I Cut Down the Troubled World Alone

Chapter 177: I promise, I'm going to make a change in front of Officer Huang and re-...

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"Sun Neng? Very unfamiliar name, never heard of it."

Lin Fan shook his head, thinking about the names they were talking about. It was really unfamiliar. He must have read the "Zombie Atlas", so he knew the situation in Huangshi.

It's just that the other party clearly knows that there is a Huangshi Sunshine Shelter, so why should he act alone? Maybe this is everyone's unique thinking.

People are different.

Some people are very personal, they have their own ideas, they have their own goals, for others, the end times are terrifying and irreversible.

But for some people, they just want to find a world in this last world with their own efforts. Thinking of Ji Qiuyue, this is someone who has his own ideas. If the other party stays in the yellow market, he can really look at her and ensure that she will not have the chance to hurt others.

Mo Lan and Zhang Hao looked at the situation on the street. They had not returned to the city for a long time. They felt out of place in the city, as if they were used to drifting outside and suddenly returned to the city. a feeling of.

"Brother Lin, there are the most zombies in the city. Why can Sunshine Sanctuary exist safely?"

Zhang Hao's name for Lin Fan, it must be "brother", for no other reason, just like to call others brother, a little closer to the relationship, although it was the first time to meet Lin Fan, but Lin Fan gave him a sense of security Feel.

It's like seeing a girl, even if you are not familiar with it, you will definitely call out, look at that beauty, it is very straightforward and can be seen with the naked eye.

"A lot of zombies? That's not true. Do you see any zombies outside the car?" Lin Fan reminded them to pay more attention to the situation outside, as there were obviously no zombies.

Mo Lan and Zhang Hao, who were driving, only found out at this time that they didn't know when it started, the streets were empty, and they didn't even see a single zombie. They thought it was impossible.

What was the situation of those zombies just now, and what is the situation now, could it be that the zombies still have the consciousness of the territory?

"No... no zombies?"

"Yes, there are no zombies, that's why I said that you really choose the road. There are no zombies on many roads. You have to choose a road with many zombies."

Lin Fan admired their ability to choose. It was like choosing not to choose from ninety-nine ways to live, and had to choose the only way to die.

This choice is very powerful. "Where have all the zombies gone?"

Mo Lan couldn't believe it. In their hearts, the number of zombies in the city was overwhelming. The population of the city was too large. When the apocalypse broke out, the scene was very chaotic, even if there were many people alive.

But in that case, it will eventually become a zombie. But now they see it is empty.

Lin Fan said with a smile, "I've cleaned them all up. In the past, there were many zombies in the Yellow Market. They were everywhere. Some were wandering on the street, some were hiding in the corner of the store, and they were just like the zombies hiding in the dark. Like assassins, they often cause fatal injuries to passersby when you are not paying attention."

"But there's no need to worry about those things now."

He explained patiently, talking about some things after the outbreak of the Yellow Market from the end of the world. Of course, there are too many things happening, and it is impossible to talk about it in detail, so I can only give a rough outline.

Even if they were talking about the general situation, it seemed like Mo Lan and Zhang Hao were dreaming. All clean up?

Yellow City to become a city without zombies? The more I listen, the more confused I get.

The more I listen, the more I feel that there is a big problem in this world.

If anyone told them these things, they would definitely look at each other very vigilantly. Neurosis is not uncommon in the end of the world, even if it appears in front of them, it is a normal thing.

Emi and the others have been wandering outside and encountered many, many things. It was fine at the beginning, but with the shortage of materials and the transformation of human nature, there are dangers everywhere.

Not only need to be careful of zombies, but also be careful of all kinds of living people. "Don't you think what I said seems unbelievable?" Lin Fan saw the surprised look on their faces.

Mo Lan nodded, "Yes, I really can't believe it." Zhang Hao also nodded frantically.

Lin Fan said with a smile: "I understand, this is a normal situation, it would happen to anyone else, but

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Chapter 177 I promise, I will reform myself in front of Officer Huang and become a new person Free Read: https://,!

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That's the truth, haven't you picked up the "Zombie Atlas" outside? "

"Zombie Atlas?"

"Yes, I wrote it. It records many types of zombies, as well as content related to the abilities of the awakened."

"Awakening ability, yes, Sun Neng told us that it is safe here, and he said that he can walk around in the apocalypse at will, and zombies can't see him."

