I created the monster sequence!

Chapter 069: Undercurrent surges!


"Type A blood?"

“No, no, yes, human dessert.

The man frowned when he heard this, "What's so delicious? It's just a pile of burnt flour."

"Don't say that, you grew up eating that stuff too."

"But to us now, that stuff is just junk food."

"Yes, it is junk food. Many snacks are considered junk food, but this does not prevent people from liking to eat it."

"You mean, the True Ancestor still has his childish innocence?"

"That depends on which one you're referring to."

The bartender brought a glass of wine and placed it in front of the man, then unceremoniously picked up the lighter on the table and lit a cigarette.


"The Three Corpses Empress likes to play with guns and sweets, but the True Ancestor only likes to hunt."

The bartender's pupils flashed as he spoke, and a blood-red light flashed past.

"As for the Holy Son, it's better not to speculate."

For these vampires, 008 is not one person in their eyes, but three completely different people.

008 in the adult female form is not the True Ancestor, but the Three Corpses Empress.

008 in the adult male state is the true ancestor.

As for 008 in his teenage state, it's best not to have any contact with him, because in his teenage state, 008 has a perverse personality, moodiness and anger, and his mood is difficult to predict.

If someone is unhappy, he will be stabbed.

They call 008 in his teenage state the Holy Son.

At the same time, there is an unwritten rule between them, that is, once they see the Holy Son, they should hide as far away as possible.

The Third Corpse Empress is gentle and easy to talk to.

Although the True Ancestor is decisive in killing and cruel, he never harms his own people.

Only the Son of God will not have any scruples just because the person who offends him is one of his own.

The man exhaled a puff of smoke, "If you ask me, if the True Ancestor takes action, he may not be a match for that angel."

The handsome man smiled lightly, "Actually, I think he is just like us, just a monster in human skin."

Just then, a slovenly man walked into the tavern.

"Are you all here?"

"Listen to me, there are a lot of new faces in town lately."

"Are you from the GOC?" the handsome man said.

The sloppy man raised his head and said, "More than that, I think... there seems to be someone on the other side."

The person on the other side?

Several people looked at each other.

"Could it be that it's Kyuubi?"

"This is not Asia. It should be impossible for Kyuubi to reach here."

"In addition to Kyuubi and GOC, are there any other organizations?"

"Hmm...those idiots from the Church of Light?"

"Oh, they are just a bunch of poor people who are busy making money for the country."

"If it wasn't the Kyuubi and the Church of Light, it would be... wait, have you ever heard of an organization called Chaos Splinter?"

"Chaos Insurgency?"

"I have heard of it..."

"I heard they were fighting fiercely with the Nine-Tails in Asia."

The slovenly man sat at the front desk and said, "I have a bad feeling, maybe we will get into trouble."

Several people frowned at the same time.

"You're saying that New York might become the intersection of several major forces?"

"Chaos, Kyuubi, GOC, plus us, if it's true as you say, maybe this will turn into a melee between the four forces."

"No, they're targeting us."

"Perhaps what we will face is a concentrated attack from the three parties."

Within a few days, demons and monsters from all sides began to move closer to New York.

The GOC has even issued a public notice to the vampire collective.

They asked the True Ancestor to show up and be taken in.

"If not, our angels will come down from the sky with judgment and crush the so-called vampires in your mouth."

The True Ancestor and the Vampire Clan did not respond in any way.

Shortly after this announcement was issued, Nine-Tailed Fox officially announced its involvement in the incident.

Their move instantly aroused the GOC's dissatisfaction, because this is not the jurisdiction of the nine-tailed foxes.

"You should go back and take care of your hometown. Don't let someone steal it again in the blink of an eye."

Faced with the ridicule of the GOC, Qin Leng, the commander of the nine-tailed fox, responded.

"Obviously, you are not capable of containing 008. You even said that even the information about 008 and all previous contained objects were provided to you by us."

"Your understanding of the contained objects is like a child drinking milk understanding of the laws of the world."

"We have the mithril, we have the method to deal with the vampires, and you can only rely on your so-called angels."

"If angels are enough, then what is the meaning of your existence?"

"In other words, is it necessary for the GOC to exist?"

"To borrow what you said before, everything we are doing now is for humanity, so even if it violates international law, I will do it."

There was a wave of confrontation between the two major forces.

But that was just in words, because they all knew that the vampires were their biggest enemies right now.

In the end, the two forces acquiesced to each other and wanted to snatch 008 according to their own abilities.

Whoever can contain 008 first, then 008 will belong to him.

Maybe some people can't understand why they are so persistent in fighting for a 008?

The reason for this is simple, it is the key to eternal life.

The vampires are immortal and stay young forever. If their immortal code can be deciphered, humans will open the door to eternal life.

This is of considerable significance.

Of course, this is not the reason why Qin Leng wants to snatch 008.

Because he, or rather the nine-tailed fox, had already learned a lesson.

They had previously extracted fish-man cells and made a strengthening potion.

After the experiment stabilized, they injected fish-man cells into nearly a thousand people and formed them into the Delta Extreme Response Force.

In order for this potion to last, they did not kill 002.

Because if 002 dies, the supply of original fish-man cells will be completely cut off.

It is also because of this that they have learned a lesson.

After 002 escaped from the trap, all the people who had been injected with the strengthening medicine were transformed into fish-men, and there were thousands of them!

This led to the total collapse of the armed forces in their base.

This is a bloody lesson.

In the same way, if the GOC really successfully contained 008, they would definitely extract 008's blood to make an immortality potion.

By then, I'm afraid the 002 incident will happen again!

So Qin Leng will not let GOC people get 008 under any circumstances.

He didn't even have to doubt that those idiots would make the same mistakes again.

Because the only lesson that humans can learn from history is that humans cannot learn any lessons from history!

A purple figure fell from the sky.

"A-class personnel, Naira Sorkin, successfully arrived in New York."

Two old men walked leisurely behind Naira Sorkin.

"Uncle, we are also in place."

"Are we just the three here?"

"Didn't the priest and the Lord of the Flesh come?"

"The two of them were left to look after the house."

For this operation, Nine-Tailed Fox only sent less than a hundred people to respond.

Because Qin Leng knew very well that if he went too much, he would give it away. In addition, the manpower was not so sufficient now, so just bring in some people to help him, it would be fine.

Their real main force actually only has three people.

The lustful one, the Book of Changes, the swordsmith.

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