One in the morning, one at noon, and one at night.

Although each is a background video of tens of seconds of operators, and there is no big scene.

The main purpose is to introduce the player to the identity of the operator and its characteristics.

But it can't handle a lot of it!

fuze, ash, IQ, firefly, Dahu 1.5, heartbeat...

A series of characteristic operators have appeared one after another.

Sourced from well-known counter-strike teams around the world.

Each one makes players full of excitement and anticipation.

At the same time, it also confirmed the speculation of players after the promotional video was released.

That is the game "Rainbow Six: Siege", which is indeed different from ordinary FPS games.

The most direct selling point is the operators with different skills.

And it's not over yet, as players discuss Rainbow Six: Siege.

Another piece of news was posted on the official blogs of Chen Xu and Nebula Games.

That is "Rainbow Six: Siege", which will adopt the operation mode of free game body and paid skin.

As soon as the news came out, all players and even the game industry were completely stunned.

Chapter 301 I haven't had time to hack you yet! Rainbow Six is ​​coming soon

It can be said that before the rise of Nebula Games, the vast majority of games on the market adopted the model of free and in-app purchases.

Most of the games at that time were basically a routine: charging money equals getting stronger.

It can be said that a series of early games such as "Battlefield" of Nebula Games were in that year.

Not only relying on excellent quality to lay the world, but also because of its operating model.

But now, the game "Rainbow Six: Siege" is going to play free and in-app purchase mode?

It is not only the players who are shocked, but also the game industry.

"Fuck, what the hell? The old thief is going to play the free and in-app purchase mode?"

"Okay, okay, the dragon slayer has finally become a dragon!"

"Wait and see the old thief's explanation. I feel that the old thief will not do this. Besides, Nebula games are not bad for money. If you want to make money, wouldn't the old thief do this on Battlefield?"

"That is, what are you anxious about? And the game environment has become so good in recent years, I don't believe that the old thief is that kind of person."

"Okay! All the little blacks have their chicken feet leaking out!"

"18 Wait for the explanation of a wave of old thieves!"

"What else is there to explain? Who would think too much money? The old thief has really become an old thief!"

"Are you making a joke of it? Anyway, I've seen Nebula Games' products for so many years, and I still believe it!"

Online players are talking about it.

However, thanks to the brand operation of Nebula Games for so many years, it is obvious that players also have a lot of confidence in Chen Xu and Nebula Games.

When major game manufacturers saw the news, they were also excited.


It's good to open the in-app purchase mode in your Nebula game!

At the beginning, you relied on the operation strategy of conscience to buy them out, and you had to follow up.

Now that you have become the top game company in the world, it's their turn to do what they did!

The game manufacturers were quite excited, and they all felt as if they had seen the scene of the fall of this behemoth.

However, before they were all excited, Chen Xu and the official blog of Nebula Games immediately released a response announcement.

'Seeing the concerns of the majority of players, I will explain to you here the so-called free and in-app purchase mode. ’

'The first-party games under Nebula Games will never sell items such as values, currencies, etc. that affect the balance of the game. ’

‘The in-app purchases in Rainbow Six: Siege are limited to skins such as guns in the game. ’

‘At the same time, the unlock conditions for operators in the game will not be in units of rechargeable currency. ’

In fact, "Rainbow Six: Siege" is free, and he has also thought about it carefully.

It is different from the buyout system of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" and "Battlefield".

In "Rainbow Six: Siege", Chen Xu did not join any exciting level battles or the like.

This is one of the reasons why this game can be launched so quickly. It is enough to balance the multiplayer structure with the gameplay framework.

Then there is "Rainbow Six: Siege" compared to the more straightforward and simple Battlefield and Call of Duty, it has a certain degree of difficulty to get started.

Not to mention hardcore, but it is definitely more expensive than the learning cost of "Battlefield" and "Call of Duty".

In this type of game, the rate of player churn is quite large.

Many players mistakenly believe that this kind of **** game with a high threshold for getting started is not easy to lose players.

This is true, but also wrong.

That's right, because it's not easy to lose it, it's in the late stage of the game's operation.

It is easier to make some players who are interested in taste become diehard fans.

The mistake is that a large number of entry barriers will cause many players to lose after the early freshness has passed.

For those players who like this kind of game, they may feel that it is a good thing, and the cheaters are gone.

But for games, it's actually not a good thing.

Because this will cause the game to die slowly, more and more people will be lost, but less and less fresh blood will be lost, which will eventually lead to the death of the game.

Therefore, for "Rainbow Six: Siege", Chen Xu chose to operate in a free mode.

As for the in-app purchase model, in fact, Chen Xu does not exclude it.