"This should be a camouflage ability, a very good awakening ability, able to shuttle in the city, most of them will treat him as air, but this ability is not invincible, some zombies can sense hostility, and there is a zombie Called hybrid zombies, they have bat-like sonic detection..."

Mo Lan, who was driving, looked shocked. She felt that Brother Lin seemed to like science and was very familiar with the types and abilities of zombies.

Anyway, she and Zhang Hao were confused.

Lin Fan suddenly remembered, "Oh, by the way, you haven't seen the zombie picture book, you must not know the situation of all kinds of zombies, it's not as complicated as you think, when you arrive at the Sunshine Sanctuary, I will give you each one. Ben, you will know after reading it, but...you didn't pick up the "Zombie Atlas", it seems to be my reason, the number of distribution is still too small."

Mo Lan: .....- Zhang Hao:


They had a very strange feeling that they were worried everywhere in the apocalypse, but this Lin Fan acted very ordinary, as if he didn't take the apocalypse seriously.

Is it an illusion? It doesn't always feel like it.

Mo Lan said: "We originally had nine companions, but they left with the other survivors, saying that there was also a base there, and they didn't want to take the risk with us to come here.

"Leaving with other survivors? Didn't you meet the survivors in Yanshi?" Lin Fan asked.

Mo Lan said: "How could it be Yanshi? The direction we came from is not in the same direction as Yanshi."

"That's good. Now some of the survivors out there who claim to have bases are very bad. I met a survivor earlier, and he actually married a zombie and deceived the survivor. Fortunately, I found it early." Lin Fan talking. It was just his words that shocked Mo Lan and Zhang Hao's hearts.

For some reason, there is a bad feeling. Soon, they suppressed this bad feeling. The path is your own choice, and you can only bear it yourself.

Soon, the iconic iron bars of Sunshine Shelter appeared in their sight.

It's just that for them, the zombie corpses on the streets make them pale, and they have never seen such a scene.

Lin Fan said: "Don't be afraid. At that time, the factory tide attacked here and we eliminated it. The number of zombies was indeed a bit large, but it is already being cleaned up. It won't take long."

Mo Lan and Zhang Hao were still shocked. Really terrifying to the extreme.

Step into the Sunshine Shelter.

Mo Lan felt her mind suddenly relax, and she looked back, as if she had an illusion, the darkness behind her completely dissipated, and endless sunlight swept in, covering her body.

"This is the Sunshine Sanctuary. There are many people living here. You will also live here in the future. When you step into this place, it has already been explained that the difficulties you have encountered along the way will bear fruit." Lin Fan said.

Mo Lan and Zhang Hao stood there dumbfounded, looking at the vibrant scene in front of them. For a while, tears appeared in the eyes.

These are not tears of sadness, but tears of excitement when the sun is finally seen after the catastrophe. It would be great if everyone could persevere and come here with them.

But it was soon relieved.

Some people persist, go all the way down, and finally find what they want.

And some people give up halfway, change direction, and can only go to another path and obtain other results.

When Wang Kai saw his elder brother beckoning, he came running, and when he saw the two survivors, he immediately smiled. His job was to distribute.

There are many places where shelters live now. The surrounding floor rooms have been cleaned. Look at the door lock, no key?

Is it true that Da Wu and Xiao Wu are vegetarians?

the group they teach

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Chapter 177 I promise, I will reform myself in front of Officer Huang and become a new person Free Read: https://,!

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The students are also extraordinary, possessing the stunt of unlocking, but for some reason, the male classmates are learning very fast, and it seems that he has an extraordinary talent in this regard.

Maybe men have a kind of magic power to open locks.

Innate, with a little guidance and guidance, you will be able to integrate. There are many locks in the world.

Even without being taught by the two brothers, Dawu and Xiaowu, they know that the first step is to insert the key straight into the lock cylinder, and then, with their rich experience, stir from side to side, one left, one right, one back and one back, touching To the correct position, the lock will naturally be unlocked.

Therefore, after there are enough places to live, the survivors who come here also live in high-rise buildings. Life is as usual.

Other than that the daily work is a little different, there is basically nothing else.

Of course, as more and more survivors live here, things naturally become more and more. Everyone is an ordinary person, not a saint, and it is impossible for everything to be perfect.

In order to solve this problem, the signal soldiers are building the base station of the shelter, so that all mobile phones can have a signal, and both parties can be connected.

