However, even if it is caused by its own reasons, it is impossible for Penguin Horse to admit that it is its own problem.

Then he changed the topic directly and asked what everyone thought about the acquisition.

It wasn’t until a person came up with a number, voiced his reasons and opinions, and then had a discussion, that the meeting finalized and ended.



Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Early morning.

A breakfast place.

“Boss, a soup dumpling, a bowl of tofu brains to eat here,” he


“Then a pancake, a cup of soy milk to take away.”

Qin Feng said while scanning the collection code with his mobile phone and paying.

“Turn around, boss, look at that.”

This breakfast restaurant Qin Feng is a regular customer

The owner is also very relieved about it :

“Okay, let’s find a place to sit first.”

Soon, the soup dumplings and tofu brains came up, and Qin Feng enjoyed breakfast.

As soon as I ate a soup dumpling, I heard about two middle-aged women coming to buy breakfast

The portions they asked for were not small, and it seemed that they bought breakfast for their family.

After the two transferred the money, they waited for the boss to fill them with breakfast

A woman’s voice said with excitement and joy to the woman she was with

“Let me tell you, my son is literally coming out of the sun in the west these days!”

“My son is very addicted to the Internet, and he knows every day that he plays games on the Internet, his homework is a mess, and he doesn’t read any books. You know that, right? ”

Woman B said with curiosity in her voice

“Ah, I know this, what’s wrong?”

The excitement and joy that could not be hidden in the voice of the woman A:

“Just three days ago, he suddenly seemed to be a different person, uninstalled all his previous games, and then bought a lot of physics and mathematics teaching aids, as well as some astronomy books.”

“He said he was going to start math and physics from scratch!”

Qin Feng, who had just taken a sip of tofu brain, heard this, immediately put down the spoon in his hand, and then focused his attention on the woman.

Because listening to this plot, how does it look like it is in a novel?!

The male protagonist is reborn, to change the previous decadence, and then start to rise on the road?

But the next words directly made Qin Feng almost spew out the tofu brain he had just drunk.

Woman B’s tone was full of shock:

“Huh? Is there something wrong with your son’s brain? ”

“Why don’t you take it to the psychiatric department?”

Qin Feng: You are really good at chatting!

You can talk, you can talk more!

Obviously, woman A can be so familiar with woman B, and she must have long been accustomed to this chat brain circuit of woman B.

So it didn’t affect her excited mood in the slightest, but even answered this question:

“No it isn’t!”

“It’s my son, I came across a game three days ago, and since I came into contact with that game, he said that this is the real game, and the other ones are ah, rough and garbage.”

Then he said that in order to be able to play this game and not be an idiot in the game, he must enrich his knowledge of physics and astronomy, so he began to buy a lot of teaching aids and prepared to learn from scratch.”

“Now you can be serious! Being able to sit still and study until midnight is something I didn’t dare to think about before! ”

Woman A’s words made Woman B instantly excited:

“How can a game have such an effect?”

“What’s the name of the game?” I also download one for my son to go! My son also doesn’t like to study and only knows how to play all day. ”

Not only woman B, but also the people who lined up behind them to buy breakfast heard their conversation, and one by one they stretched their necks and asked what the name of the game was.

It looks like they’re all going to download it for his children.

Woman A frowned and thought:

“Well, like, as if it’s called something… Three, three and whatever. ”

“Three-body problem!” A young man who was sitting and eating looked up and said aloud.

“Alas, yes, yes, it’s called the three-body problem!” The woman nodded again and again and said.

The parents who asked for the name of the game instantly turned their attention to the young man.

Because from the current situation, asking this young man can ask more uh information.

“Boy, what kind of game is this?”

“Young man, there won’t be any problems with this game, right? For example, changing people’s minds and so on. How else could it be possible to change a person’s behavior in this way? People who don’t love learning have begun to love learning? ”

“Yes, if that’s the case, it’s better to let my child become addicted to other games, at least it can be corrected when he grows up, if it affects his thinking, then it’s over, and this becomes a walking dead manipulated by others.”

“Yes, if that’s the case, I have to report this game quickly, my child in the province accidentally came into contact with it, and it would be bad to inadvertently become the walking dead controlled by others.”

Saying that, the woman who was still excited and excited was no longer happy, but began to worry about her son.


Thank you to the two bigwigs of ‘September New Year, Unspeakable Demon God’ for their monthly passes.

Today’s data is so bad, don’t you like to read the content of this part?

Then the little author will directly speed up the entry and enter the game link!

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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