand.

Others may not know it, but Koizumi Hongzi, who has magical powers, knows it very well in her heart.

There is a residual magic power on it.

Even with such residual magic power, it is higher than her magic power.

"I must complete the mission Master Bai Ye gave me, and become the strongest female magician in the world!"

Koizumi Hongzi held her face, a blush flashed across her face.

When she thought that she could become the strongest female magician in the world, she felt extremely excited.

What's more, he wanted to prove his strength to Bai Ye.


"I haven't found any changes, and I haven't had anything special here recently. Could it be that guy left after seeing nothing good in this world?"

These days, Miyano Shiho and Miyano Akemi have changed places to live.

After all, this is where they lived when they were two children.

Maybe it will arouse Gin's suspicion.

Before leaving, clean up everything here.

Choose a moderate place to live.

The two of them are now temporarily separated from the organization.

Miyano Shiho: [I didn't find it. I searched before, and my world seems to be as normal as before. Could it be that he actually found nothing changed here, so he left? 】

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