Wang Kai's idea was very simple. He was going to form 180 groups and pull all the survivors into a fixed group.

Able to distribute work better. And work communication.

Good idea, just wait for the signal troopers to get the basics right.

When Lin Fan found Team Lei, he thought that he would speed up the copying and dissemination of the "Zombie Atlas". His greatest hope was to distribute the "Zombie Atlas" to every corner of the country.

"Well, don't worry, it has been continuously printed day and night." Thunder Team knew the importance of this matter.

Lin Fan said: "It's hard work. Professor Xia and the others will transport them here like a base after a while, and the production line of the battle armor will also be transported here. They may need to be busy at that time."

Lei Dui had a happy expression on his face. He had never seen Professor Xia, but he always knew about Professor Xia's deeds.

He knew that when the base and production line were transferred to the Yellow Market, then the Yellow Market would be used as the basis to start a counter-offensive against the zombies.

Maybe not everyone can be an Awakener.

But when the armor is popularized, even ordinary people can wear armor to fight with ordinary zombies. Right now.

His satellite phone rang.

Lin Fan hurriedly took it out, wondering if another survivor had found the satellite phone and called for help. What he liked most was hearing such a voice.

Look at the number. Not a strange survivor. connected.

"Hey, I'm Lin Fan."

"Brother Lin, it's me. A cargo ship of unknown origin has appeared near us, can you come and take a look?" Tang Jiayu on the other end of the phone said.

"Okay, I'll come now." Hang up the phone.

Lin Fan thought that he hadn't been to Tang Island for a while, and felt that it was very safe there. He had been in peace all along. After all, it was a waterway, and zombies couldn't swim. As long as they were not careless, it would be difficult to be in danger.

But now it seems that a group of uninvited guests came to Tang Dao. .....

Don Island.

Everyone was on alert, and the survivors who were planted in the field all gathered, watching the approaching cargo ship vigilantly.

Their hearts have belonged to Tang Island.

During this period of life, they recognized Tang Dao's business model more and more, and the manager Tang Li was also very friendly to them.

Therefore, when there is an unknown cargo ship approaching here, all of them have only one thought in their hearts, that is, no matter what, they can't let something happen to Tang Island.

"Dad, I've already called Brother Lin, I should be there later." Tang Jiayu said. Tang Li nodded, then looked at the bodyguard beside him, "Did they answer?"

"No reply." The bodyguard shook his head.

Today's Tang Dao's combat effectiveness is very good. It is impossible to easily occupy it. Besides, his trust in Lin Fan is extremely high. As long as Lin Fan arrives, everything will be counted. a thing.

cargo ship.

A strong man looked at the island in front of him with a hideous smile on his face. His right arm was a metal arm, which glowed with metal under the sunlight.

His name is Sun Wei, once

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Chapter 177 I promise, I will reform myself in front of Officer Huang and become a new person Free Read: https://,!

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It is to avoid zombies in this sea area. He also traded with He Qing.

But now he is not what he used to be. After experiencing all kinds of things, he has grown up, and he has been helped by a mysterious organization.

"Viagra, people from Tangdao contacted us and asked us what we wanted to do and how should we respond?" a younger brother asked in awe.

Sun Wei said in a cold voice, "When I return to them, I said I want them." "Yes, Viagra."

The younger brother hurried to answer.

Sun Wei thought of his former self. He was very humble. He took the things he finally got, and exchanged supplies, just to get some food. That kind of life made him feel that life was really no fun.

It is a torment.

But now he believes that as long as he doesn't die, he can get ahead.

Today, he considers himself to be the overlord in the sea. Thinking of the anime he has watched, it is true that I, Sun Wei, are One Piece.

The younger brother who went to answer hurriedly ran over, "Viagra, the other party said they had firearms in their hands and asked us to leave immediately, otherwise they would attack us."


Sun Wei stared at his younger brother, and then burst out laughing, "Haha... Interesting, it's really interesting to ride a horse, I haven't attacked them yet, but dare to say that I want to attack us. ."

"Go, bring people to me, and give them a big gift when they are old."

Soon, when the younger brother came back, he was carrying a scrawny young man in his hand. Looking at his appearance, he was tortured and his mental state was very bad.

Sun Wei took out a tube of blue potion, pried open the opponent's mouth, and poured the potion into the opponent's mouth. "Let's go."

