Dr. Cheng Xin and Secretary-General Ms. Sai, as the first people in human civilization to make fifth-type contact with aliens, were a little nervous.

Especially when they were still in the alien base camp, they were even more nervous.

However, they felt a little relieved when they thought that Kara, whose individual strength was beyond the ordinary, was by their side.

The Trisolaran who was responsible for piloting the aircraft to pick them up remained silent and did not speak.

Trisolarans also do not have vocal organs, and the communication between their races does not use vocal organs, but more efficient racial talents, such as transparent thinking.

It didn't take long for them to arrive.

Here, the three women met the top leaders of the Trisolaran civilization.

They used some kind of onomatopoeia equipment to simulate the language of humans on Earth to communicate with the three people.

This is a negotiation, a negotiation between civilization and civilization"193".

The core idea of ​​negotiation is survival.

Humans are worried that Trisolaran civilization will destroy themselves, and Trisolaran civilization is worried that Kara will destroy itself.

Since we all have deterrents, we can only discuss how to peacefully coexist with each other.

The negotiation process will not be discussed here.

The result of the negotiation is that the Trisolaran civilization will not invade the earth, and humans will give Mars to the Trisolarans, but the condition is that the Trisolarans must lift the basic scientific blockade on humans.

These were discussed by Ms. Say, Secretary General of LHG, and the senior officials of Trisolaran Civilization. Of course, they also talked about more things.

After the negotiation, the three of them stayed on Earth in the Trisolaran Civilization for a week and visited the human geography of the Trisolaran Civilization.

It wasn't until a week later that they returned to Earth.

Shortly after this, various countries on the earth promulgated a series of new laws. These laws are related to humans and Trisolaran civilization.

As humans on the weaker side, some humans believe that closer ties should be established with the Trisolaran civilization. Although not everyone agrees with this proposal, it was eventually implemented.

The Trisolarans are more rational. Since humans cannot be wiped out, they can only try to contact and integrate with human civilization.

The Trisolaran civilization sent people to the earth, established a consulate of the Trisolaran civilization on the earth, and initiated recruitment to human civilization, providing various high-paying positions to jointly participate in the construction of Mars.

Among human beings, people are really not afraid of death and apply for jobs.

Human civilization has also provided many jobs for Trisolarans, and Trisolaran civilization is not stingy either. If you have jobs, we will have people.

There are many extremists in both civilizations. In the early stage of the integration of the two civilizations, these guys caused a lot of trouble, but this is not harmful.

People gradually discovered that Trisolarans can be seen everywhere on the earth.

The Trisolaran civilization has a new home planet, Mars, and many humans can also be seen.

Ten years passed quietly.

In the past ten years, human civilization and Trisolaran civilization have integrated to a considerable extent.

There have even been intermarriages between humans and Trisolarans.

The Trisolaran civilization has advanced genetic modification technology, which allows the reproductive isolation between the two races to be easily overcome.

Today, many hybrids of humans and Trisolarans have appeared in the two places.

Many advanced technologies in the Trisolaran civilization have also flowed into human civilization, which has qualitatively improved the science and technology of human civilization. I believe that in tens or hundreds of years, we will be able to equal the Trisolaran civilization.

When the two major civilizations merge, who is most embarrassed is undoubtedly the guys in the advent faction of the ETO organization.

Most of those guys have been arrested, but a few are still on the run and are wanted by the two major civilizations. Their lives are miserable, and they are simply not human inside and out.

The people of the ETO salvation faction were okay. After the two major civilizations merged, they all broke away from the ETO organization.

The collision between civilizations has created a lot of sparks, and the technology of the Trisolaran civilization has also entered the big explosion stage, improving rapidly.

The magic technology of the two civilizations is also advancing rapidly, and they have begun to use space gate magic to explore the surrounding star fields, and have discovered some pretty good planets that can be inhabited with only a little modification.

However, due to population problems, the colonial plan has not yet been launched.

Evans and Kara hid their fame and fortune and continued to live a low-key life.

Evans spent ten years in the real world and more than 150 years in the training room to practice, and cultivated the Immortal Heavenly Art to the level of a saint in the fifth heaven of Sendai.

Evans, who is at the saint level, has a physical combat power that is approximately equal to that of Silver Superman.

Counting magic and magical powers, it steadily surpasses Silver Superman 0......

Like the sun in the solar system, he can shatter it with a wave of his hand or refine it in an instant.

Evans also built himself a holy weapon. Although the material used is not particularly good, it is indeed a holy weapon at the saint level. The style of this weapon is shown in a picture. The picture is submitted to It understands Tao and reason, engraved with what Evans has learned, and incorporates knowledge including but not limited to formation knowledge, magic knowledge, magical power knowledge, and scientific and technological knowledge.

Its name is - Qiankun Diagram.

By activating the Qiankun Diagram, a formation space will be formed. The volume of the formation space is large enough to instantly accommodate everything within a one-light-year-diameter spherical range.

The formation space formed by the Universe Diagram can also be used as a trapping formation, a killing formation, a confusing formation, and a formation cave. It has multiple functions.

The environment inside the formation space can be freely transformed, and the formation space can also be extended outside, turning everything within a half-light-year radius around itself into its own formation field, rewriting the reality within the range to a certain extent.

On weekdays, the Qiankun Diagram can also be transformed into various styles of treasured clothes and worn on the body. The Qiankun level defense is enough to withstand external attacks at the level of a super planet explosion.

In the future, as Evans improves his cultivation, improves his mastery, and smelts higher materials into it, the level of this holy weapon will also increase, eventually evolving into a supreme emperor weapon or even a semi-immortal weapon. , fairy weapon.

In short, the future is promising.

Nowadays, with Evans's cultivation level and this holy weapon, regardless of life level and only in terms of combat effectiveness, he believes that some single universe level 2.2 strong men may not be able to do anything to him.

Mythical Father-level powerhouses like Odin and Ancient One are no longer enough to be his opponents. At least Thanos, with the six-jewel Infinity Gauntlet, is here. In this case, Thanos has to take the lead. If Ai is allowed to If Vince strikes first, Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet will be taken away by him in a confrontation.

With such strength, Evans' sense of security has greatly increased.

Counting the time, he and Kara had been in the three-body plane for quite some time, and it was time to leave.

He told Kara about it.

Kara was not particularly willing to leave. She also wanted to spend more time with Evans, but since Evans wanted to leave, she had no objection.

(Third update, please give me flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers (echo)).

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