Evans walked into Scarlet's suite again.

At this time, only Crimson was left in the room.

The three real phantoms from before have said goodbye to Scarlet, saying they are going to heaven, and hope that Scarlet can live a good life in the human world.

Compared with the beginning, Crimson is no longer so depressed at this time, and seems to have gotten over her sadness.

When she saw Evans coming in, she said to him:

"Thank you, Evans"

"You're welcome, do you want to go for a walk?"

"Um."Crimson didn't refuse Evans' invitation.

Evans took Scarlet and teleported to the Hawaiian Islands.

"where is this place?"Crimson has never been to Hawaii and didn't recognize where this place is.

"This is Oahu, the most prosperous island in the Hawaiian Islands, and where the state capital Honolulu is located. Countless attractions can be found here, including Diamond Head volcano, Huaiki Beach, Iolani Palace and the world-famous surf breaks of the North Shore. The food here is also very good, especially fresh seafood and traditional Hawaiian cuisine."Evans said with a smile

"It can take me to Hawaii in an instant. Isn't this magic?"Crimson was surprised. She didn't expect that Evans could take her from New York to Hawaii in an instant.


"I thought magic was just something in fairy tales"

"Then think of me as the prince in the fairy tale. Then Miss Cinderella770, do you want to take a walk here with me?"Evans reached out to Scarlet.

Scarlet's cheeks turned red. She hesitated for a moment, and finally put her hand on Evans's.

Evans successfully held Scarlet's hand.

The two walked hand in hand.

Scarlet Her cheeks are very red, but she doesn't reject this feeling

"Why are you so nice to me, even though we didn’t know each other before today."Honghong asked the doubts in her heart

"Since I'm so kind to you, do you want to be nice to me too?"Evans asked back.

Scarlet is relatively introverted. She didn't know how to respond to this question and made a big blush.

Just when Evans was dating Scarlet, the US team contacted Bucky and confirmed it from the other party's mouth. It was Bucky who killed Tony's parents.

Maria Hill on the side, after verifying the correctness of the intelligence, immediately sent Captain America and Vision out to capture Baron Zemo. This matter must still be done It must be kept secret and cannot be known to Tony Stark, otherwise there will definitely be problems within the Avengers.

Baron Zemo, the insider who is preparing to cause trouble, must be controlled.

But this is actually just a stopgap measure. Once some things happen, There is a possibility of being exposed, and it is best to think of a solution that can solve the problem once and for all.

Otherwise, once Tony knows about the matter, it will be undesirable whether it is to prevent Stark from taking revenge or to help Stark kill Bucky.

As for Speaking of resolving hatred?

Maria Hill doesn't think that the hatred of killing relatives can be resolved so easily. Even if Bucky killed Tony's parents in a brainwashed state, it would be impossible to convince Tony to let go of hatred.

Fortunately, Tony is now Tucker didn't know about this yet and still had time to think about a solution to the problem.

Maria Hill couldn't think of a good solution for the time being, so she contacted Natasha and asked her to come over and find a solution together. Natasha has been a killer, I have been a spy and an agent. I have rich life experience. I think I can think of good solutions........Bar?

Natasha came and Maria Hill told her about it.

Natasha wanted to roll her eyes. How do you ask her to think of a solution for this kind of thing? No matter how she tries to help with this kind of thing, she will easily become a human being inside and out, and it will be purely thankless.

"Don't ask me, you should ask Fury at this time. That guy is cruel and evil, and he always has many ways."Natasha spread her hands

"Since SHIELD was disbanded, I haven't been able to contact Fury, so he usually contacts me."Hill was a little helpless.

At this time, a third voice suddenly appeared in the office.

"I have a solution."

Hill and Natasha looked at the place where the sound came from at the same time.

Hill recognized the speaker as Evans.

How did the other party enter his office?

The door to the office was obviously not opened.

Could it be that the other party was Evans? The one who teleported in?

The person who came was officially Evans, but it was not Evans himself, but the real phantom that Evans had projected over from a long distance.

"Who is this?"Natasha asked Maria Hill. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) (aheb)"He is Evans Nelson. He brought the information about the truth about the death of Stark's parents. of. Maria Hill introduced, and then she asked Evans:"What can you do?""

"James Buchanan Barnes, who killed Tony Stark's parents, did not act voluntarily. Under this premise, some things can work."Evans' real phantom walked to the sofa nearby and sat down, crossing his legs.

"for example?"Natasha asked him

"For example, we can take action and kidnap Tony Stark, James Barnes, and Steve Rogers, imprison the three of them together, and then appear as a mysterious man to reveal the truth to Tony Stark. In that case, even if Tony Stark wants to seek revenge from James Barnes, he will definitely not be his opponent. And James

Barnes will definitely not take revenge on Tony Stark out of guilt for Tony Stark. Kill him. Having the team leader in the middle to mediate can temporarily alleviate the problem."Evans said

"There's no point in doing this."Natasha shook her head

"Of course it won't work just like this. At this time, the mysterious man behind the scenes should reveal his identity.

The mastermind behind the scenes can be Ultron, because Ultron may survive. We let Vision dress up as Ultron, appear in front of the three people, say something in a revengeful tone, and then let Vision change into their appearance in front of them. , telling them that he was going to frame them.

Facing a common threat, the three of them had to stand together.

At this time, Vision dressed as Ultron can leave, and then let Vision go out and commit crimes as Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and James Barnes. There is no need to commit a big crime, even if it is robbery. Children can commit crimes like lollipops. After that, all they have to do is let Vision control the network of relevant departments, intercept various orders, turn Tony, Steve, and Bucky into wanted criminals, and post bounties against them on the black market. In short, it is to make them have no way to go to heaven and no door to the earth."

Evans paused here. He looked at Natasha and Hill and found that they were thoughtful and did not refute him, so he continued.

"Doing this will damage the reputation of your Avengers, so you need to find someone to take the blame.

Vision only needs to constantly intercept and distort the various orders conveyed by the superiors through communications. All he needs to do is let the top brass of the country know that the Avengers are innocent and that there is a mastermind behind all this.

The three wanted men had no choice but to act together to clear their own grievances.

In the process, Tony Stark's hatred for Bucky will gradually fade as they fight together.

When the time is almost right, you can start whitewashing them.[]

When Vision appears, it will reveal that the person who hijacked the network is Ultron, who is still alive, and let Ultron take the blame.

Vision monitors the entire Internet on the grounds that Ultron will not cause trouble again.

Stark, Captain, and Bucky were completely cleared.

The reputation of the Avengers has been restored, all problems have been solved, and multiple achievements have been achieved with one stone."

(Second update, asking for flowers and rating votes).

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