In the world where the madman Tang Bohu is located, it is early in the morning and the sun rises.

Shi Hao is here, after signing in, he is basking in the sun and absorbing the sunlight to become stronger.

Until an hour after crossing the time limit, the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group forcibly sent Shi Hao back to his world.


【Ten Thousand World Check-in System】

[Host: Shi Hao].

Number of check-ins: zero (one check-in per world).

[Check-in Rewards: Emperor Ji Amazing Book (claimed), Beaulong Yupei (claimed), Nine Millennium Zhu Fruit (claimed), Space Fruit (claimed), Superman Meteorite (claimed)].

[Comprehensive strength evaluation: Meteorite Superman with about 9,600 tons of physical strength, the most powerful human individual in this world].


After Shi Hao returned, he glanced at his system panel.

"That's about 96 million physical strength."

"With only four hundred tons of physical strength, it can reach the level of 10,000 tons!"

Shi Hao's heart was excited, it seemed that he would bask in the sun for half a day tomorrow, which would be enough to reach the level of 10,000 tons of physical strength, and then it would be time to leave the earth, go to space, and go to the stars!

The night passed.

The next day.


Shi Hao handed over the Emperor's Amazing Book to his parents. Let his parents learn his inner martial arts exercises.

Shi Hao's parents, who got the Emperor's Shocking Book, naturally asked Shi Hao what happened to this Emperor's Shocking Book and where it came from.

However, Shi Hao found an excuse and fooled the past....

When the sun rose, Shi Hao was basking on the roof.

In the blink of an eye.

The past half a day.

Shi Hao looked at his system panel:

【Ten Thousand World Check-in System】

[Host: Shi Hao].

Number of check-ins: zero (one check-in per world).

[Check-in Rewards: Emperor Ji Amazing Book (claimed), Beaulong Yupei (claimed), Nine Millennium Zhu Fruit (claimed), Space Fruit (claimed), Superman Meteorite (claimed)].

[Comprehensive strength evaluation: Meteorite Superman with about 10,000 tons of physical strength, the most powerful human individual in this world].



Shi Hao's physical strength has reached the level of 10,000 tons!

This is another qualitative change.

The physical strength reaches the level of 10,000 tons, which allows Shi Hao's flight speed on the earth to reach more than ten times the speed of sound!

Shi Hao's control over his own spatial ability has also become stronger!

Regarding the spatial ability obtained after eating the spatial fruit, it requires physical strength to support and use.

The stronger Shi Hao's physical strength, the stronger the spatial ability he can use!

After Shi Hao's physical strength reached the level of 10,000 tons, he should now be able to move more than 100,000 kilometers in an instant using his spatial ability!

"On Earth, I can fly at more than ten times the speed of sound, and when I get into space, I will fly faster without air resistance."

"The most important thing is space capability, which can instantly move more than 100,000 kilometers with one use!"

"The Earth is about one and a half billion kilometers from the sun, and theoretically, I use teleportation, more than a thousand times. You can reach the sun from the earth! "

"It's just that using this ultra-long-distance teleportation will consume a bit much..."

"But considering that you can quickly recover by absorbing sunlight. Ultra-long-distance teleportation can really become my way to rush. "

Shi Hao pondered.

Now that the physical strength has reached the standard, it has reached the standard that Shi Hao has set for himself.


"It won't drag on."

"So go and tell my parents, I'll be out for a few days."

"And then-"

"Straight to the sun! Go inside the stars and bask in the sun. "

Shi Hao immediately acted.

Shi Hao returned home and told his parents that he would go out for a few days.


Shi Hao left his house, just about to use ultra-long-distance teleportation to move away from the earth.

Shi Hao hesitated slightly....

Shi Hao thought that he still had a few friends.

This is going to leave the earth for a while, or tell a friend that he will not be able to contact him in a few days!

The main thing is to tell Li Quandan ... So that Li Quandan does not worry.

Taking out his mobile phone, Shi Hao edited two messages to Li Quandan and a few friends who could have fun, and sent them over.

At this time, Shi Hao thought that his mobile phone was taken out, so he looked at the news again.

It really let Shi Hao see a valuable news.

Just this morning, the official press release said that from two days from now, guns will no longer be banned.

Regarding the statement that guns are not forbidden, since the aura creatures attacked humans, the people of the Dragon Kingdom have had this discussion.

Now guns are finally no longer banned.

Even, the official will specially provide high-power firearms for the masses to buy.

"Reiki creatures, there are more and more things that attack humans and kill humans."

"The official of our country is estimated to consider that banning guns is not worth the cost. He couldn't help but shoot, and also provided weapons that could kill Aura creatures. "

"In this way, at least ordinary people have a little resistance in the face of aura creatures after holding high-power firearms."

Shi Hao looked at the news and thought.

Of course, with the reaction speed of Reiki creatures, an ordinary person holding a high-power firearm is also difficult to hit the Reiki creature, and it is possible to kill a Reiki creature only if a group of people hold a high-power gun.

Even so.

It's better than facing Aura creatures, there is no self-preservation power at all!

"Moreover, not only Reiki creatures are a threat, but also Reiki warriors commit crimes..."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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