In addition to Entity 17 - "reptile" eggs, there are many eggs from common backchamber entities.

Hounds, death moths, acid blasters, skin stealers....

Almost all common backroom entities can be found in this cave.

The two turned on their flashlights and walked deeper into the hive.

The place is so large that you can't be sure where you're going every time you enter, so even after walking for a while, the two don't meet other players.

Here is like a physical incubation room, basically every half a meter, you can find several solid eggs, at a glance, dense.

"There doesn't seem to be much to explore here." Zhou Mei opened her mouth and said, "In addition to the physical eggs, there are only physical eggs, and we haven't even met an entity here..."

But before Zhou Mei's words fell, the two heard a clear cracking sound, as if something was shattering.

Hearing the sound, the two immediately stopped and looked at the source of the sound.

It was the egg of a hound.

Through the translucent eggshell, you can vaguely see the appearance of the hound, a humanoid creature curled up like a baby, with long black hair and slender claws.

What can be seen is that on the eggs of the hound, several cracks like broken mirrors are clearly visible.

Click... Click....

More cracking sounds sounded, and the eggshells around the two showed slight cracks.

Lu Weiwei was stunned, "Lying groove? Isn't it Zhou Mei, has your mouth been opened? What's the matter? "

At this moment, don't say that Lu Weiwei is confused, Zhou Mei is also confused, he just said so casually that he did not encounter entities, why did these entities hatch at this time?

Fortunately, the strength of these entities is not very high, if it was before, the two might still feel a headache, but with the strength of the two now, it is not a problem to deal with these entities.

"It looks like it's only these entities that can be solved." Zhou Mei took out her weapon and said, "Lu Weiwei, you are in charge of the front, and I am responsible for the back."

Who knows, Lu Weiwei just glanced at Zhou Mei, and then said with disdain, "The entity refresh here is basically endless, do you think you can kill it all?"

"Uh..." After

hearing Lu Weiwei's words, Zhou Mei was stunned for a moment.

Lu Weiwei hurriedly said, "What are you still stunned for!" Come on!

After that, Lu Weiwei ran towards the deeper part of the cave.

Seeing this, Zhou Mei also hurriedly chased after her.

At this moment, the sound of the eggshell shattering behind him became clearer and more frequent, and a large number of entities quickly hatched and crawled out of the eggshell under the intervention of unknown reasons.

Not only that, but the two also found that the egg shells in other areas of the cave also seemed to be infected at this moment, and they were all about to move, showing that they were about to hatch.

"What the hell is going on here?" Lu Weiwei wondered, "Why do the physical eggs start to hatch in the area we pass?" "

It's as if the two are catalysts, obviously those eggs are very calm and show no signs of hatching, but as long as the two pass by, those eggs will have a tendency to hatch.

And this trend is still spreading throughout the cave like a virus.

"It's over, Barbie Q..." At

the same time, in the official forum of the holographic backroom, a post from an unknown player was quickly hit by players.

{Trap! Everything is a trap! }

{Hidden Level - "Hive" is not a new sanctuary at all, nor is it a good place to brush the level! }

{Here she is!}{Here she is!} She was revived! }


A post tearfully describes how the player came into contact with the secret level - "Hive", and how he quickly rose to the secret level - "Hive" at the recommendation of his companion.

In everyone's opinion, the secret level - "hive" is a place to refresh a large number of low-level entities, and even many entities are in the egg, even an unarmed little Mengxin can easily kill these entities that are still in infancy.

From a certain point of view, the Hidden Level - "Hive" seems to be a good place to upgrade brush materials, so the major guilds will want to seize this secret level and use it as a resource point for their guilds.

This player also believed the words of those netizens on the Internet, teamed up with his friends to brush the secret level - "Hive", wanted to move bricks to earn some living expenses, at the beginning the situation was as they expected, these entities in the eggs are as powerless as babies, and they can easily solve those entities.

Until an entity named 'High Queen' appeared, allowing these players to successfully receive the box lunch, the entire team lost several thousand yuan.

Through this player's post, netizens understood that the secret level - "Hive" is not only the eggs of some common ordinary entities, but also many powerful entities.

In addition to the High Queen, many powerful entities also live here, but because of the large number of normally weak entities, and the Hidden Level - "Hive" is large enough, the first players to enter the Secret Level - "Hive" did not discover the danger of this level.

At this moment, Lu Weiwei and Zhou Mei were still running wildly in the hidden level - the "hive" cave, and the number and variety of entities behind them were increasing.

Faceless spirits, hens, hounds, corpse rats, parasitic lies, erroneous reptiles, limbs, ground monsters, acid blasters, reptiles, death moths, and entities they know or don't know are all chasing the two.

The only good thing is that these newly hatched entities do not become hostile entities in a short period of time and do not chase two people, but unfortunately, these newly hatched entities will become hostile entities after one to two minutes.

But this to two minutes is enough time for the two to escape.

"No, we can't run anymore." Lu Weiwei took out the quick-cut terminal and said, "We must leave this level, otherwise we will be caught up by the entity sooner or later." "

Although these entities are not strong, they will only increase in number, so as long as the two of them are still in the secret level - the "hive", then it is only a matter of time before these entities catch up.

Fortunately, this time the quick-cut terminal actually worked, and an escape route appeared on the quick-cut terminal, which shows that there is indeed a known entry point nearby.

It's just that after seeing the entry point above, Lu Weiwei frowned again, "It's actually Level 8 - "Cave System"? Does this cave actually have access to Level 8 - "Cave System"? We should have thought of the same cave, the same survival difficulty level 5, the hidden level - "Hive" should indeed be able to lead to Level 8 - "Cave System"..."

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