The metal arm grabbed the opponent and threw it towards Tang Dao. With such strength, the younger brother Yue was stunned and called out terrifying. He was a human being. Even if he was too thin, he couldn't throw it so easily. go out.


The thin man fell on the edge of Tang Island.

All the survivors watched the guy who was thrown over vigilantly. "It's dead."

"Damn, how could someone's strength be so terrifying, this person throws it over, it's too terrifying."

"You see his head is bleeding."

"No, what does the other party mean?" Just as they were talking.

The man who fell motionless on the shore suddenly trembled violently, as if he was equipped with a small electric motor, bouncing with a bang. If someone sat on it, he was afraid that something big would happen.

The sudden situation made the survivors of Tang Island dumbfounded. Suddenly.

The man did not continue to tremble, but everyone was horrified to find that there was a low and strange sound in the other's throat, and then, the body swelled.

The man who was thin just now turned into a terrifying zombie with a huge body. "Zombies..."

Someone exclaimed.

The man who turned into a zombie growled, his gray-white eyes rolled, and a viscous liquid flowed from his hideous mouth. At this time, it looked like a power-type zombie.

But if you look closely, you can see that it seems to be a little different from the power-type zombies. "Roar"

The man zombie roared and saw the humans on the island, rushing towards that side like a mad dog.

Sun Wei on the cargo ship looked at the situation on the shore.

"It's amazing, the giant No. 1 agent is really fierce. It can actually make a weak guy become so tall and strong in an instant. The real official is strong."

From here, he deeply felt the terror of the mysterious organization. This is definitely an organization with amazing research results.

Just when he was thinking about watching the survivors in the giant zombie rage hammer Tang Island, a scene that he didn't expect happened, a young man came out of Tang Island and kicked the giant zombie flying.

And then... no then. "What the hell?"

Sun Wei could not accept such a result. Immediately after.

He saw the guy with the sword on his back, actually riding a yacht, rushing towards the cargo ship. on the yacht.

"Mr. Lin, you can jump to the cargo ship with your strength, why do you want me to send it?

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Chapter 177 I promise, I will reform myself in front of Officer Huang and become a new person Free Read: https://,!

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? "A bodyguard asked curiously, not because he didn't want to send it, but just out of pure curiosity.

Lin Fan said: "Maintaining normality is a necessary condition for being a human being. I want to feel it." Bodyguard: ....?

As the yacht approached the cargo ship, Lin Fan asked the bodyguard to go back first, and then he jumped onto the cargo ship.

The bodyguard looked at the figure who had jumped onto the cargo ship and sighed, just saying that it was normal, but now it's not normal again, and jumping at such a high level is really scary.

on the deck.

Lin Fan saw Sun Wei standing there, and at the same time thought about what happened to the young man just now, and why he suddenly turned into a power-type zombie.

"Hello, my name is Lin Fan. Your actions have endangered the safety of Tang Island." Lin Fan looked at Sun Wei, his metal arms seemed a little out of tune with normal people.

Sun Wei didn't know Lin Fan, and he hadn't even seen him before. It stands to reason that if he could come to the Yellow Market, the "Zombie Atlas" would definitely be distributed.

What he didn't know was that Sun Wei was always on the move at sea, constantly looking for ships. The outback is a paradise for zombies.

Then the ships sailing on the sea must have living survivors.

And the soldiers who distributed the "Zombie Atlas" were never distributed on the sea. Therefore, it is normal for Sun Wei not to know.

Sun Wei squinted and looked at the guy who appeared on the cargo ship. Although he was thinking about how the other party got up, now is not the time to think about these things.

He waved his hand, and several younger brothers with guns appeared. "kill him."

When he didn't know the situation of the other party, Sun Wei didn't think that he would do it himself. If he could kill him with a firearm, he would at most just waste some bullets.

As his voice just fell. da da da da..

The gun spewed at the fire dragon, and the bullets poured out, instantly blocking all of Lin Fan's blind spots.

"Illegal possession of a gun, and even more attacking me. I can stop it, but my clothes can't stop it, and it's easy to break."

thought here.

He knew that self-defense was about to happen again. Instantly asked.

He disappeared on the spot, and everyone's eyes could see the other side disappear, but the nerves hadn't reacted yet. When they reacted, the guys with guns felt a distance coming.

Then the whole person flew out upside down, and at the moment of take-off, their consciousness began to dissipate. boom!

boom! boom!

A corpse smashed into the distance.

