I Deliver Candy To Men

Chapter 163: The villain who doesn't love the heroine 7

He walked back to the table, sat down, looked at Song Yingying and said, "I'm not in the mansion, you should be more vigilant." After a while, "You have to be vigilant during the day, and don't relax at night. Do you understand?"

Song Yingying was shocked: "Is he so shameless?!"

Do sneak attacks at night? Are you serious?

For some reason, Lin Yu wanted to laugh, so he laughed: "That's it, you can do it yourself."

A Song is so clever with him, he thinks that she can probably beat the emperor.

Because the emperor's orders were urgent, he didn't stay long, packed his luggage a little, and left that day.

When leaving, Song Yingying escorted him out.

There was some reluctance in her eyes, although it was not very intense, Lin Yu still saw it. Glancing at her, he tapped her forehead with his fingers: "If you have to, run away."

It means that if the emperor pushes hard and she can't bear it, she will simply run away neatly.

"I see." Song Yingying nodded, watching him go away.

After he left, she went back to the house alone, as if a kitten was scratching her heart: "What? The words were unclear, so I just left."

He said that as long as she can withstand the emperor's attack, when he returns, she will get what she wants. what does it mean?

Do they mean the same thing when they say they get what they want?

Then he said "forget it" again, what did he mean? Do you regret it again?

As if scratching her heart, she asked the system, "Did I succeed in this strategy?"

They all let her "get what she wanted"! Isn't it successful? However, is he actually so good at strategy? Just applaud for love?

She was a little unconvinced. Aren't the big villains all ruthless, treacherous, and elusive? How can such a good strategy?

"My Yingbaoer is charming!" the system boasted, "That's me, Yingbaoer! If you change someone else, you won't be able to succeed even a hundred times!"

Song Yingying didn't let it get dizzy, and said calmly, "Please take your time when you praise me, so exaggerated, who is perfunctory?"

"Hey, Ying Bao'er is floating, Ying Bao'er has attacked the villain, so she can't look down on Dad." The system cried and sang a song, "My old father~ ah~ I **** up for my children. Heart to heart~~ Ah~~ Children are heart to heart, forget me~ Ah~~ Poor old father~”

Song Yingying covered her ears: "Okay! Don't sing!"

Ugly to death.

"Your conscience is hurting, isn't it?" the system said, "Apologize to Dad! Say it nicely! Otherwise, Dad won't forgive you!"

Yingying didn't get an idea from it, and even offended it, she wanted to coax it in a fancy way, and suddenly felt tired: "You are the best system in the world, broad-minded, witty..." She racked her brains and blew it. "Okay?"

"Hmph, Ying Bao'er perfunctory me." The system said, "But forget it, who made me a father?"

After she finished speaking, she consciously slipped away without waiting for Yingying to fight it.

After Lin Yu left, the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion became Song Yingying's paradise.

Anyway, there is no task to do, so she eats, drinks and plays every day, and even goes out for a walk with money.

Lin Yu's study was unlocked, she could go in and read books when she was free, so she shouldn't be too comfortable.

She will be lonely, because the servants in the house are not close to her, and she is more than respectful, but not close enough. If you want to say something private, don't think about it.

She had to read by herself.

After about seven or eight days, the emperor came.

He came here again in a micro-clothing, with only a trusted **** beside him. He smiled when he saw Song Yingying: "A Song. I haven't seen you for a long time, do you miss me?"

Song Yingying didn't miss him very much. But seeing him was not as annoying as before. A person is too lonely, and meeting familiar people, even if they are a little annoying, doesn't feel so annoying anymore.

"Greetings to the emperor," she said.

The emperor was very happy to see her awake. He approached and said, "It's been a few days since Lin Yu left, is he alone in the mansion, is he bored?"

"A little bit." Song Yingying said.

The emperor was in front, walking in the direction of Huxin Pavilion, Song Yingying followed behind him.

I just listened to him: "If it's really boring, how about going to the palace with me for a few days? I find you a little eunuch's clothes to wear, and you stay in my bedroom, no one dares to embarrass you."

This is indeed a good idea. If she is Ah Song, the words of Ah Song who likes him.

"I don't want to go." Song Yingying said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The emperor was repeatedly rejected by her, and he was not in a good mood. He stopped, turned to look at her and said, "A Song is very different from the past."

There was no smile on his face, his eyes were unfathomable, and a force burst out from his body, pressing directly towards her.

Song Yingying had been frightened by Lin Yu for a while, but now she is not too frightened, she lowered her head and said, "People will always change."

"Oh?" The emperor raised his eyebrows, "A Song has changed a lot."

Song Yingying sneered, raised her head, looked at him and said, "I haven't changed. You have changed, so look at me."

"Really? Where have I changed?" the emperor asked.

Song Yingying said: "I used to think that you were a gentleman, a good man, a good emperor, and a good man, so I liked you. But you are not, you almost forced me, and my impression of you fell to the bottom. You ask me why, Nothing else, just for this."

She said the reason seriously, trying to imitate Ah Song's tone.

Lin Yu can doubt her, the emperor had better not doubt her, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble.

The emperor looked at her cold and indifferent appearance, and vaguely saw the shadow of the former Ah Song. I couldn't help thinking, maybe she was right, she hadn't changed, it was he who frightened her, and her attitude towards him changed suddenly.

Before today, she was trying her best to avoid him, trying to change the subject and distract him. Today, he clearly stated the reason.

When Lin Yu was also there, the emperor would probably feel annoyed, because he couldn't even conquer a woman. But now there is no one else in Jing'an Hou's mansion, only the two of them, not only did he not get angry, but he thought about it.

