Wanjie chat group, chat interface:

Group leader Ye Daxian: "I suggest, Zhang Sanfeng and Tang Bohu plus Huang Rong to help deal with the Fierce Wind Pirate Group, just do it!" "

Huang Rong ate a divine fruit given by Akuya.

The divine fruit has a strong effect. Huang Rong ate a divine fruit, and his strength would not be much weaker than Zhang Sanfeng and Tang Bohu.

However, Huang Rong in the group is only ten years old...

Huang Rong: "I'm only ten years old!" "

Nami: "Huang Rong is only ten years old!" "

Group leader Ye Daxian: "Then Zhang Sanfeng and Tang Bohu will help?" "

Group leader Ye Daxian really didn't dare to go, he didn't want to risk it at all.

The group leader Ye Daxian felt that by relying on the identity of the leader of the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group, he would be able to make benefits and become stronger.

And the group leader Ye Daxian has a lifespan of thousands of years by relying on the benefits he gets from Akuya, which will only make the group leader Ye Daxian more desperate...

Zhang Sanfeng @ Tang Bohu: "Let's go help Nami and deal with a group of pirates." "

Tang Bohu: "No problem. "

Tang Bohu: "Since His Majesty the Barren Heaven Emperor Shi Hao and the group master Daxian both think that we can solve that group of pirates, then we will make a move." "

Madman Tang Bohu @Zhang Sanfeng @ Nami: "I have applied to travel to Nami's world. "

Zhang Sanfeng: "The poor road has also submitted an application for crossing. "

Nami: "Thanks! "

Nami: "I have agreed to your crossing application, but Commander Zhang Sanfeng and Uncle Tang Bohu, you have to be careful, the captain of the Storm Pirates, the Storm Swordsman, is very strong, I saw that in order to deter us villagers, he pierced a large stone with a sword." "

Zhang Sanfeng: "Okay, I'll be careful." "

In fact, with Zhang Sanfeng's nearly 100-year-old age and experience in rivers and lakes, Zhang Sanfeng does not need the word "be careful" reminded by Nami.

But Zhang Sanfeng still replied, reassuring Nami.

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: "If you are worthy of being my disciple, you should watch over and help each other!" "

Akuya paid attention to the chat group at this time and praised it in the group.

Da Vinci @ Nami: "Nami, I have a super invincible killer here, definitely a big killer that shocks the world and crying ghosts, with my big killer, you can easily kill the captain of the Wind Pirates!" "

Da Vinci: "By the way, the captain of the Wind Pirates is a human, right?" Not a monster like the Demon King, right? "

Da Vinci: "It's no problem if it's a person, you will definitely be killed by my big killer!" "

Nami: "Headache, Da Vinci, don't mess around, don't take out your super spy chair, spy toothbrush or something." "

Da Vinci: "This time I'm going to take out a real big killer!" "

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: "..."

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: "Da Vinci! Don't say it, you say it again, I want the group leader to silence you. "

Barren Heavenly Emperor Shi Hao: "Haha." "

Barren Heavenly Emperor Shi Hao @ Da Vinci: "Wen Xi, I want to travel around your world, you see, can you agree to my crossing application?" "

Shi Hao hurriedly asked at this time.

Shi Hao was also afraid that this Da Vinci was banned by the group owner because he was too crazy, so that Shi Hao wanted to cross to the nonsensical world where Da Vinci was to sign in, but it would be more troublesome.

Why don't you go to Da Vinci's world and check in!

With the communication of people in the group, Shi Hao has already returned to his home. Always ready and able to travel through the world where Da Vinci was in the past, only to wait for Da Vinci to agree.

Da Vinci: "Your Majesty Shi Hao, the Barren Heavenly Emperor, you want to come to my world?" "

Da Vinci: "Wait, let me ask, Your Majesty Shi Hao, the Barren Heavenly Emperor, what do you think of my invention?" "

Barren Heavenly Emperor Shi Hao: "Very innovative invention, I think, Wen Xi, you were born in the wrong era, otherwise your invention will definitely be useful." "

Shi Hao said something against his heart....

After all, to travel through the world where Da Vinci was in the past, to sign in, this also requires Da Vinci to agree to his application for crossing!

And Shi Hao felt that Da Vinci was born in the wrong era, this sentence... But it's true.

If Da Vinci was not in the seventies and eighties, but in the Internet age, a strange inventor like Da Vinci would definitely be on fire in the Internet era and become an Internet celebrity....

To say that something Da Vinci invented is useful is to open his eyes and tell nonsense.

Wisdom Goddess Akuya: "Your Majesty the Barren Heavenly Emperor Shi Hao, do you think the things invented by Da Vinci are useful?" "

Acuya, the goddess of wisdom: "Useful? "

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: "Huh? "

Akuya, the goddess of wisdom: "What use can it be?" I don't understand. "

Akuya asked directly.

Da Vinci: "Yes, His Majesty the Great Barren Heaven Emperor Shi Hao, what use can my Da Vinci's invention be?" Did you know? "

Shi Hao knows a ball...

Shi Hao is a polite sentence, on Da Vinci's invention, what use can it be?

Barren Heaven Emperor Shi Hao: "..."

Barren Heavenly Emperor Shi Hao: "Let's just say the sun flashlight, the sun flashlight can shine and shine under the sun..."

Well, Shi Hao can't make it up.

The ghost knows what the use of a flashlight that only shines under the sun!

Da Vinci: "Confidant! "

Da Vinci: "Your Majesty the Great Barren Heavenly Emperor Shi Hao, you are my confidant of Da Vinci!" "

Leonardo da Vinci: "That's right! The biggest use of the solar flashlight invented by my da Vinci is that it can shine under the sun! This is a great invention across the ages! Someday it will shake the world! "

Da Vinci: "Your Majesty Shi Hao, the Barren Heavenly Emperor, it's great that you can understand my invention!" Welcome to minecraft! "

Da Vinci: "I have agreed to your application for crossing by His Majesty Shi Hao, the Barren Heavenly Emperor!" When you travel to my world, Your Majesty Shi Hao, the Barren Heavenly Emperor, I can introduce you to more of my great inventions! "

Leonardo da Vinci: "Some of my great inventions, because they are too complicated, are difficult to explain in the group, and can only be explained and used in person to feel the shock of my great inventions!" "

Leonardo da Vinci: "Like the automatic toilet machine I invented! Listen to my explanation while going to the toilet to understand this great invention! "

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