'You're right, I'm not coming! Ezio...the last time I saw you, you kissed me in an alley...and left me to marry someone else! ’

'That's right, he loves you. ’

'Who cares if he loves me or not! ? I only loved you then, and you ran out of second chances... Please, Ezio, don't come to me again. ’

Looking at Christina who left, Ah Yin here is also full of emotion.

But before A Yin could finish his emotion, after assassinating Marco Barbarigo and returning to the nun's plot, he was completely silent.

'You must be exhausted, come and rest. ’

'Savior of Venice! ’

'My child, I feel your tired body needs to be comforted! ’

Inside the house, a group of girls surrounded Ezio.

And Ezio's hands began to be dishonest.

'I feel pain all over my body, Sister, I need a lot of reassurance. ’

‘Oh, no problem, girls! ’

Watching a group of girls holding Ezio into the room.

Ain didn't want to say anything anymore.

This old-fashioned personality has been deeply rooted to death!

I really can't wash it this time! people.

Chapter 365 Old thief, you are so ruthless!

Old color batch.

No, it should be a color batch.

After all, Ezio is not old now.

But although Ezio's performance is very romantic, he is not annoying to players.

On the contrary, I really like Ezio's true temperament.

Man, who isn't a sexist yet?

And except that Ezio is an old-fashioned character.

What attracts players more is the content of the game.

The wonderful scenery, as well as the atmosphere and humanistic shaping of the literary and artistic period are not to be mentioned.

Although it is not an open world, it is the gameplay of the small garden.

But "Assassin's Creed" is also quite a lot of content.

There are a lot of side quests in the game, and the later Ayu open world, a lot of them seem to be very rich, but in fact they are all helping the village head Li old man to buy food and fetching water for the village tail Song widow The plot is different.

The side quests in the early Assassin's Creed are still very telling.

Either guide players to understand the stories of important NPCs, or lead players to appreciate the characteristics of the humanistic background of the Renaissance.

In addition to these, there are also a large "six sixty" amount of content and details that players can experience.

For example, the large manor provided by Uncle Mario can use money to carry out some construction.

After upgrading the construction, it can bring huge returns.

But for most players, their favorite thing to do is throw coins.

Literally throwing money, the role of this setting in the game is to create chaos and attract guards, so that Ezio can perform better assassinations.

But what more players like to do is to throw money in front of couples or brothers.

Then watching them fight for a dollar or two, and finally they stole their money back, the feeling of whoring for nothing is so cool.

"Huh! Spend 30 yuan and earn 50 yuan directly!" A Yin couldn't help laughing like a bully when he saw the beat of the money numbers.

‘You said how hateful the monkeys are! ’

'Jie Hou'er has lost the face of the assassin! ’

'To be fair, the sages of the assassins in history wanted to see their backs like this, and they were guaranteed to climb out of the coffin to clear the door. ’

‘This is an assassin, this is more hated than the Templars! ’


Looking at the various barrages in the live broadcast room, A Yin was also a little embarrassed and coughed twice.

"Okay, okay, let's reveal it and continue to push the plot."

"Oh, I don't know what will happen to Ezio next. What's the use of the Apple of the Hallows of Eden."

A Yin walked towards the mission target with emotion.

Although Ezio smashed the Templars' plans for Venice, he disguised himself as a Templar and emptied their stronghold in Venice, repelling Rodrigo.

But Ezio and the others also discovered that this series of competitions for the governorship was just a pretense.

In order to divert the attention of the assassins so that they can achieve their real purpose, which is to obtain the Hallows of Eden called the Apple.

Their real purpose is to get an 'apple'.

At the same time, between the pursuit of the Templars and the recovery of the Shard of the Hallows of Eden.

Ezio also officially joined the Assassin Order.

And for this day, the Assassin Organization has actually been planning for ten years.

Paula, Mario, La Volpe, Antonio... All the people Ezio encountered along the way were assassins.

The purpose is to guide Ezio to become a member of the Assassin Brotherhood, and Ezio also officially describes the prophet who can open the door of the Chamber of Secrets in the Altaïr Codex.

'Yes nephew, we are all assassins, we have been guiding you for years, giving you the skills you need as an assassin, now is the time...'

'These are the languages ​​of our ancestors, the things that lie deep in our beliefs. ’

'【When others are blindly pursuing truth, you must remember that... all things are false; when others are bound by morality or law, you must remember... all things are allowed; we work with the darkness but serve the light , this is us: Assassin]'

From the top of the tower, I looked at the fellow Assassins surrounding Ezio.

