Through the chat group, Evans learned that Ye Hei's cultivation had reached the mythical realm.

Although it doesn't matter if he is surpassed by Ye Hei, Evans's true thoughts are not like that.

In his subconscious mind, he actually doesn't want to be surpassed by latecomers, he just wants to be far ahead of everyone.

Nowadays, Ye Hei's cultivation level is the same as his, and he has also reached the True Mythical Fairyland. Although the other party's background is not as deep as Evans'. They are both in the True Mythical Fairyland, and Evans's fighting power is stronger, but Evans still has A sense of urgency~.

Evans, who was already used to cheating, decided to upgrade his cheat.

Evans does not need to study this new plug-in, because with his current resources, he is enough to implement a super-plug-in.

He can completely create a new game world in the horror hodgepodge plane, adjust the time flow rate of the game world to the maximum, and lay out a time formation in the new game world where the time flow rate is super fast.

As long as this operation is completed, it is enough to obtain N practice time.

According to the settings of the game world, time can be expanded up to one day in the real world and thirty years in the game world.

Coupled with the time formation, one day in the game world can be expanded to ten years.

By doing this calculation, you can get a terrifying answer.

In other words, one day in the outside world, Evans can stay in seclusion in the game world for 19,500 years.

Even if Evans only went into retreat in the game world every night, it would be enough to leave Ye Hei far behind and allow him to achieve successive breakthroughs in cultivation in a very short period of time.

Well, just do it! sitEvans, who was listening in the classroom, appeared to be a good student and listened carefully, but most of his attention was focused on the game editor of the Super Game Development System and began to create the third game.

Although the purpose of creating this game is to cheat myself, since it is to create a game, of course it must be perfect so that the game can truly operate in this magical hodgepodge world.

This time the game was set by Evans with rules similar to those of Minecraft.

Not long after, the game world was created.

At noon, school is over.

Evans said he had a surprise, and took Elena, Agnes, Cynthia, Bethany, and Ella towards the RV parked not far outside the school.

The girls were all curious about what the surprise he mentioned was, and asked as they walked

"You'll find out later."Evans said.

After returning to the RV, Evans marked all five girls as players and took them into a new game world.

This game world was named by Evans - My Home.

This In the game world, there is one building, and only one building, in front of several people.

Except for this building, everything is bare in all directions, and even the terrain is flat with no fluctuations.

"where is this place?"Elena asked

"This is imaginary space, a place I created, somewhere between existence and non-existence. The rules here have been set by me. If you have played video games, you will be able to adapt to the rules here quickly. Evans smiled, and then added:"The flow of time here is different from that in the real world. For one day in the real world, we can spend 19,500 years here.""

The girls were all stunned.

After the shock, they became excited.

They followed Evans and walked into the building not far away.

The interior of the building was a lobby environment, and the decoration layout was a bit like a telecommunications business hall.

In the business hall, there were several There is an NPC lady who acts as customer service.

As soon as the girls followed Evans in, they ran to the counter and asked the NPC lady about the rules here.

The rules here are very simple. They are to complete tasks to receive rewards and exchange them for various functional buildings. For example, seed stores, agricultural equipment stores, residential houses, NPC camps, etc.

Players can continuously redeem various functional buildings, place them outside, and spend points to buy things from functional buildings. way, fill the empty game world with various buildings, add more NPCs, and make the place more lively.

Of course, the above are just game settings, and Evans himself does not intend to play it. Let Elena, Ella The five girls, Persephone, Cynthia, and Agnes can play by themselves.

The purpose of Evans creating this game is to have a longer period of retreat.

It just so happens that the girls can also spend more time here. , while playing, learn more about magic.

Evans knows a lot of magic, enough for girls to learn for thousands of years.

And Evans only intends to teach them magic, not immortality. (Watch the storm For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

0 Requesting Flowers

Evans began to retreat.

The five girls also began to follow the game settings here, constantly completing tasks and planning surrounding construction.

Gradually, NPC camps appeared in the surrounding area. , you can spend points in the NPC camp to exchange for NPC farmers.

NPC farmers can be used to cultivate fields and plant crops.

However, the NPC camp can only generate one farmer every three days.

With farmers, they also need crop seeds, so they also need After building a seed store, you can earn points by completing tasks and use the points to buy seeds.

But it’s not enough to have seeds and farmers. You also need various agricultural equipment, such as shovels, otherwise you can’t let farmers dig the soil by hand.

And Those buildings can also be upgraded.

For example, NPC camps. Level 1 camps can only produce NPC farmers, but as the camps are upgraded, more and more types of NPCs can be generated.

In short, this game is very playable. , is also very game.

So far, there are only six of them players in this game. As for whether other players will be added in the future, it should be possible.

Elena really wants to bring her best friends Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes into the game. Here, play with yourself.

As the game progressed, it wasn't long before the girls successfully built their first private villa as a home for everyone.

Evans also moved into it.

"We came to the game world when school was over at noon. If one day in reality is calculated, the game world lasts 109,500 years. By the time we go to school in the afternoon, we can probably stay in this game world for another 8 to 9 thousand years. Time, oh my god."When Elena said this, she used a tone as if she had seen a ghost.

"Can we survive that long? Or do you just want to play for a while and then leave?"Ella asked weakly

"Don't worry, you won't age here, no matter how long you stay."As soon as Evans finished speaking, he saw several women showing expressions of surprise.

Evans smiled and said calmly:"My purpose of creating this place is to play games, but the real purpose is to have more time. Practice. The same goes for you, because you have plenty of time, so you can play hard here, but you must also take time to practice. You know, when your magic cultivation reaches a certain level, you can live forever even in the outside world."[]

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