And just after the big horse monkey suddenly raised his head

Seeing that Shi Qiang also happened to look at him, he also had a meaningful smile.

Shi Qiang raised his eyebrows and said

“Dude, it seems that you have the same idea?”

The big horse monkey nodded and said

“Could it be that Brother Qiang, you also have an idea? It won’t be…”

Shi Qiang spat out a word:


The big horse monkey nodded

At this time, the two have determined that their ideas are similar, both to use nanomaterials.

The horse monkey couldn’t help but admire Shi Qiang again, but he asked himself a few words about nanomaterials, and he could think of applying it here.

But I kept looking at my information card before I suddenly thought of it.

Shi Qiang said easily

“Since nanomaterials are your research project, then this method is up to you to talk about in the meeting.”

The big horse monkey nodded, and did not shirk.

So he raised his hand directly to indicate that he wanted to speak.


Netizens in the live broadcast room saw this scene and couldn’t believe it:

“Lying groove, the big horse monkey can still come up with a way?”

“Hehe, I bet the horse monkey’s suggestion will definitely pass too.” After all, none of the expert advice at the meeting worked. ”

“These bigwigs in our live broadcast room all said that they didn’t know much about some of the weapons in the meeting, such as ball lightning weapons. The big guy in the live broadcast room can’t make suggestions on this matter, so the big horse monkey is estimated to be a lively one. ”

But then the performance of the horse monkey,

But it stunned all netizens.

I saw that after the big horse monkey stood up, he said very seriously:

“The nanomaterial called ‘flying blade’ I studied is only one-tenth the thickness of a human hair, but it is very hard!”

“We can erect two pillars on both sides of the canal through which the ‘Day of Judgment’ passes, and then pull these ‘flying blades’ parallel between the pillars!.”

During the meeting, the experts and officers who were still discussing their plans in whispers all stopped, and everyone was stunned.

For a while, the conference room, which had never been quiet, fell into silence.

Because there are no fools in the conference room

They are all able to understand what the monkey means and anticipate the consequences.


The netizens in the live broadcast room were a little puzzled:

“Looking at the reaction of these people in the conference room, the opinion raised by the big horse monkey is really useful?!”

“Lying groove, the big horse monkey is rising?”

“Only, what does the big horse monkey mean? Why am I a little incomprehensible? The big horse monkey secretly made up lessons? ”

Finally, there was an explanation from the big guy in the live broadcast room, and netizens understood:

“Institute of Materials of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: The fineness and hardness of the ‘flying blade’, when the ‘Judgment Day’ passes the ‘flying blade’, all the people on the ship, including people, can be cut by the ‘flying blade’ in an instant! Rather, the ship did not have a pause or abnormality, and would not be noticed. ”

“If there are many ‘flying blades’ pulled in parallel, then the ‘Judgment Day’ will become an existence one by one after passing through the ‘flying blades’!”

Seeing these explanations, netizens understood.

This is going to slice everything on Judgment Day!

And it’s still cut into multiple slices!

“Hey, that person is no exception?”

“Groove! It’s not a loss to you, big horse monkey, the name of the tiger bully is not buried! ”

“It’s ruthless, but I like it! This is how the enemy should be treated, and being soft on the enemy is a scourge to oneself. ”


At this time, the horse monkey continued:

“Oh, yes, according to the information you provided, and the amount of ‘flying blade’ material, the minimum distance between the brushed wires is fifty centimeters, otherwise the materials are not enough.”

Shi Qiang on the side spat out a cigarette, and then spoke:

“In that case, find a way to get the ship to pass by during the day.”

“Because at night the people on the ship will sleep, they are lying down, and the fifty centimeters of space is too big, and there will be a chance that some people will escape.”

And these words made the originally silent conference room instantly become a little heavier.

Until a voice broke the silence, a federal official:

“You’re such a devil!”


Shi Qiang turned his head sideways and said to the big horse monkey

“What about you, dude, say you’re the devil.”

The horse monkey pouted:

“It was your last words that made him feel like this.”

At the same time, he complained in his heart:

Mader, the one who said this is a Virgin, right?


Netizens in the live broadcast room also posted a barrage at this time:

Shi Qiang’s last addition did seem a little cruel, and there could not be survivors on board. However, isn’t the goal of eliminating everyone on the ship the original goal? ”

“This person is designated as a Virgin, the alien civilizations that stepped on the horse have all fought, Evans they have all betrayed the earth and are bent on destroying humanity, what is wrong with treating them like this? How is it the devil? I even think it’s too merciful! ”

“That is, if the conditions permit, we should first arrest them all and beat them hard!”


Although some people in the meeting said that this plan was simply the devil, no one opposed it, and all of them were passed!

Or rather, no one has the strength to oppose it! None of them could come up with another plan that met the requirements.

The big horse monkey is also in front of the scene changed, and the subtitles rolled out:

[Wang Miao: The plan was approved at the meeting! ] 】

[The code name of this operation – guzheng! ] 】

[The cutting net made of nanowires is called ‘Koto’! ] 】

[Soon, on the day of the execution of Operation Guzheng, I also came to the scene. 】

When I saw this,

The horse monkey and all netizens are fierce and tight

Full of excitement and nervousness.

Because they all understand that this will be the last operation to intercept the information of the three-body civilization!

The main story from the beginning of this game to the present is coming to an end!

All the previous efforts to obtain information about alien civilizations will also bear fruit!

Everything will come to fruition!

Even the original threat – the ghost countdown, the truth of the cosmic flicker, will be revealed!


Thanks to the ‘Night Sultry’ monthly pass, thank you for the support of the big guy

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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