While Lara Croft and Shiu Kasumigaoka were fighting monsters and leveling up in the Battle of New York dungeon, Evans was hiding in the dark, observing this timeline that was intercepted from the Marvel Cinematic Universe by the game development system.

A timeline is equivalent to a complete Marvel Cinematic Universe. If no external factors interfere, this timeline will develop according to the established trajectory.

But when intruders appear, the timeline will bifurcate. While the original timeline remains unchanged, a timeline called parallel time and space will appear.

There are no intruders in the Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline intercepted by the game development system, and some settings are the same as the stories of the Marvel movies. The only difference is that there is a time change management bureau.

Using this timeline as the backbone, many parallel worlds can be branched out without limit, so that every player who enters a copy of the Marvel series can experience the original Marvel Cinematic Universe.

As the timeline continues to split, a complete multiverse will eventually be formed.

It is also because of this that Evans named his game Endless Universe.

Among them, the settings for players to defeat monsters and upgrade are related to Evans' own abilities.

Every player can improve their physical fitness by upgrading in the game world. This is actually the physical strengthening of 03 by Evans using his own abilities behind the scenes.

If the player learns skills or practice methods in the game copy, it will not be counted towards the level.

Evans looked towards Sokovia in Eastern Europe, and saw Wanda and Pietro in the Hydra base there.

This Wanda is not the Wanda Evans knew, nor is it Scarlet, but a new version of Wanda.

If Evans doesn't interfere with the other party's fate, and no player interferes to change anything, Wanda's fate will be exactly the same as the fate of the movie.

Evans doesn't want Wanda to get involved with anyone else, not even a variation of Wanda.

Likewise, Gwen.

There are so many parallel universes in Marvel, including Wanda and Gwen. How to solve this problem?

Evans had a flash of inspiration and thought of a magical skill. If Wanda and Gwen were allowed to practice this magical skill, they could transform their own transformations into"itself", and their strength would be greatly increased at the same time. , and can also control all variants in the Marvel multiverse and the game world timeline at the same time, thus preventing variants from falling in love with others.

This magical skill is called - He Transforms into Freedom. As long as you can practice it successfully, you can achieve your goal.

Evans now has many system exchange points, and his system mall happens to have the Dafa of Self-Transformation.

Evans exchanged it without hesitation, studied it for a moment, and then came to a conclusion.

The practice of the Dafa of Self-Transformation is very difficult, very high, but it is possible for Wanda and Gwen to learn it, but it will take a lot of time.

Evans immediately sent a message to Wanda and Gwen in the real world.

In the real world, Wanda and Gwen were shopping hand in hand at this time.

"I have a magic trick here that I hope you can learn."

Hearing Evans' message, Wanda and Gwen looked at each other.

"What magic?"Wanda asked

"The magic that allows those of you who are transformed to become a part of you. As long as you learn this, you will become the original body, and the variant will become a part of you, and can be controlled by you, or your will will come to any variant."

Gwen and Wanda are both smart people. When they heard that Evans was going to teach them this, they had some associations.

"You must have eaten our variant vinegar, right?"Gwen teased.

"perhaps."Evans did not hide

"Well, we'll try to learn this magic."

Next, Evans recreated the Island in the Sky in the game world, expanded the time here, and arranged a time formation. Finally, he summoned Wanda and Gwen there and taught him the

Dharma of Freedom with his spiritual thoughts. Give it to them.

The two women began to practice.

According to the speed of time here, Evans estimated that when three days in the outside world have passed, they should be able to complete the practice of the Dafa of his transformation.

After completing this matter, Evans focused Back to the present.

Lara Croft and Kasumigaoka Shiyu have killed more than one hundred enemies, and their levels have been upgraded to level 3. The two have completed the dungeon mission and can return at any time.

Of course, they can also choose not to Return, continue to stay, return is not mandatory.

The two women chose to stay and continue to fight the Chitauri in the Battle of New York, euphemistically called gaining experience.

Evans was secretly protecting the two women, but The two women didn't know that Evans was protecting them, they just thought that he had left.

In a battlefield where they could die at any time, even if they knew that they could be resurrected after death, the effect of life and death training still existed.

In a life and death crisis, The two women actually unlocked the first-level gene lock.

The unlocking of the first-level gene lock liberated their fighting instinct.

In this state, their combat effectiveness and danger intuition have been improved to a certain extent.

But the gene lock is just The explosive state, at least before adaptation, is difficult to maintain for a long time. When the gene-locked explosive state ends, horrific sequelae will come.

For example, muscle cramps, difficulty breathing, foaming at the mouth, temporary organ failure, extreme Pain spread all over the body. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When the two women opened the gene lock and killed each other for a while, the state of the gene station ended.

Horrible sequelae followed, and the two women fell On the ground, the body began to twitch, foaming at the mouth, and it was so uncomfortable that there were enemies nearby.

The two women knew that they would die if they did not return, so they had no choice but to return in the end.

Evans also returned with the two women.

The returned The two women were still suffering from the aftereffects of the first opening of the gene lock. Their muscles and even their lungs were cramped, making it difficult for them to breathe, unable to take a single breath, and looking like they were going to die at any time.

Seeing them like this, Evan Si Dangren started artificial respiration on the two of them to help them catch their breath.

Their faces were pale and their bodies were weak. They were lying on the ground. They didn't even have the strength to get up. They could only stare at Evan with resentful eyes. Si.

They didn't believe that Evans had no other way to save them, but the other party chose artificial respiration. Sima Zhao's heart was obvious to everyone.

Evans laughed and said:"You're welcome."

The two women rolled their eyes at the same time.

At the same time, Evans opened the official public beta of the Endless Universe.

The game system spontaneously selected players from the universe that Evans' spiritual thoughts can cover, and gave them game qualifications.

Can be used by the game system The players selected are basically lucky characters in different planes, that is, highly popular characters.

For example, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the characters in Avengers are all highly popular characters, as well as A.D. Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Porter Fitz, Phil Coulson, Barbara Morse in the game, these also count, they all have probability Be selected by the game system to become a player.

Honest characters have the highest probability of being selected, while villains have a very low probability of being selected.[]

The reason why there is only a probability, not an inevitable selection, is because the Marvel multiverse is not only the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but also more parallel time and space, and there are many popular characters in it. If they are all selected, then It's just too messy..

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