Aizen takes the first blade, the second blade, and the third blade and goes to the present world with Bengyu!

At this moment, in the present world, with the arrival of the three of them, terrifying spiritual pressure covers the sea,


At this moment, countless people on the sea turned pale with horror. The terrifying spiritual pressure covered the sea, making them feel surprised.

At this moment, above the temporary navy base, three figures were already standing there as if they were upright.

The first blade stood there. In the middle, the second blade is on the left, and the third blade is on the right.

The first blade Stark is a benevolent Arrancar. Compared with other members of the Ten Blades, he is the most ordinary-looking person, close to human beings.

He is usually lazy and seems not very interested in external things. Hates trouble. He hates being alone and values his companions. Although he claims that he will not avenge his dead companions, his heart is still shaken by this.

He doesn’t like fighting and will be merciful to his enemies depending on the situation.

The current First Blade Stark was just releasing his spiritual pressure, but he didn’t want to hurt anyone.

But the second blade is different.

The third blade, Diya Helier, has green eyes, a plump upper body, and her long golden hair is tied into three braids. The number is under the right chest, and the hole is under the body.

She is usually taciturn and cautious in her actions.

She is not a cruel existence, but the second blade is different.

The second blade Balegang looks like an old man with a crown tiara on his head. There is a huge golden compass on his waist. Wearing a coat similar to a long coat, the attire is very emperor-like.

Balegang has always felt that he is very invincible and looks down on Stark and Harribel.

His spiritual pressure is lethal.

With him as the center, the surrounding space seems to be broken into pieces.

These three people Standing together, the combined spiritual pressure naturally caused the world of the sea to become instantly dark, and an indescribable power shrouded the world. From a distance, these three figures seemed to be world-destroying demons.

“Today we are here to destroy the world!”Baile Gang said these words wildly, his voice echoed in every corner of the world, his voice was filled with spiritual pressure, and everyone on the sea could hear it clearly.

“You humans are just empty food for us, so just accept your fate.”

Compared to the first blade Stark and the third blade Harribel. This Harribel is undoubtedly a ruthless existence. His mighty and majestic voice echoes in every corner of the world, like a storm sweeping the world. Suddenly spread, his words changed the situation, the sun and the moon became dim, and people on every island were now panicking.

They never expected that things would be like this, the captain of the Gotei 13th Team They went to conquer Hueco Mundo, but unexpectedly Aizen came up with a plan to attack the east and the west.

Many Devil Fruit users and strong men on the sea now looked in the direction of Balegang and others in horror, with fear in their eyes They looked at the position in that direction.

They could feel the opponent’s strength, how powerful and terrifying it was.

Even Akainu, Aokiji and others in the temporary naval base frowned. They looked up and saw a faint They had already seen the three figures of Balegang. Above these three figures, they felt an indescribable power.

Akainu has always believed in the existence of absolute justice, but at this moment, Akainu is also pale. There was a trace of solemnity in his eyes. The more serious this kind of solemnity, the more domineering Akainu and others were. They had already seen the three figures in the sky. They were numbered 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

“In other words, the opponent is No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 among the Ten Blades! Fujitora smiled and said solemnly.

The Golden Emperor was also frowning now, his face was pale, and he wailed:”If I had known this, I would not have joined the Navy Headquarters.” Green

Bull patted the Golden Emperor on the shoulder and said:”It’s useless if you don’t join. What they want from Hueco Mundo is the world. No one can escape.””…..The Bengyu was held in Stark’s hand. With their words, their power, despair and other negative emotions grew on the sea.

The light of the Bengyu became more intense, and

Stark nodded.

Harribel stood quietly aside and said nothing.

Balegang stared at the broken jade in Stark’s hand, trying his best to hide the greed in his eyes.

As long as Bengyu is with him,

Bailegang feels that he can regain his position.

He has always felt that he is the real master of Hueco Mundo.

Now the people above the sea are in panic.

The same is true for the soldiers at the Navy’s temporary headquarters base. The navy are now looking at each other, their faces are pale, and their legs are shaking because the three figures are now in the sky above their heads.

If they want to kill someone, they will definitely die first.

Now Akainu knows it’s not the time to watch mukbang. During the live broadcast, Buddha’s Warring States Period and others were suppressed by Whitebeard.

Seeing Xuye Palace in sight,

Bai Xiu and others naturally wanted to go to Xuye Palace.

Next, there is no doubt that it will be White Beard versus Bai Xiu.

In this battle, there is no doubt that

Bai Xiu will win.

People on Dahai don’t watch the live broadcast, and they know what will happen next.

What’s more, people on Dahai are no longer in the mood to pay attention to the live broadcast. They are timid…….

Akainu noticed the changes in the faces of the sailors on the island.

There was fear in the eyes of the lieutenant general. Even the admiral was trying his best to suppress the fear in his heart.

Akainu gritted his teeth and shouted like a muffled thunder. Echoed in the space:”Everyone, listen to me, this battle is related to the survival of the world, we can’t let Hueco Mundo succeed.”

Akainu, he may not be a good person, but he is not afraid of death, even if he dies, he will Fight with Hueco Mundo.

After Aokiji and others heard Akainu’s voice, Aokiji, Green Bull and other generals looked at each other and gritted their teeth.

They didn’t want to lose to Akainu.

Immediately, the vast devil fruit power came from their bodies. surge out,

“Ice Age!”

“Hell Brigade!”

“Ming dog!”

Suddenly, they attacked the three figures in the sky together.

The first blade, Stark, didn’t say much, but quietly held the Bengyu in his hand.

The second blade, Bailegon, took action. Looking at the admiral who dared to attack him, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the Devil Fruit power of Aokiji and the others.

He had not returned to the sword yet, but his spiritual pressure already had the attribute of”aging”, and Aokiji and others had the power of”aging”.

The attacks of the pheasants and others disappeared one by one.

Bailegang smiled coldly at this moment:”The aging that I control is the most powerful and supreme force. Don’t let me become a skeleton emperor, otherwise you will die in pain.”_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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