Katie watched from the sidelines as Evans tested his quantum reset abilities.

But to be honest, it’s easy to get disillusioned when watching this kind of experiment, because Evans’ experiment is so scary.

I saw Evans mutilating himself there for a while, turning into a tentacle monster for a while, turning into a swarm of insects for a while, changing from a man to a woman, from a woman to a she-mon, and from a she-mon to a Cthulhu painting. The wind finally changed back to its original appearance.

This needs to be paired with a more gloomy scene, which might scare people crazy.

But Katie has also seen that Evans' experiment was successful. The quantization ability can really artificially collapse its own superposition state.

After the test, Evans took off the helmet and handed it to Katie:"Come and try it."

"OK"Katie couldn't wait to take over the helmet and began to experiment with new uses of her abilities under the guidance of Evans.

Katie quickly became familiar with the quantum reset skill.

Evans on the side began to try different methods. Under the premise of using that helmet, perform a quantum reset.

It is difficult to do this with human ability alone, so it must be combined with dimensional magic.

Evans knows similar magic, so he only practiced it for a moment. It can be done to the extent of activating quantum reset without wearing any auxiliary equipment.

On the side, Katie, who was enjoying playing with the new ability, saw that Evans could quantum reset without any equipment, so she asked Him:"Can I do it too?"

"What I can do is that I can observe myself from a higher dimension. You can't."

"Can you give me this helmet?"

"That is just a test machine used to test capabilities, and it is a laboratory product. I will later make devices with the same effect but more portable, such as a hairpin-style observer or a glasses-style observer."

"Uh-huh, can you give me one?"Katie is looking forward to it. This device called the high-dimensional observer is simply the most powerful ability amplifier for her.

"It's not impossible, but you have to sign a contract"

"Confidentiality contract?"

"No, it's a labor contract"

"You want me to work for you? But haven't you already produced a potion that allows people to gain my abilities? To you, I should be worthless."

"I have no intention of popularizing this potion. In fact, I just developed it for my own use and will not give it to anyone else. Therefore, this ability can only be mastered by you and me, and there will be no third person."

"Then I really thank you."Katie complained.

"If I remember correctly, you should be a computer expert, right?"Evans asked Katie.

In the X-Police comic series, in addition to being an It is purely hacking technology, but it can also be assisted by quantum abilities to do a series of incredible things.

People often say, be careful who comes along the network cable to hit you.

If it were the Phantom Cat, she could really travel along the network cable.

"My computer skills are indeed pretty good, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Help me with game planning"

"ha?"Katie was confused.

"Haven't you noticed that where we are now is not the real world?"


Katie is even more confused.

Everything here is so real, but now she is told that this is not the real world. How is this possible?

Katie, who does not believe in evil, puts on the helmet again, looks at herself from a higher dimension, and observes carefully After a few seconds, clues were gradually discovered.

This is indeed not the real world, but his body here is a real body.

Before Katie could continue to ask questions, Evans told him the truth:"This is the imaginary number space. I am in The virtual world is programmed here, and the rules of the imaginary world are the rules of the game. There are public areas where players are active, as well as copies."

Katie came to her senses. She was interested.

"Do you want me to help you perfect the rules of the game here?"

"That's right"

"Okay, I'll take this job."Katie agreed without thinking.

Evans took advantage of the situation and turned the other party into a player. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) A game panel appeared in front of Katie.

Evans said:" You should first get familiar with this game world, and then write an improvement report to me."


Katie put down her helmet and left happily.

Evans said to Abigail in the laboratory:"Abigail, just make a portable device like that."

"OK"Abigail carried out the order.

Not long after, a pair of glasses was produced.

These glasses had the same function as the previous helmet, but were more portable.

Half a day later, Katie came to Evans' store in the public area again. At home, he found Evans who was watching TV in the living room and handed a report into Evans' hands.

This report pointed out many unreasonable aspects of the Marvel Super Heroes game and provided suggestions for improvements. Suggestion.

Katie believes that the time flow rate here is very unreasonable.

It is not unreasonable for players, but unreasonable for game operators.

Time dilation in the game world is a great benefit, and there is no reason for players to If you enjoy it for free, you can completely change it to a fee, or simply abandon this function and only exist as a benefit for yourself, not for ordinary players.

Katie suggests here that the time flow rate in the public area of ​​​​the game world is the same as that in the real world. The time flow rate in the dungeon world is also the same as in reality, but you can pay to expand your time in the dungeon to speed up the dungeon strategy.

If only Evans wanted to use the time expansion benefits, he could design an area that ordinary players cannot enter.

Evan Si thought it made sense.

In addition, Katie also made more suggestions for game improvement.

Evans took a rough look and found that they all made sense and none of them were redundant.

"~It seems that the game world is going to undergo a major upgrade"

"Are you going to take my advice?"[]

"That's right"

"Which one to adopt?"


"Then I'm quite honored."

Having proved her worth (Qian Zhaohao), Katie was immediately proud.

"This is your reward."Evans gave the glasses to Katie.

Katie took them on and found that the glasses had all the functions of the previous helmet, and she was extremely surprised.

"Evans, I can use these glasses to reset myself back to my original world, right?"

"The upper limit of your ability is far higher than you think, so you can let go of your imagination. In fact, not only can you use quantum reset to travel between two worlds, you can also travel between the past and the future."

"Can I go back in time? Doesn't that mean that when I return to my original world, time travel back to the day I left, and then quantum reset myself to become 13 years old, to the people over there it will be as if I have never left?"Katie was shocked and pleasantly surprised.

Her head was spinning very fast. As soon as Evans said it, she realized that she was indeed a genius for being able to do such a thing.

"Yes."Evans smiled and nodded.

(The ninth update is here ~ please vote for me)~~)

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