I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 171 Jiang Hao is an extraterritorial demon?

Jiang Hao thought of various possibilities in his mind.

If mana can really nourish the spirit and improve mental data, then this will be very useful.

What a surprise.

After all, Jiang Hao can only improve his mental data by visualizing the black hole in the Yanwu Temple.

"My mana increases very quickly, mainly because my spiritual power is similar to a weakened version of divine consciousness, but it can also forcibly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so in the early stage, my mana accumulation will be very fast."

"However, there is still a long way to go before we can condense the Yin Shen, the prototype of the Yuan Shen."

"But maybe I can solve this problem. The mana cultivated by monks in the spiritual world needs to be used to practice various spells, or refine weapons, etc. It will be lost every day and then restored, which will delay a lot of time and energy and waste a lot of mana. ”

"But I don't need it. My mana can be used to nourish my spirit and strive to condense the Yin Shen as soon as possible!"

"If this is the case, then the time it takes me to condense the Yin Shen should be greatly shortened."

Jiang Hao made an estimate.

At his speed, it would only take about a year to condense the Yin Shen.

This is already divine speed.

In one year, Yin Shen was condensed from scratch?

This is simply a fantasy.

Unless it's the soul that seizes the body.

But the Yuan Shen seizing the body is only to restore the mana, not to condense the Yin Shen.

"So now I can only be regarded as a Qi practitioner at best. I haven't gathered the Yin Shen yet, and I am a monk with low magic power."

"But no matter what, I have already embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation."

Jiang Hao was actually very satisfied.

"Master, I would like to see you."

At this time, the voice of Taoist Qingfeng came from outside the cave.

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

He probably guessed the purpose of Taoist Qingfeng's visit.

"Come in."

Jiang Hao waved his hand and opened the door of the cave, and Taoist Qingfeng quickly walked in from the outside.

"Meet the master."

Taoist Qingfeng saluted respectfully.

He observed Jiang Hao slightly.

It was discovered that Jiang Hao actually had mana fluctuations.

It's just that the mana fluctuations are very weak, it seems to be only at the level of a Qi practitioner, and even the Yin Shen has not condensed.

At this time, Taoist Qingfeng was completely sure that Jiang Hao did not have any magic power before.

"Qingfeng, why did you come to see me?"

Jiang Hao asked.

"Master, there was a whirlpool of spiritual energy above your cave just now. It must be that the master is practicing, right?"

"Yes, I just tried to practice the Qingfeng Dao Code, but I didn't expect it to cause such a big commotion."

Jiang Hao admitted it openly.

This is nothing to hide.

Such a big movement can be seen by everyone.

"Then...the master is an extraterrestrial demon?"

Taoist Qingfeng carefully considered it, but finally gritted his teeth and asked.

"Extraterrestrial demon?"

Jiang Hao was slightly startled.

He obtained the memory of the Blood Cloud Demon King, but the memory was sealed and he needed to sort out the memory slowly.

However, now that he had obtained the keyword "Outside Demon", he quickly obtained information about "Outside Demon" from the memory of the Blood Cloud Demon King.

Extraterrestrial demons refer to those creatures from other worlds.

In the spiritual world, are there actually creatures from other worlds?

Doesn’t it mean that there is no great power in the spiritual world?

How can you still cross the border?

However, after carefully checking the records of the so-called "extraterritorial demons", Jiang Hao felt relieved.

It turns out that those extraterrestrial demons are actually some alien creatures that accidentally entered the spiritual world.

Many creatures from other worlds accidentally enter other worlds for various reasons.

But this kind of crossover is often uncontrollable and very dangerous.

For example, those alien creatures in the spirit world were regarded as extraterrestrial demons, and all of them were hunted down. In the end, almost no extraterrestrial demon survived.

Taoist Qingfeng apparently discovered that Jiang Hao did not belong to the spiritual world, so he suspected that Jiang Hao was an extraterrestrial demon.

