Aizen now has boundless power. His jade-breaking power is heading towards the captain. The sea area of millions of miles collapses at this moment. The sky collapses and the earth collapses, making an unbearable sound. The cry of burden.

Aizen’s power has reached an extreme. Aizen is now even more powerful than in the original work.

The captain who faced Aizen’s move also had a solemn look on his face. His expression was just right, and the blade in his hand was like fire. It struck directly, and the flames formed into a huge flaming dragon, heading towards the suppressed Bengyu power. boom!

When the power of Liubian Ruohuo collided with the power of Bengyu, a vibrating sound erupted, and suddenly all the light in the world between heaven and earth dimmed.

“The captain must win.”

Everyone in the pirate world screamed now. In their opinion, the captain of the Gotei 13 is their last hope. If the captain of the Gotei 13 loses to Aizen , then the world is over.

At this moment, everyone can clearly see how powerful Aizen is. The bodies of all the strong men in this world are trembling, and there is a strong sense of fear in their eyes. If even this If all the captains of the Gotei 13 in Soul Society fail, who else in the world can stop Aizen.

Now Aizen’s power of Hondama is overwhelmingly coming towards the captain, and Hondoku The power of jade roared in, and the power of the collapsed jade made even the captain’s senses belonging to Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni feel a strong danger.

In the eyes of Kyoraku Shunsui and others, even the captain had to face With Aizen’s power, he should treat it seriously.

“Do you think the captain of the Gotei 13 can defeat this Aizen?”Buddha Sengoku and others looked at each other. Seeing the terrifying situation caused by Aizen’s actions, their hearts continued to sink. They were extremely nervous, and despair gradually grew in their hearts.

“Gods of death! Listen to me, protect this world!”

The captain suddenly shouted. Hitsugaya Toushiro, Kyoraku Shunsui and other Shinigami looked at each other with astonishment in their eyes. They probably knew what the captain was going to do. Faced with Aizen like this, the captain now has no choice but to use his swastika.

The gods of death all know that if the captain uses his swastika, the world may collapse. It may be destroyed, but facing Aizen who has been purified to the ultimate mode after merging with Honyu, if he does not use his swastika, how can he deal with this Aizen? At this moment, the

Shinigami also used their own swastika one by one. Unsolved, and then the light of the ZanpakutÅ� gathered together, wrapping this space, like a protective shield trapping Shiro Xiu and Aizen. Of course, the function of this protective shield was not to trap them at all, because it was not trapped at all. Can’t help it, the function of the protective shield is to hope that the captain’s swastika will not affect the world outside the protective shield.

Of course, it can last as long as it takes.

Finally, the captain displayed the swastika that is as sharp as fire.

In”Death”””, this is how Yamamoto Genryusai Shigegoku’s swastika was recorded.

Thousands of years ago, Emperor Yhwach of the Invisible Empire saw his swastika in a duel with Genryu Sai and called it”a general that will hit you.

“”A sword of great fire that burns all the objects with explosive fire.

” However, the ability of swastika has also changed over the millennium.

In the Millennium Blood War Chapter, Genryusai once again liberated the swastika to deal with Yhwach who invaded Soul Society, and its heat was enough to destroy The water in Soul Society is evaporating little by little, and if used for a long time, Soul Society will be destroyed.

“All things in the world are born from ashes, and all living things are destroyed three times, with the residual fire sword!”

At this moment, the temperature of the world is rising.

Now the captain is holding a big sword in his hand. This is the residual fire sword. It doesn’t look like a sword at all. But after meeting a ball of fire, after the residual fire sword appeared,

Lan Ran was also aware of the boundless danger. He performed as hard as he could, with a look of horror in his eyes, and then he roared angrily.

“You actually dare to use Swastika, how dare you?”

Aizen’s furious roar resounded throughout the entire pirate world, and anyone could hear the horror contained in that voice.

Although there was a protective shield, the temperature of the pirate world was also constantly rising..

Everyone in this world felt suddenly sweaty.

They immediately took off their clothes, and then the temperature continued to rise.

The sweat hung greasy on their bodies.

They flew towards the sea one by one, hoping They could take a bath to cool themselves down, but as soon as their bodies touched the sea water, they immediately jumped out of the sea, because the temperature of the sea water seemed to be boiling water.

Outside the protective shield, Kyoryu Shunsui was already yelling:”Captain, the protective shield cannot stop the high-temperature flame of the residual fire sword. You still have a few seconds. You have to deal with the opponent within a few seconds and take back the residual fire sword, otherwise the world will be destroyed by the swastika!”

“Aizen, it’s all over……”

The captain holding the residual fire sword has the magnanimity of Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni. His voice is calm, but there is endless majesty in the voice, as if the world is resonating. The flame of the residual fire sword in his hand has a brilliant power. Seems invincible!!!

“Your swastika actually has such power.”Looking at the residual fire sword in”Bai Xiu’s” hand, Aizen started to perform again, with a look of unwillingness on his face, but he knew that at this moment, he was no longer the opponent of”Bai Xiu”.

“”Aizen” turned around, wanting to leave.

“”Bai Xiu” naturally does not allow it.

And when the scene reaches this scene, the real protagonist should also appear.

“From this moment on, I declare that the thousand-year bloody battle……start!”A low voice suddenly resounded in the pirate world, like the sound of thunder.

This voice did not belong to”Shirashu”, the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, nor did it belong to”Aizen”, but the voice The coercion and suppression power in the body are no less than those of Soul Society’s Captain and Lord of Hueco Mundo.

A man wearing a black robe appeared.

However, no one knew that this man was at the highest place in the sky at this moment.

When did he appear?

It was too far away.

Even those who used the Haki of the Warring States Period and others could not see clearly what this man looked like.

But the only thing that could be known was that this man was not simple.

“It’s you”

“”Haku Xiu” At this time, he also cooperated with the main body and shouted in surprise.

The Shinigami looked at each other, and

Kyoraku Shunsui even asked:”Who is he?””

Even”Aizen” is standing aside at this moment.


“”Bai Xiu” he said word by word,

“He is the Emperor of the Invisible Empire, Yhwach!”_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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