After a while, there was a sincere look on his face: "I was wrong that time. I apologize to you, Ah Song, don't blame me, okay?"

Song Yingying glanced at him: "Are you apologizing? You just want to expose it without mentioning it. You want me to forget about it and accept you. Why do you really want to apologize to me? Even now, you are still forcing me."

The emperor was dismantled by her and felt embarrassed.

Song Yingying didn't coax him, didn't turn her head away, and said coldly: "You are the emperor, I'm just a commoner. I can't do what you want. But if you push me in a hurry, don't blame me for being rude."

She said you're welcome, maybe she's really welcome.

The emperor remembered that day when she was kicked and knocked out, and he was angry and helpless, and said coldly: "It's not that you have to."

Sleeves away.

After he left, Song Yingying was still surprised, was she so thin-skinned? Stab him a few words and leave?

But he didn't pester her, of course she was happy. Although she can change her body, it is too troublesome after all. Therefore, the emperor didn't do anything to her, it was very easy for her to be able to use this body safely.

This time, the emperor came again after a month.

"A Song, I'm not forcing you." He put on an infatuation and earnest face, "But I really know I'm wrong, you give me another chance, okay?"

Song Yingying hesitated for a while, and chose to refuse: "Thank you for the emperor's love. But that incident is a thorn in my heart, and I can't forget it."

Always tangled, no good. Taking advantage of the fact that she made it clear last time, she completely rejected him this time.

After that, I will focus on attacking the big villain.

The emperor's expression gradually sank: "You don't want to be with me, then who do you want to be with?" He stared at her closely, "You don't like me for a long time, but you still obeyed my arrangement and married Lin Yu. Ah Song, do you like Lin Yu?"

Song Yingying did not refute for a while when he said the central matter.

But after a moment of hesitation, the emperor had already determined that she liked Lin Yu, and smiled coldly: "Okay, okay, I actually pushed you into someone else's arms!"

His eyes were dark and uneasy, Song Yingying wanted to call him, but he had already strode away.

The back looks angry.

a long distance away.

Lin Yu had just come down from the river bank when it rained again. His boots were covered with mud, and the hem of his clothes was splashed. When he returned to his place of residence and just changed his clothes, he received a letter from the capital.

It said, let him return to Beijing as soon as possible.

Lin Yu looked down at the letter and thought about it in her heart. What happened in Beijing? Why did the emperor let him go back as soon as possible?

Is it official business, or is it A Song's business?

Thinking of Song Yingying's appearance, his eyebrows moved slightly, and his fingertips lightly clasped the table.

Did she take it? When he goes back this time, will she get what she wants?

"I got what I wanted." He chewed these words between his teeth and smiled lightly.

After drinking a basin of water, he looked down at the face reflected in it, with a layer of stubble on his chin. He took the knife and shaved lightly.

Satisfied with shaved chin. He touched his smooth chin and looked at the reflection on the water, thinking to himself, would she pretend to greet him?

Another thought suddenly popped into her mind - could she not hold back?

Looking at the water again, a cold and angry face is reflected.

Non-stop back to Beijing. Lin Yu did not return to the Jing'an Marquis Mansion, but went to the palace first for business.

After a few days in the dust, his body was a little tired, and his mouth was quite dry. He moved the tip of his tongue, moistening his mouth, lest he would open his mouth for a while but be speechless.

As soon as he stepped into the hall, he saw a teacup smashed in his direction!

Lin Yu's pupils shrank, dodged subconsciously, and then stopped abruptly, smashing the teacup on his forehead.

"Crack!" The teacup fell to the ground and shattered.

"Weichen is guilty." Lin Yu lifted his hem and knelt down.

The forehead was hot, and blood gushed out, dripping on the ground, making a slight "tick" sound.

He tried to calm himself down, thinking to himself, what did he do to make the emperor furious?

He asked himself that he was doing errands in the south, and that he was rigorous and responsible for everything, and there was no omission.

He smashed him with a teacup without asking a question?

"Lin Yu?" But a surprised voice came from overhead, followed by footsteps approaching quickly, "I didn't expect it was you who came in, did it hit you? Why didn't you hide? Alas!"

As he spoke, he shouted loudly: "The imperial doctor! Come, pass the imperial doctor!"

He helped Lin Yu up with his own hands.

Lin Yu lowered his eyes and was helped up by him. He thought to himself, he didn't even see that it was him who came in, why was it hitting him in the direction of his head?

"Thunder, rain and dew, all are the kindness of the king, and the ministers dare not hide." He stood respectfully and replied with his eyes down.

"Ah, you, you!" The emperor took him as if he had no choice, and complained to him half-truths, "I've been upset for a while, so I'm so annoyed! You're not in the capital, and I can't even talk to anyone. !"

After talking about something in the court, I talked about Song Yingying: "A Song still ignores me. I ask her if she has someone she likes. Guess what she said?"

Lin Yu's pupils shrank! Sure enough, it was because of A Song that the emperor was furious and smashed him to vent his anger!

"I don't know." He shook his head.

The emperor looked at his expression, and saw that he was as respectful as before, not seeming to have an affair with Song Yingying, and felt a little more comfortable. It seemed that it was just her wishful thinking, and Lin Yu did not betray him.

He was in a better mood, and when Lin Yu became kinder and asked the imperial doctor to bandage his wound, he said with concern: "You must be tired after traveling for so long, go back to the house first, and I will discuss with you tomorrow. Say."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lin Yu lowered his eyes, cupped his hands, and stepped out.

The author has something to say: Lin Yu (with a fierce look): I'm angry! !

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