What makes Chen Xu reject is the pure paytowin model.

That is, you can win by paying, and the value of the game is linked to the payment.

The newly released characters are always the strongest things in the current version, and you can make yourself stronger as long as you pay.

In Chen Xu's view, this is not a game at all.

Buyout games and paytocool are the appearance of game installations, and do not involve a balanced payment model.

You must highly advertise your game quality and improve the playability and balance of your game, so that players can pay willingly and attract players to pay.

Whether it is a buyout or an external in-app purchase, there is a feature that players who play the game must have a good game experience and ensure the quality of the game.

Because that's how you get money out of the player's pocket.

But games operated in the paytowin model are just the opposite.

He is more interested in how to create trouble for smooth gameplay, how to make free players feel more aggrieved within tolerable limits, and how to open up the imbalance between paying players and free players.

For example, in a version update, the content output of the dungeon is reduced, and the content that players need to live in is increased. At the same time, a new powerful character has been released.

It may seem like nothing, but it is actually a means of creating obstacles.

Because a player who buys a powerful new character will always get more income from a copy of the liver at the same time than a player who has not purchased it, because he can finish a copy faster.

With Chen Xu's official blog, it also shattered the previous rumors.

Appearance, never involving in-app purchases that affect balance values.

Now that he said this, unless Chen Xu didn't want the brand name or word of mouth of Nebula Games, it was obviously impossible to violate it.

This has put a lot of players at ease.

At the same time, it also makes the major manufacturers in the game industry anxious.

What are you doing so fast to explain?

I haven't had time to hack you yet! No plans have been made yet!

However, at the same time as they were anxious, they also had doubts.

For free and in-app purchases, will players really buy it?

To know the development cost of a VR game, it is not sky-high, but it is also quite high.

How long does it take to recover the cost of such a charging model?

It is not that no manufacturer has implemented appearance charges before.

It's just not very convincing, because it's all games with a relatively small number of players.

As for the explosive game with a large number of players, who would only sell fashion? Are they all okay?

Just in the discussions and concerns between players and the industry.

"Rainbow Six: Siege" also completed the final test.

It's time to go online.

Chapter 302 The game is online, the official experience

"Oh, don't worry! I just play Battlefield for a while to get a feel for it, and I'll definitely play Rainbow Six: Siege by then!"

At one o'clock in the afternoon, in Saozhu's live broadcast room, he was watching the dense barrage while he was on the battlefield and said.

"I didn't play the old thief's game for the first time, and this time is definitely no exception. I also invited Shu'er, Ah Yin, Liuliu and Xiaojie together."

"Toy car? How can you say toy car, it's a steel tiger-style mighty tank with me, Liu Mou!"

Looking at the barrage of toy cars, Sao Pig smiled.

In fact, he also had a small abacus in his heart.

If he really wants to say, he is not a master of FPS games.

Eggplant and Bubble, who often play with him, although they cannot be said to be the top FPS gods, they are also better than ordinary players.

But there is still a gap between his skills and those of those people. The audience must think that he is a technical team. When he drags his legs, it will not be a firepower output point.

And now that he has called this vote of people, the audience is also very clear that they are all a group of veterans.

Therefore, it will not be regarded as a technical team, but an entertainment team.

At that time, the audience will be grinning and the audience will be grinning, and the audience will be 666. Isn't this a sure-fire profit?

In addition, if I really want to say, their team is not necessarily good.

Ashu and Liuliu are at the bottom in terms of technology.

But Xiaojie and A Yin still have two brushes.

Cooperating with his "Mr. Mighty" is simply not to mention.

At the same time, one thing that made him more confident was that Nebula Games could really do it when it came to player matching.

Basically, players are matched with teams of similar levels to their respective levels.

Even though Rainbow Six: Siege is a new game, the matching pools certainly couldn't be separated from the start.

But after a while, wouldn't they be able to match the rookie?

"A Yin, Shu'er, have you finished the game yet.〃?"

After a round of battles, he glanced at the time, and Sao Zhu entered the agreed voice channel.

"Teacher Park, take 10,000 hearts, the Rainbow Team is ready!" A Yin said with a laugh.

"It's done, Xiaojie, thank you, the controller you recommended before is really easy to use." Liuliu said very politely in the voice.

"You're welcome, send it all, buddy."

The game unlock time has not yet come, and several people chatted expectantly in the voice.

Also in their respective live broadcast rooms, viewers who cannot experience it by themselves for various reasons, or who do not want to play for the time being.

Also looking forward to the next game.

‘Haha, send it all, buddy, brother Jie is not good, but it’s free! ’

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