At this moment, the space seemed to freeze. Time seemed to stand still.

Sun Wei looked sluggish, twisted his head stiffly, and looked back at the situation behind him.

What he saw was bloodstains, and then there was a tragic-looking corpse, very terrifying, and there was absolutely no possibility of life.

"They wanted to shoot me with guns. I felt threatened and had no choice but to defend myself. They asked for it."

Lin Fan shook his head. He was really helpless about the behavior of these thugs.

This behavior is simply thugs of thugs.

Any survivor who encounters such a thing may die on the spot, and there is no hope of even living.

Sun Wei turned his head, his throat moved, and he swallowed. "You stepped on a horse and killed them all?"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "No, they killed themselves. If they didn't shoot me with firearms, this would not have happened. Bloodshed often happens. Don't blame others, you have to find the cause from yourself. "

"Even if Officer Huang is here, I won't think there is anything wrong with me, after all, I belong to Bai Wei." He explained the matter to the other party.

I just hope that the other party can understand that violence cannot solve things, and violence often has terrible effects.

Sun Wei looked at Lin Fan in a daze, obviously not expecting the other party to say such a thing. Right now.

Sun Wei seems to be insane.

"Ah... ah, how could you kill them all on a horse, you... ah." Sun Wei stomped his feet in anger.

These are the younger brothers who follow him, the foundation for him to become a sea hegemon in the last days, not just holding a gun at you.

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Chapter 177 I promise, I will reform myself in front of Officer Huang and become a new person Free Read: https://,!

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, the other party will kill all his younger brothers, how can he bear it.

But the key is...why can the other party avoid it so quickly? Could it be that this guy has extraordinary abilities like me? Lin Fan didn't move the opponent.

Think about things.

"Can you tell me what happened to the man just now? Why did he suddenly turn into a power zombie, and what did you do to him?"

Lin Fan was contemplating, and Sun Wei was also contemplating. "Who are you?" Sun Wei asked solemnly.

Lin Fan said, "Haven't you read the Zombie Atlas?"

He couldn't believe this kind of thing. It was understandable that the "Zombie Atlas" was not obtained in places far away from the Yellow Market, but if the other party could reach the Yellow Market, it meant that they might have been wandering around all the time. As long as you wander around the Yellow Market, how can you not pick up the Zombie Atlas.

"What gadgets and what gadgets, what "Long Corpse Atlas"."

Sun Wei was in a bad mood, and he was naturally wary of Lin Fan's appearance, but he was still a little confident in his own strength. In addition to the metal arm that enhanced his own strength, he also had extraordinary abilities. thought here.

Sun Wei let out a low roar and charged towards Lin Fan. He raised his metal arm and slammed it towards Lin Fan's chest. for the current situation.

Lin Fan was thinking of self-defense, but thinking that the other party had no weapons in his hands, and that the other party felt very mysterious, he wanted to explore more secrets in depth.


Sun Wei's metal arm slammed into his chest. A dull voice broke out.

great power.

Any ordinary person would not be able to withstand the power of this punch, and even with a little bad luck, the internal organs could be split open and he fell to the ground and vomited blood.

"Give me death."

Sun Wei's eyes were fierce, as if he had already thought of what was going to happen next. Scared!

crisp sound.

Sun Wei stared, the metal in the arm seemed to be recoiled by some kind of force, and it cracked and then shattered. This metal arm has extremely high science and technology, and is connected to the nerves of the body. At the moment of being broken, severe pain is transmitted.

"Ah... Sun Wei screamed in pain.

Lin Fan blinked and watched silently, he really didn't do anything, everything was done by the other party himself, he was very helpless about this.

"I didn't hit you, you made yourself like this." Lin Fan said.

He waited for Sun Wei to calm down, and at the same time looked down at the broken metal arm parts. Although he did not understand these things, he could see some precise parts from these broken metal materials.

It should be done by professionals.

And the opponent's strength is very strong, surpassing the strength of ordinary people, it should be a power awakener, but the opponent's ability has not been greatly improved, but it must be taking crystals, it is only the first stage.

Lin Fan walked in front of Sun Wei. Hearing the footsteps, Sun Wei endured the pain, shook his head, and looked at him with a terrified expression. He already knew that the guy in front of him was scary.

Your roots are not your opponent.

Lin Fan said softly, "Can you tell me, what is the purpose of your visit to Tang Island?" "I came to see."

