I Deliver Candy To Men

Chapter 170: The villain who doesn't love the heroine 14

The emperor walked around the hall with his hands behind his back, hesitating: "Should I go and see her?"

He felt that it was not the time to look at her now. He just stimulated her, so he coaxed her, so as not to spoil her too much, so that it would be more difficult to subdue her in the future.

"If I don't go, will it appear that I don't care about her, and she will become more detached from me since then?" he asked Lin Yu.

Lin Yu lowered his head and said respectfully: "How about the emperor, there is no reason for others to betray."

It means that whatever he wants to do, it's all about Jun's grace.

The emperor is very useful. She thought for a while with her hands behind her back, and said, "So, go back and tell A Song that you reported to me that she passed out, but I didn't respond. You don't know if I'm worried about her."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lin Yu replied with his head lowered.

The emperor thought for a while, and felt that this should be good, let her guess, the more she guessed, the more panic, the more panic the better.

He was very happy, and said to Lin Yu in a pleasant manner, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It is the minister's responsibility to share the worries of the emperor." Lin Yu said respectfully.

After coming out of the palace, he went straight back to the palace.

The look on his face was neither happy nor unhappy.

But seeing Song Yingying, she greeted her with a smile, and he frowned at once. Grab her and walk into the house.

"What's the matter? Frowning again? Who messed with you?" Yingying asked.

He doesn't answer. When he entered the house, he pressed her against the door, bowed his head and kissed her.

Yingying felt that he was just kissing strangely. She would kiss him if there was anything to do. She raised her head and kissed him for a while, and then looked for a gap and said, "What's the matter? Who made you unhappy?"

Lin Yu took her to the table and sat down, hugged her again, poured tea for himself, and said, "Your Majesty."

"What's wrong with him?" Yingying asked in surprise, "Could it be because of me? He doesn't have a substitute, why does he still miss me?"

Lin Yu told her about the matter. After he finished speaking, he knocked the cup on the table unhappily: "I'm afraid it's not over yet."

The emperor was spoiled by boundless power and could not tolerate others disobeying him. Whatever he wanted, he had to get it.

Lin Yu lowered her head, grabbed Song Yingying's hand, squeezed it for a while, then raised her eyes and asked, "If you leave this body, can you still be attached to someone else?"

Yingying was stunned.

She understood his intentions. He wanted to tell her to abandon Ah Song's body and find another body, so that she could escape the emperor.

She lowered her eyes and said nothing.

If she answered "yes," she'd lied to him, because she had said she didn't know how to possess herself.

If the answer is "no", there is no way to avoid the entanglement between the emperor and A Song.

She was struggling for a while. She likes him a little bit, and he likes her too, and most of them are going to spend the rest of their lives together. For this reason, she was not frank with him, and she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Lin Yu saw that she lowered her eyes and said nothing, and did not ask any further questions.


In addition to the robe and boots, Lin Yu walked towards the couch consciously.

Yingying sat on the bed and laughed at him: "Pretend!" Mingming would climb the bed at night, but now she went to bed seriously.

Lin Yu heard it, turned around and walked over: "Then you want me back?"

"Don't!" Yingying grasped the curtain tightly, clutched it in one place, only stuck a face out of the curtain, looked at him and asked, "Hey, aren't you afraid of me? Are there any barriers in my heart...? ?"

She is a ghost.

How can a normal person have no barriers to a ghost, just like an ordinary person?

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows: "I asked you, were you human before you were alive? You answered yes."

Therefore, even if she is a ghost, she is also a human-turned ghost. In other words, it is a soul without a body and nowhere to rely.

After hearing his answer, Yingying couldn't help feeling a little moved when she saw that his brows were even and he didn't pretend or dodge at all.

He was not afraid of her at all. It is not because she is a ghost that she fears, hates, resists, and resents her.

No, not at all. He treats her as a normal person, and even turns into a kissing monster, hugging her and kissing her constantly.

"Hmph." She raised her chin, retracted her head, and closed the curtain, "I'm sleeping! You should rest early too!"

Lin Yu stared at the closed curtain for a while, then turned back to the couch and lay down.

About half an hour later, he quietly got up and went to the bed.

Hold her with the quilt around her.

Yingying didn't wake up.

She was unaware of his bed-climbing behavior and slept soundly. When she woke up, she realized that he had crawled into the bed again.

"Why?" In the early morning, Yingying was very confused in the face of his unpleasant face, "Just show me your face when we come together, I've hired you again?"

Lin Yu said displeasedly, "You didn't wake up."

Yingying was stunned for a while before she said angrily, "Blame me? Blame me for not waking up? Well, blame me, blame me!" She gave him a hard look, "Wait! I'll wake up tonight! As soon as you go to bed I'll kick you down!"

Hearing that she kicked him down, Lin Yu's eyes sank, and he pushed her down...

Three days at a time. I didn't go to court today. After dinner, Lin Yu went to the yamen.

"I'm going to read in your study." Yingying greeted him.

