I Deliver Candy To Men

Chapter 113: The handsome fat man with 28

He was a little lost.

The girl sitting opposite looked familiar to him, but her expression was unfamiliar to him.

Looking at this familiar and unfamiliar face, he couldn't help thinking that she had changed a lot after not seeing her for nearly two years.

The soft and sweet appearance in the past has faded a lot from her body. She now looks like a girl who is very sweet, but has a very determined heart and can stand up.

She has grown up and matured day by day. He refuted her just now, saying, "Eighteen or nineteen, the stupidest age for boys, can do good things." He thought that he didn't miss much after two years apart. But now he looked at her, suddenly regretful.

No, he was wrong. She was right.

Being with the person you like, little by little, everything that happens every day is precious. He wanted to watch her change from her youthful appearance a little bit. She probably did too. But because of his stupidity, he missed two years abruptly.

Once again he realized what he had missed, and once again he regretted it.

When he lowered his head and lost his mind, Song Yingying gently pushed his hand away and said, "I hate your self-righteousness and assertiveness. I really hate it. I don't like it, I don't want it, and I don't need anyone else to do it for me. Make a decision. If you can't change it, we may not really be a good fit."

After speaking, she leaned back and sat on the back of the chair.

look at him quietly.

Seeing her posture, Wen Yijia couldn't help but sit up straight. They are negotiating now. She showed her attitude, and he needed to respond. It must be a real response, and you can't lie to her or perfunctory her, otherwise they will really be impossible.

He was silent, thinking.

Song Yingying did not urge him, but quietly waited for his answer.

As time passed, she saw Wen Yijia's face gradually turning pale, and Song Yingying's heart tensed.

Thinking that he insisted on the original idea after all, there is no way to move forward, can not help but feel very sad. She likes him. Except for his self-righteousness, there was nothing she hated about him.

He's smart, patient, gentle, considerate, and still so handsome. She likes the way he is now, especially like it, it can be called love at first sight. She really wanted to be with him if possible.

But can't. If he can't be honest and fight with her and face everything together, she can't be with him. I can't like it anymore.

She forced a smile and stood up: "If that's the case, then—"

"I'll listen to you." He suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed her wrist, looked up at her, his eyes were full of pain, as if the belief he had always held to had been pushed down, with a strong sense of unease and discomfort, "I I want to be with you, Yingying."

Wen Yijia experienced unimaginable struggles and games in her heart.

He likes her, likes her very much. How much he likes her, how much he doesn't want to drag her down.

If this happened again, his first reaction was not to drag her down.

But she would feel hurt, and she'd made it clear that she didn't like, didn't want, didn't need that push. He has pushed her away once, and she is willing to give him a chance this time, but if it happens again, she will not forgive him, never.

He couldn't bear her unforgiveness. His life had already been filled with indifference, and it was she who stood in front of him, holding up the crumbling, shattering warm world for him. She is like a fire. With her around, his world is warm, he can see hope, and has the goal and motivation to fight for it.

He couldn't imagine what his world would be like without her.

He couldn't bear the world without her.

The moment he was shaken, he only felt a flash of inspiration in his mind, like a place that had been blocked all of a sudden, was suddenly opened - Yingying would not necessarily be dragged down by him, and what he thought was difficult and painful, Yingying may not be. considered difficult and painful.

He is fragile and weak, so he feels that some things are difficult to bear, but Yingying is not necessarily so!

She is so great!

She once held up the world for him, why should he underestimate her, thinking that she would be dragged down by him? She is much better than him!

Taking a step back, even if she is not that powerful, she feels exhausted, painful, and dragged down, he can let her go! Let her live an easy, happy life! At that time, he can no longer give her a good life, and he is willing to let her go.

However, when he can still give her good things, when he thinks he can still give, he will never let her go.


"I'll listen to you." He stood up, walked in front of her, lowered his head, and smiled uncontrollably, "I'll change. I'll change. As long as I'm with Yingying, I'll change."

He smiled so handsomely, and the tone of his speech was so gentle that it was dripping with water. Song Yingying only felt goosebumps: "Speak well!"

Tired of people!

Couldn't help but laugh.

She knew that he didn't lie to her, he never lied to anyone, if he said he would change, he would definitely change.

But he still emphasized: "You only have this chance! You have a bad record, very serious, you only have this chance! If I find out that you are hiding something from me, no matter how big or small, you will be finished!"

Wen Yijia nodded: "I will never again."

"Okay, trust you once." Song Yingying nodded.

Couldn't stop laughing. It's good that she can be with him now.

"Then have you promised to be my girlfriend?" Wen Yijia took another half step forward and squeezed her hand.

Song Yingying threw him away: "Dream! You forgot the things you did yourself? I haven't forgotten! I haven't finished my anger yet! Just wait! thing!"

