I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 110: Sword energy turns into silk and shows its power, Jiang Hao overpowers Linghu Patriarch


When the sword was slashed out, the sky was full of sword shadows.

"Sword Qi turns into shadow? But this can't do anything to me."

Master Linghu waved his hand, and the divine blood in his body burst out.

Suddenly, a terrifying Taotie appeared in the void.

This is the ancient divine beast Taotie!

Taotie is extremely powerful and can swallow everything with one mouth.

Therefore, as the Taotie phantom opened its mouth and sucked, countless sword shadows from all directions were sucked into its mouth and disappeared.

Jiang Hao was shocked.

This is sword Qi turning into shadow.

Each sword shadow actually exists.

The power is terrifying.

As a result, it was swallowed by the divine blood that burst out from Master Linghu.

He is worthy of being a master of the Divine Blood Family.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, show your true ability."

Master Linghu said lightly.


Jiang Hao no longer held back.


The sword of the Red Fire Divine Sword shone.

Then, strands of sword energy intertwined like hair strands into a large net, covering Linghu Zhenren.

Seeing this scene, many people exclaimed.

"What, sword energy turned into silk?"

"This is an extremely high level of swordsmanship, sword energy turned into silk! And the sword energy turned into silk after the divine weapon is even more powerful. This is a terrifying method that can hurt or even kill Zhenren."

"Zhenren Chen has just been promoted to a Taoist master, how come he has mastered the method of sword energy turning into silk?"

Seeing Jiang Hao casually perform sword energy turning into silk, Linghu Zhenren, who was originally calm and composed, suddenly changed his face.


The Taotie phantom manifested by his divine blood expanded rapidly, and then opened his mouth wide, trying to swallow countless sword energy turned into silk into his mouth.


The sword energy was indeed swallowed.

But he couldn't hold it.

The sword energy came out again.

The shadow of Taotie instantly became riddled with holes.

However, it was only a shadow of Taotie after all, and it did not cause much damage to Linghu Zhenren.

But without the shadow of Taotie, Jiang Hao's sword energy turned into silk and fell on Linghu Zhenren again.

This was a huge injury.

Linghu Zhenren's body immediately became bloody.

In the blink of an eye, he became a bloody man.


"Such a strong defense, my sword energy turned into silk can only make Linghu Zhenren injured on the surface, in fact, the sword energy can't penetrate into the body at all?"

Jiang Hao noticed something strange.

He retracted the sword energy and did not continue to attack.

The blood on Linghu Zhenren's body also stopped quickly.

He looked a little pale, but the breath on his body did not decrease.

This is indeed just a superficial injury.

But even so, it was enough to shock Linghu Zhenren.

"What a sword energy turned into silk, this time Linghu lost..."

Linghu Zhenren looked a little lonely.

I didn't expect to lose to Jiang Hao.

"Master Linghu is too polite. My sword energy turned into silk looks good, but it didn't hurt Master Linghu at all. Master Linghu's divine blood is really powerful. It's as difficult as ascending to heaven to let the sword energy penetrate your body completely."

Jiang Hao also spoke.

Every one who enters the realm of Taoism has a good side.

Master Linghu is good at the physical body.

His physical body is extremely strong.

It's easy to defeat, but it's difficult to kill Master Linghu.

"Master Jiang, you don't need to comfort me. You still have some strength left in your sword energy turned into silk, and there are other means that you haven't used. If you really go all out, I really have no confidence."

Master Linghu said seriously.

He was not modest, but it was the truth.

Jiang Hao still had divine blood and holy body that he hadn't used.

Of course, the key is that Jiang Hao only used the power of the Tao body, but he was able to comprehend the Tao.

The strongest is his own "Tao".

And Jiang Hao didn't even use the power of the "Guardian Tao" just now.

It was clear who would win and who would lose.

"It is said that after entering the Dao, the divine blood has no advantage over the real person. Now it seems that it is more than no advantage. Entering the Dao with divine blood is indeed not as good as entering the Dao through perception..."

Linghu Zhenren sighed.

He was touched.

Before entering the Dao, the divine blood really had all the advantages.

It was difficult for ordinary warriors to compete with the divine blood warriors.

But once entering the Dao, it was different.

The warriors who had realized the Dao had the power of "Dao", and they could also be reborn and have the Dao body, which could compete with the divine blood warriors, or even be better.

Jiang Hao did not speak again.

Linghu Zhenren just sighed a little.

In his long years, hadn't he seen other real people who had realized the Dao?

He had seen them.

He also knew the strength of warriors who had realized the Dao.

The reason why he sighed so much was actually because he was sighing that Jiang Hao was too strong.

He had just been promoted to the Dao, but he was able to suppress him, a veteran Taoist.

Seeing Jiang Hao win, especially the bloody appearance of Linghu Zhenren, the heads and elders of the Linghu family were all terrified, fearing that their ancestor would have an accident.

"Zhenren Chen is really... too strong."

"Zhenren was actually at a disadvantage?"

"Zhenren Chen Yang didn't even use his own 'Tao', and defeated the ancestor with just the sword energy turning into silk. It's incredible."

They are now somewhat relieved.

Fortunately, the Linghu ancestor and Jiang Hao "reconciled".

Otherwise, if they really fight to the death with the Teng Chamber of Commerce, the entire Linghu family may be in danger now.

"Fellow Daoist Linghu, Jiang will take his leave now."

"After I stabilize my realm, Jiang will go to the Zhao family in the Central Region to mediate for Fellow Daoist Linghu."

"Okay, then I'll have to trouble Fellow Daoist Jiang."

Jiang Hao did not stop and left the Linghu family directly from the martial arts arena.

"Chen Gongfeng, Linghu Zhenren..."

Teng Yingying asked a little nervously.

"Miss Teng, Fellow Daoist Linghu promised Jiang that it was a misunderstanding with the Teng Chamber of Commerce. In the future, he will not only not embarrass the Teng Chamber of Commerce, but will even cooperate with the Teng Chamber of Commerce."

"Cooperation? That's great!"

Teng Yingying was very happy.

The Linghu family has a Dao realm master, and it is also a Shenxue family. It can be said to be a thorough local snake overlord.

With the cooperation of the Linghu family, the business of the Teng Chamber of Commerce will definitely go to a higher level.

"By the way, don't mention the name 'Chen Yang' anymore. You can restore your real name and explain it to the public."

"Huh? Restore your real name?"

Teng Yingying was in doubt.

But when she thought about the difference between now and the past, Jiang Hao was already a Taoist master.

No longer a mere Gangjin warrior.

The matter in the Yuntu Secret Realm was almost a disaster for a Gangjin warrior.

But for a Taoist master, it was not only not a trouble, but could even become a good story.

Jiang Hao had enough confidence to dare to restore his real name.

"I want to retreat, no one can disturb me!"

"If you have anything to say, wait until I come out of retreat."

After that, Jiang Hao did not wait for Teng Yingying, but flew directly into the air and returned to the Teng Chamber of Commerce.

This time in retreat, Jiang Hao only had one thing, that is, to enter the Tao with divine blood!

This was equivalent to Jiang Hao's second entry into the Tao, which was very important, so he naturally had to eliminate all disturbances.

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