"No, I don't think you're here to take a look. You seem to be here to hurt others." "No, no."

Sun Wei didn't even think about it, and quickly shook his head.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Can you tell me, why did a man who was just so handsome suddenly turned into a zombie?" This was what he was most puzzled about.

"If I say, can you not kill me?"

Sun Wei really didn't expect that he would be so weak. When he didn't make a move against Lin Fan, he was very confident in his own strength. After he made a move, reality slapped him in the face and beat him to the point of bruising his nose and face. , without even a single thought.

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

Lin Fan's voice suddenly softened, just to make Sun Wei believe that he is a man and would never do such a thing. I hope he can understand that maybe others can't promise to do it, but I, Lin Fan, will definitely abide by it. What's more, Lin Fan didn't take the initiative to hurt anyone when he rushed over.

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Chapter 177 I promise, I will reform myself in front of Officer Huang and become a new person Free Read: https://,!

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In the case of losing one's life, it is also in the case of self-defense.

Sun Wei looked back at the corpses. He was still alive and kicking before, but who would have thought that he would turn into a corpse now.

Lin Fan noticed Sun Wei's concern.

"You can't blame me for what happened to them. You also saw them shoot me with guns. If I don't act in response, it may be me who will die."

After Sun Wei heard these words, he was silent for a while, and finally spoke slowly.

"I don't know why he became like that. I just filled him with a blue potion. That potion was given to me by someone else. They called the potion the giant one."

He really didn't know the origins of those people. But very mysterious.

"Giant No. 1?" Lin Fan pondered, "The blue potion can turn a normal person into a power-type zombie. It's a terrible potion. There are already many zombies, but he still thinks about artificial creation.

It's really hard.

Sun Wei cautiously peeked at Lin Fan, yes, it's obviously a terrifying potion, but you are even more terrifying than the potion.

"Can you contact them?" Lin Fan wanted to know who this mysterious person was, and wanted to go see them and take them to meet Officer Huang by the way. Maybe Officer Huang would like them very much.

"Yes." "Take me." Came to the cabin cab.

They communicate by satellite phone.

Sun Wei pointed and said, "That's how I used this connection."

Lin Fan wanted to get in touch directly, but when he was about to start, he seemed to be thinking of something, "What is the transaction between the two of you?"

Sun Weidao: "He asked us to capture the living survivors, and then contact them, and they will come to us on their own initiative."

Capture the living survivors?

Lin Fan felt that the matter was not as simple as he imagined.

"Come and contact, tell them that they have caught the living Xin Zai and let them come over."

First deceive the other party, then have a friendly conversation with them, instill in them the truth of life, and let them understand how wrong their actions are.

Then they arrived at their headquarters and persuaded them to go to Huangshi to meet with Officer Huang. If Officer Huang thinks they did not do anything illegal, it must be safe.

Sun Wei endured the pain in his arm and dialed the number with the satellite phone. Soon, the signal is on.

"It's me, yes, we caught some survivors. They are very healthy and young, and they definitely meet your requirements."

The other party remained silent.

After a while, a voice came.

"Let the people around you do the talking."

Sun Wei looked at Lin Fan, and Yunai said, "He knows that I was caught by you and wants to talk to you."

"Hello." Lin Fan answered the phone, "Who are you? I want to meet you. I have a lot to tell you. I don't know if it's okay?"

As he finished speaking, a low voice came from the satellite phone. "Lin Fan, Huangshi Sunshine Sanctuary, I don't know if what I said is correct."

"Yes, it's me. It seems that you know me well. The giant No. 1 potion you gave him is a little more harmful. It can turn ordinary people into power zombies, which is not a very good thing."

"Hehe, it's an interesting statement. He was looking for survivors near the Yellow Market, and I knew he would meet you eventually."

"Since you know, why don't you remind him?"

"Reminder? No, this is for you to come here on purpose. On this cargo ship, there is a gift I gave you, I think you will like it, but it's a pity, we may not really meet in the future, this is the end of the world. But it's not as bad as you think, it represents the infinite mystery of the human body, and when you can peep and touch it, it is the beginning of our mystery."

These words the other party said, listening to the feeling of God's babble. "Good luck."

Boom! The voice just fell.

The entire cargo ship exploded in an instant, covered in flames, and billowing smoke often rose.

The residents of Tang Island were all frightened by the sound of the explosion, and then a shock wave swept through them, causing the hearts of the people to tremble.