She glared at him hard, snorted him again, picked up the milk tea on the table, bypassed him, and walked out.

Wen Yijia smiled and followed behind.

They went to the cafeteria together and had dinner. After walking out of the cafeteria, Wen Yijia asked her, "Go to the study room?"

Song Yingying suddenly remembered what he said about making up classes and getting full marks, and said angrily, "You really want to make up classes for me?"

Wen Yijia laughed: "Then you will make up for me?"

Song Yingying was so angry that she beat him: "Asshole! Asshole! How dare you be angry with me!"

Wen Yijia lowered her eyes and let her beat without moving. Her eyes fell on her soft white fingers, and she thought to herself, I don't know what it's like to take a bite?

Looking at his little dragonfly again, with a simple look on his face, he only knew how to beat him to vent his anger, but he had no idea what filth he was thinking.

He couldn't help sighing, grabbed her wrist, held back and didn't bite it, just put it close to his mouth and blew: "Does it hurt? Don't hit your body next time, it will hurt you, next time you hit your face ."

Song Yingying was caught blowing by his hand, feeling the wet breath on her fingers, and her face suddenly became hot. Hearing him say that he was slapped in the face again, he suddenly said fiercely: "Do you think I dare not?"

When he got out his hand, he squeezed his face.

He stood honestly, letting her pinch, and was in a mood to support her: "Look, it hurts to pinch your face, but your hands don't hurt, do you?"

Song Yingying let out an "ah" and couldn't help but jumped up and beat him again: "You are so annoying! Why are you so annoying! Who did you learn from? Start from scratch!"

Wen Yijia laughed, took her in his arms, and turned around.

He remembered the scene of Wu Yue holding her with one arm and pulling her up from the ground that day, and he felt jealous in his heart. After putting her down, he also held her with one arm and pulled her up from the ground: "I will carry you upstairs. , okay? One hand."

Song Yingying didn't know what was going on in his madness, so she beat him: "Let me down! This is the campus! Not your home! Be careful when you are in a relationship!"

As soon as the words came out, he wanted to bite his tongue, and just as he was about to speak back, he saw that he had already laughed: "So, is Yingying falling in love with me?"

"Talk about your size!" Song Yingying struggled down, pushed him away, ran to the side, and said angrily, "I mean, you took me upstairs, and if people saw it, they would think we were in a relationship! Who talked to you? Do your big dream!"

"Then I'll go to the study room to occupy a seat." He didn't bother and smiled, "I'll text you later."

Song Yingying snorted at him: "Who wants to go to self-study with you!"

Turned and ran.

When I got back to the dormitory, I was immediately surrounded by my roommates.

"Song Yingying, is that Wen Yijia from the department next door? The one who came back from school? So handsome!"

"Have you been together since high school?"

"Oh my God, he still sends you food every day, such a handsome guy, I have lemons."

"Are you quarreling? I think you beat him to death. I didn't say it, Yingying, be careful. The handsome guys are very proud. You beat people away carefully."

Song Yingying heard that there was a little vanity in the front, and when she heard the back, she suddenly became angry: "He dares to run? He runs! I will coax him that I am a pig!"

He is still in labor reform! It depends on how he performs! How dare he run? If there is one, he will run!

Seeing her so annoyed look, everyone was very curious: "How the **** did he mess with you?"

"Is it low emotional intelligence?"

"Quick, talk about his shortcomings, let's balance our hearts."

Song Yingying said, "He's a pig! He's stupid!"

"How stupid?"

Song Yingying looked at her twinkling eyes, as if waiting for her to tell Wen Yijia's shortcomings, proving that the handsome guy is not perfect.

She sighed heavily: "His EQ is very low! Aren't I mad at him? He's going to give me make-up classes! He's only a freshman! He's not a major with us! He just came back from school! He wants to give me make-up classes, this Isn't it maddening?"

The roommates were a little confused: "What?"

"When he was in high school, he always gave me supplementary comprehension! You don't know, he is a beast! Our class is a beast! He started to do the questions for the second year in the first year of high school, and he also served as a teaching assistant for the teachers, and opened a cram school! In the first exam, I got full marks in the general exam!" Song Yingying put her hands on her hips and said angrily, "This beast! Going to university is still a beast!"

The roommates were stunned for a while, then collectively screamed: "You are the beast! Song Yingying, you are finished!"

They pushed her down on the bed and tried to clean up: "There is a handsome boyfriend who is still not hiding, but he came to stimulate us! You are finished!"

"Fuck her!"

Song Yingying put on an X and was pressed on the bed by her roommates to clean up. Her clothes were messed up and her hair was loose.

She groaned and got up, brushed her hair and washed her face again, then picked up the textbook, and walked out with her chest raised up: "I'm going to find animals to make up lessons!"

"Get out of here!" The roommates threw melon seed shells at her.

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