A Yin was completely silent.

This way is too deep!

This is an assassin organization!

This is the Chuanxiao organization!

Ten years of planning, in order to pit myself.

You tell me these are all guides?

Just like Ezio in the game, A Yin looked bewildered.

But the only thing that makes me feel better is that Da Vinci, as a good friend, is not an assassin. Although he has a very close relationship with the assassin, he is obviously not a part of the assassin's guidance.

Next, on the top of the tower, everyone held an initiation ceremony for Ezio.

After Ezio successfully joined the Assassin Order, he looked at the Golden Apple seized from the Templars and conducted research with the help of Leonardo da Vinci.

Ezio was the key that unlocked the Shard of Eden, and when he put his hand on it, he accidentally activated it.

The Apple of Eden glows, projecting all kinds of strange holograms.

"Good guy! I thought it was history, then it was fantasy, and now it's science fiction again?"

A Yin in the game looked at this golden apple, isn't this thing a virtual projection!

Although I still haven't figured out what this thing is and what it does.

But one thing is certain, it cannot fall into the hands of the Templars.

So they're going to Forlì to find Katarina, an ally of the Assassin Brotherhood.

It can be stored effectively in the castle.

But it wasn't until Ezio arrived that Forlì was under attack, and the crowd helped Katarina defeat the enemy.

But Katarina's two children were also kidnapped.

And in this episode, the thing that makes players admire is that Katarina is a real tiger!

When the enemy threatened her two children, Katarina shouted that she was not a child, she still had the tools of production, and it was a big deal to regenerate......

Two words: sturdy!

However, Ezio still helped Katarina to rescue the child, but this was a conspiracy. When Ezio left the fort to rescue Katarina's child, the Templars stole the golden apple.

Fortunately, Ezio arrived in time to retrieve the apple, but he almost pierced his waist and fell to the ground because of his carelessness.

The apple was also picked up by a monk who was missing a finger.

Fortunately, Katarina's people arrived in time and sent Ezio back to Forlì to take care of him.

After being healed, Ezio began to search for the whereabouts of the golden apple, and learned that the person who stole the golden apple had appeared in Florence.

At this time, Florence was being controlled by Savonarola, preaching theocratic republic and burning everything about the Renaissance.

Here Ezio saw the misery of the Florentine people and decided to overthrow Savonarola and liberate Florence.

During this time, Savonarola fanned the Vanity Fire Movement by declaring that Renaissance art and utensils were evil and that the city and its people should return to the Middle Ages.

Numerous fanatics rushed into the homes of the rich, trying to kill them and burn everything about the Renaissance.

It also includes Christina's family. On the way, Ezio met Manfredo, who was dying, that is, Christina's husband. The dying man asked Ezio to rescue Christina, but waited until Ezio arrived. It was still a step behind.

‘Christina…hold on! I'll go get you a doctor...you'll be fine. ’

‘No… Ezio, I’m running out of time. ’

'Christina... wake up... don't leave me. ’

‘Ezio… don’t you know? My heart has never left you... I wish we... had a second chance. '1.5

With the desolate and mournful piano background music, A Yin in the game was stunned.

He never imagined such a scenario.

Christina, obviously already married to someone else.

A character who should have no interaction with Ezio.

Can this be taken out to force them to burst into tears?

Forcibly stab them in the heart?

Although I know that this is to shape the Ezio in the game, to bring a bigger impact.

But from the player's point of view, it's totally unacceptable!

"Old thief, you are so cruel!"

Looking at the sad Ezio, and Christina who was full of blood pouring into his arms, A Yin in the game finally couldn't help it.

It's so cruel to do this kind of thing.

Dead father, dead brother, dead brother is not enough.

The old lady here became mentally troubled because of the stimulation.

Then the first love broke up and married someone else because of his identity as an assassin, Youai couldn't say it, and when he met someone again, he clearly expressed that his feelings were gone.

But that's not enough, it has to be killed! .

Chapter 366 The so-called creed

For players, what kind of label does Chen Xu have?

Great game designer, industry changer?

Obviously these are not the most obvious labels.

The most memorable and most widely circulated label among players is the 'old thief'.

From the mind to the hands, a designer who can cause tragic damage.

They will never forget the pain of being tortured by various bosses in the borderland.

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