"Dad, is Brother Lin okay?" Tang Jiayu looked at the burning cargo ship with a worried look.

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Chapter 177 I promise, I will reform myself in front of Officer Huang and become a new person Free Read: https://,!

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Tang Li said: "Trust him, I think it must be all right."

If it were any ordinary person faced with such a situation, he would die in the sea of ​​​​fire and have no hope of living, but that was Lin Fan, and he could no longer be regarded as an ordinary person.

Although he had full confidence in Lin Fan. But there is still some worry in my heart.

On the shore of Tang Island, two figures appeared, one of them was Lin Fan, and the other was Sun Wei, who had been frightened.

Sun Wei looked at the burning cargo ship with a pale face, and the whole person was stunned. All his belongings are there.

And now there is nothing.

He really couldn't figure out when the other party planted the bomb on his cargo ship, or even how it was detonated.

Immediately, a feeling of after a catastrophe emerged.

Sun Wei looked at Lin Fan excitedly, "Thank you for saving my life."

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's alright, it's just a little effort. Besides, I can't watch you die. I'll take you back to Sunshine Sanctuary, and I want you to meet Officer Huang."

Sun Wei nodded frantically, "Well, um, I will definitely talk to Officer Huang, I will try to reform and be a new person."

Lin Fan stared at Sun Wei with a smile on his face. He didn't say much. He lightly patted his shoulder, as if to say, it's a good thing for you to have such an idea. When you get there, it can make you slow down. Slowly communicate with Officer Huang.

Back to the villa. "Brother Lin."

Tang Jiayu walked over enthusiastically and shouted sweetly. During this period of time, her life was on this small island. She didn't call Lin Fan like before. Knowing that Lin Fan was always busy, she thought Let Brother Lin have a good rest.

But how did she know that Lin Fan would be on the LAN with everyone every night as long as he had time. "Is the cargo ship his?"

Tang Jiayu looked at Sun Wei, and had already attributed the explosion to Sun Wei, thinking that the other party must want to run away, then detonate the cargo ship, and want to kill Brother Lin on the ship.

Lin Fan said: "Yes, they want to capture the survivors alive and then trade with a mysterious organization. I wanted to track it down, but the mysterious organization found out, and I don't know what method they used to detonate the cargo ship."

Tang Jiayu listened to the thrilling things, and his liver was beating carefully.

Tang Li, who was beside him, thought about asking his daughter to talk to Lin Fan more, but he didn't say anything. Only now did he slowly say, "Mr. Lin, you mean that in this apocalypse, there is a mysterious organization, and they are looking for someone alive. The survivors of , wouldn't be doing some kind of research."

"Well, I think it is. Just now, the ordinary man turned into a power zombie and took a bottle of blue potion. That potion was developed by a mysterious organization. I don't think this is good news." Lin Fan said.

Tang Li nodded, agreeing with this statement.

Human creativity is infinite, but behind the infinite creativity, there are often many terrible things.

"Then the current situation in the yellow market will be able to close the city soon."

Tang Li knew Lin Fan's goal. When some of them went out, it was difficult to see zombies in the outside world, especially where there were zombies floating on the water.

"Well, very soon, just recently, I took off the tail and I was completely safe." Lin Fan casually chatted with them, and then led Sun Wei towards the shelter.

・・・・A base somewhere.

A middle-aged man in black clothes flipped through the "Zombie Atlas" in his hand. And the page he flipped through was a photo of Lin Fan.

"Huang Shi Lin Fan, there is a strange existence in the end of the world, but why is he so strong? There is indeed no problem in the stage of awakening ability~www.readwn.com~ But even if it is promoted to the highest stage, it may not have such ability. "

The gaps in different stages of ability have been simulated by computer, and they are not as terrifying as imagined.

Of course, in the simulated data, when the ability is raised above the fourth stage, it is already equivalent to a superman walking in the world.

The fifth and sixth stages are indeed stronger. Only the strength is still within the range.

at this time.

A man in a white coat came over.

"BOSS, Professor Jin is responsible for the three

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Chapter 177 I promise, I will reform myself in front of Officer Huang and become a new person Free Read: https://,!

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Experiment No., there has been progress, and you are invited to watch it. "

Provide you with the fastest update of "I alone cut down the troubled world" by Dashen Xinfeng!

Chapter 177 I promise, I will reform myself in front of Officer Huang and become a new person Free Read: https://,!


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