So, is Jiang Hao right?

From the perspective of beings in the spiritual world, Jiang Hao is undoubtedly an extraterrestrial demon.

Regarding this, Jiang Hao had nothing to hide.

After all, Taoist Qingfeng's life and death are in his hands.

So Jiang Hao immediately admitted it.

"Yes, you can think of me as an extraterrestrial demon."

Hearing Jiang Hao's "confession", Taoist Qingfeng let out a sigh of relief: "It's really an extraterrestrial demon..."

Jiang Hao said with a smile but not a smile: "After learning that I am an extraterrestrial demon, are you ready to sacrifice heroically, tell the entire spiritual world that I am an extraterrestrial demon, and then hope that the Mahayana monks in the spiritual world will join forces to kill me?"

"No, Master, you misunderstood. How dare I betray Master? Once I announce this news, the Qingyang Sect will be completely finished. I don't want the Qingyang Sect to end in my hands."

"I just want to ask about the 'extraterrestrial demon'. Master, can you clarify the doubts for your subordinates?"

Jiang Hao stared at Taoist Qingfeng.

It seems that Taoist Qingfeng is still very sensible.

Know what to do and what not to do.

If he really wants to betray Jiang Hao, not only Taoist Qingfeng will die, but the entire Qingyang Sect will be destroyed.

The severance of the orthodoxy is the last thing any sect monk in the spiritual world wants to see.

Taoist Qingfeng is just curious about the extraterrestrial demons.

I just want to know more about the demon outside the territory.

"You want to know the information about the demons outside the territory? Then there is no harm in telling you. In fact, this is not a secret. It is estimated that the entire spiritual world will know about it soon..."

Jiang Hao had no intention of hiding anything from Taoist Qingfeng.

There is no need to hide this.

After all, the Purple Realm has built a cross-border gate, and many monks have come through.

This is different from some sporadic alien creatures.

This is an organized and large-scale "extraterritorial demon".

Jiang Hao is willing to hide and rise slowly.

But others don't think so.

Especially those extreme Taoists.

There is no great power in the spiritual world. For those extreme Taoists, it is equivalent to having no opponents.

They are not slow to hide.

The spiritual world is probably not far away from "the world is in chaos".

"Qingfeng, do you think the spiritual world is the only one?"

Taoist Qingfeng was slightly startled.

"Of course not the only one."

Taoist Qingfeng said.

If the spiritual world is the only one, where do the extraterrestrial demons come from?

The reason is very simple.

"Yes, the spiritual world is not the only one. There are actually many worlds similar to the spiritual world. There are also practitioners in those worlds. Some people have achieved success in cultivation and came to the spiritual world and showed different cultivation methods from your spiritual world, so they were You are called extraterrestrial demons.”

"So, the so-called extraterrestrial demons are not the same kind, but are probably creatures from different worlds."

"For example, I come from another world, and it's not just me, there are many people. The spiritual world will soon be in chaos. You should know it soon without me telling you."

"The purpose of our coming to the spiritual world is very simple. In fact, it is the same as the purpose of your spiritual world monks, which is to become a powerful person! That is the highest pursuit of your spiritual world monks, to become an immortal!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Taoist Qingfeng's heart was shaken, and a turmoil arose in his mind.

He was not surprised that many extraterrestrial demons came to the spiritual world.

But he was surprised by the word "becoming an immortal".

"Master, are there really immortals?"


Taoist Qingfeng understood.

Does the immortal that all the monks in the spiritual world are searching for really exist?

That's enough!

Moreover, the goal of extraterrestrial demons like Jiang Hao is to become immortals.

As for how to become an immortal?

It's nothing more than competing for some opportunities or resources.

Taoist Qingfeng has long been accustomed to strange things.

Monks in the spiritual world also have to fight each other to compete for resources and opportunities.

What is the difference between it and the demon outside the territory?

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