[You've been here before

...] [Level 6 - "lights out"...

] [Survival difficulty: to be graded

] [Security unknown]


[Undetected Physical Existence

] [...]

Level 6 is the 7th floor of the back room.

At present, we know very little about the actual structure of Level 6, because this level is shrouded in complete darkness.

There is no light in the entire level, and the light source brought into the level will not have any effect.

Navigation in Level 6 is achieved by groping for paths in the dark, a seemingly endless stream of narrow corridors made of smooth, cold materials like concrete.

In addition to the endless darkness, Level 6 is also eerily quiet, resembling a soundproof room.

Exploring Level 6 slowly leads to complete darkness, complete silence and complete isolation.

As a result, most people who spend more than a few minutes on Level 6 report feeling paranoia, fear, anxiety, and tension that is heightened by moments due to the unknown that may exist in the darkness around them.

Some people also report occasional auditory hallucinations, such as rubbing sounds, breathing sounds, or whispers.

Those who spent a long time in Level 6 recalled how they felt as if they were the only ones who couldn't see.

Basically, Level 6 is considered one of the most dangerous early hierarchies in the backroom.

However, the survey revealed that so far no entities have been found in this tier, and despite this, few seem to have been able to leave Level 6.

Level 6 is a very dangerous level in the backroom, and although it is very dangerous, many wanderers can pass through this level.

Fortunately, this is a holographic backroom, not a real backroom, so this level has been systematically weakened when it was made.

After entering this level, players in the holographic backroom will lose all vision, only a pitch black in their eyes, and there will be unknown attacks in the secret.

This is the quietest room in the backroom, so quiet that it feels depressing and painful.

After entering this level, players need to always pay attention to the status on the status bar, [Blind] and [Mentally Impaired are permanent states, in addition, they also need to be careful of entities that may appear at any time.

Fortunately, after the weakening of the system, this level has not created much threat to most players, otherwise, at least more than ninety percent of players will not be able to pass this level.

Luo Su and the others successfully entered Level 6, and now they only need to listen to the sound of the waves in the silence to cross Level 6 and find a stairwell where they can go down to Level 7.

After moving forward in the dark for half an hour, several people successfully found the elevator shaft....

【You've been here...】【

Level 7 - "Deep Sea Phobia"...

] [Survival Difficulty: Level 4

] [Unsafe] [Unstable

] [

Medium Entity]

In fact, there are only two entities that a wanderer can encounter at this level, namely 'Seven Layers of Things' and 'Small'.

Level 7 is an incredibly vast ocean that seems to stretch infinitely in all directions.

There is a lack of fixed light sources inside this level, and only the presence of general natural light provides dim lighting.

Because this level is extremely dangerous and requires a lot of preparation to successfully orient within it, it is difficult to carry out detailed exploration of this level.

Level 7 is still largely unexplored, but it theoretically consists of two rooms: the entrance room and the "room" that hosts the ocean, with its concrete ceiling suspended above the water.

The entrance room seems to be the easiest entry point within Level 7, just by walking down the stairwell within Level 6.

The entrance room is the most livable area in the entire level and is the first choice for those wanderers who dare to explore the deep sea.

The entrance room is fully furnished, with a bookcase leaning against the left wall, in which several books of unknown history are placed; In addition, there is a small coffee table, a chair, and a fluorescent chandelier.

The carpeted floor is covered with a shallow layer of water close to a puddle.

After entering the room by stairs from Level 6, directly opposite is the porch leading to the ocean.

Any wanderer attempting to cross Level 7 should be aware that the direction of gravity in the entrance room is not the same as the rest of the level.

The entrance room appears to be built sideways on the ceiling of Level 7, and when the door is opened, it will face the sea directly from top to bottom.

As soon as anything gets too close to the porch, its gravity direction is immediately and forcibly adjusted to the direction of the ocean area, and many unfortunate wanderers have mistakenly fallen out of the porch and into the sea "below".

The main part of Level 7 is the ocean outside the entrance room.

The door to the entrance room is fixed somewhere in the concrete ceiling, approximately 4.5 meters above the water.

Although the waters around the entrance are almost completely empty, some wanderers who have explored far enough on the surface of the water have discovered islands made of unknown rocks, which are equally desolate.

Most of the Sea Area of Level 7 has not been explored, but current exploration suggests that life in this level is almost completely absent.

For many years, most people were convinced that there was only one entity within Level 7, the monstrous seven-tier thing.

But on April 18, 2019, another entity residing within Level 7, known as Tiny, appeared.

Both of these entities are very ferocious and have strong physical abilities, resulting in the sea area being no longer inhabited by other creatures.

They also constitute the most significant threat within that tier.

These two entities have comparable speed, strength, and perception, and it is important for the Wanderer to use all means to stay away from them.

At present, Xiaoxiao has limited its range of activities to the daylight zone and the twilight zone, while the seven-layer creatures live in the shallow parts of the midnight zone and the abyss zone.

It's not clear how this situation came about, but the two seem to have come to an agreement not to hunt outside their own territory....

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