Lin Yu nodded and said, "There are simple books on the bookshelf in the east. I have sorted them out in the past two days. You can read them."

He knew that she had read books before her death, and he saw that she was quite eager to learn, so he would read books when he had nothing to do, so he specially arranged some books for her.

Yingying was very happy and showed him a big smile: "Thank you, Lord Lin!"

Lord Lin smiled and turned away.

She didn't expect to see him smiling early in the morning, Yingying felt that she had gained a lot today, and went to the study happily.

Sure enough, a new bookshelf was added to the east. Yingying looked at the books on it. There were actually some poetry, philosophy, travel notes, arithmetic, and astronomy. She was a little moved, this guy really values ​​her, he shows her everything.

He picked out a book on astronomy, sat on the chair he usually sat on, and read it.

"System, can I change my body?" After a while, she put down the book and asked about the system.

There was something hidden in her heart that she couldn't bear to watch.

The system simply said: "OK!"

"Don't deduct points?" she asked again.

The system said: "No deduction."

"You are so kind." She said with emotion, "How can you have such a good system?"

She kind of works for it. It is really generous to her, it does not despise her childishness and stupidity, often coaxes her, and solves her difficulties.

"I'm only so good to Ying Bao'er!" the system said, "I won't be like this to other missionaries!"

Yingying giggled: "You're the best."

"Bao'er, how about you change your body now?" The system suddenly said, "A surprise for that big bad guy."

Song Yingying was stunned: "What's so surprising about this?"

When Lin Yu came back and found that she had died, it was almost frightening, right?

"Is it your own?" she complained, "To actually bully people like this."

The system said: "He is my own, I don't feel sorry for him, why do you feel sorry for him?" He said earnestly, "Bao'er, you forgot, how did he bully you before? You haven't got revenge yet!"

Yingying covered her face.

She's not so vengeful. After finding out that he didn't bully her on purpose, she wasn't so angry anymore.

"Do you really want revenge?"

"Of course!" the system said, "No one can bully me Ying Bao'er! Anyone who bullies me Ying Bao'er, I will get it back! No one can stop me!"

Yingying: "...I always think you have a conspiracy."

"Bao'er, you're hurting Dad's heart like this." The system said, "Dad is all for you, but you speculate about Dad like this, Dad's chip will wither."

Yingying hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, I apologize to you."

The two discussed it for a while, and finally Yingying decided to hang herself.

"Let me leave him a letter." Yingying fought for it. "Otherwise, he is clueless, what if he is crazy?"

The system said: "Can't write too long."

"Hey, I promise it won't be long." Yingying picked up the pen and wrote two big characters, "Goodbye."

When the ink dries, I fold it up, think about it, and stuff it into the pillow.

"Look when he finds out, hehehe!"

The system praised her: "Okay! The black-hearted Yingbaoer is my good Yingbaoer!"

"You're the one who has a black heart!" Yingying complained about it and moved the stool, ready to hang herself.

The emperor is not going to court today.

He woke up from Xinfei's bed and looked at Xinfei's face that looked a bit like Ah Song, but after looking at it for a long time, it was bloated and tacky, and he felt tired.

After thinking about it, I went out of the palace in micro clothes.

"Marquis Jing'an is not in the mansion? It's okay, I will go to his study to find something." The emperor entered the mansion in a grand manner.

It's okay if Lin Yu isn't here. He thought to himself that he had just asked Lin Yu to tell Ah Song that he didn't care yesterday, but today he just pretended to come looking for something and bumped into her inadvertently.

When he entered the study, he saw the figure hanging from the beam. His pupils contracted violently, and he shouted in a voice, "Someone-"

Lin Yu works in the yamen. I received a message from the servants in the mansion that something had happened to Mrs.

Knowing that the emperor was also in the mansion, his heart beat violently, his face was sullen, he strode away from the yamen and walked towards the mansion.

On the way, I learned from the servants that Song Yingying had actually been hanged, and the body was completely cold. He stiffened and almost fell to the ground!

Gritting his teeth, he lifted his robe and strode toward the mansion!

"A Song!" He didn't call Yingying, rushed to the bed, looked at the lifeless face and the streak on his neck, his lips pursed tightly, and turned his head to look at the emperor: "The emperor did what?"

His eyes were cold and his voice was questioning, but the emperor no longer had any extra energy to care about. He was in a trance at the moment: "I didn't do anything. I just wanted to come and see her. I didn't expect that she actually—"

When he came, she was already hanged. After taking her down, her body was completely cold!

Lin Yu didn't believe it.

Yingying greeted him with a smile in the morning.

When she first got up, she also said that she would not sleep tonight, and she would kick him off when he climbed the bed.

How could he kill himself without saying a word?

He doesn't believe it. He thought it was the emperor who had done something that forced her to commit suicide.

He didn't know if she could possess someone else, what she would experience, when would she be able to come to him, and would he still be able to recognize her at that time?

By then, will he have gray hair and won't hurt her anymore?

He thought a lot. The more I think about it, the more I hate it. His fists were clenched tightly, his face was ashen.

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