Among the Ten Blades,

No. 9 and No. 8 are not very likable characters.

No. 9 is basically a monster because his body and abilities are afraid of sunlight. , so Aaroniro always wears a white robe that covers his whole body, white gloves, and a long mask with holes on his head. Generally, he only wears the mask when he is in his palace or when he needs to show off his abilities. Remove.

Now let’s talk about this guy’s real mask.

Under his mask is a glass tank like an inverted test tube. It is firmly connected to the body with a metal ring. The back is also covered with a metal sheet. The tank is filled with an unknown red liquid. The liquid Floating in it were two small Arrancars with only heads. These two heads are the true bodies of Arronillo!

It was the 9th and 8th blade among the ten blades. They could also see that the Kyōraku Shunsui in front of them was not simple, and they immediately began to return the sword.

“Sip, evil concubine”

“Eat him up, Naxu!”

Their spiritual pressure was surging, and then the two of them cooperated and headed towards Kyoraku Shunsui.

Kyōraku Shunsui also immediately started fighting with them, and they were not at a disadvantage in a one-on-one battle.

The Shinigami’s spiritual pressure and Hollow’s spiritual pressure collided, and the surrounding space began to collapse.

The ninth blade represents”greed”, and the ability is the fusion of abilities! The eighth blade represents madness, the ability is to control the doll, conception informs regeneration, science and technology!

Originally Kyoraku Shunsui’s strength, according to common sense, can suppress the Ninth Blade and the Eighth Blade within a few rounds. You must know that in the original”Death”, he is after Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni Captain, but whether his Zanpakutō is good or weird, it can be 50-50 against anyone. If you want to kill the opponent instantly, it depends on what game the Zanpakutō wants to play with the opponent.

In other words, The length of time is determined by the Zanpakutō.

The relationship between Ukitake Jushiro and Kyōraku Shunsui is the best. These two people often go out together.

Now after Ukitake Jushiro saw this scene, he also wanted Just pull out your Zanpakutō,

“No need to go to such trouble!”

Bai Xiu couldn’t wait to complete the task of fighting Hueco Mundo and Soul Society. He didn’t have time to waste on the 9th blade and the 8th blade.

Bai Xiu stood up and went out.

The spiritual pressure did not appear, but he With Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni’s aura, every move he makes makes people have to pay attention.

Buddha’s Warring States has transformed into a golden Buddha statue and killed the three-headed Daxu.

But Buddha’s Warring States itself is also a little weak.

Buddha Sengoku and others saw the captain of the Gotei 13 team standing up. They were happy for a moment and didn’t know what to say.

“Back off!”

Suddenly, Bai Xiu spoke up and gave an order, but he told Kyoraku Shunsui, Buddha Sengoku and others to step aside.

Kyōraku Shunsui was originally the captain of Soul Society, so he naturally had to obey Bai Xiu’s orders. Yes, he immediately stepped aside.

Buddha’s Warring States and others had a cooperative relationship with Bai Xiu. Hearing Bai Xiu’s tone, they frowned slightly, but they did not dare to disobey Bai Xiu’s words. To be honest, any The world respects the strong.

At this moment, whether it is the 9th Blade, the 8th Blade or other Daxu, their eyes and attention are all focused on Bai Xiu.

“In fact, it doesn’t take more than a few rounds to deal with these guys!”

The arrogant voice came from Bai Xiu’s mouth. To Kyōraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō, this was a matter of course. Their captain should have been a first-class strong man.

He should be under the starry sky. The first person.

But when the Ninth Blade and the Eighth Blade heard this, they felt angry. They didn’t know that the person in front of them was the captain of Soul Society. They thought this guy was too arrogant.

“Your status is not low, I think you should be a so-called captain-level figure. Come and fight with me for 300 rounds!”

“No! Give me a try first and see what you are capable of!”

Both the Eighth Blade and the Ninth Blade spoke unhappily.

Bai Xiu stared at them indifferently.

The next moment, Bai Xiu’s body suddenly burst out with terrifying spiritual pressure.

The spiritual pressure was so great that it could not be counted. , covering the entire Hueco Mundo for a time, causing all the Hollows in Hueco Mundo to tremble. They never thought that such terrifying spiritual pressure could exist in this world. This is absolutely impossible.

In Xu Ye Palace in Hueco Mundo, the eyes of the Ten Blades were also widened. Even the ranked Ten Blades’ pupils shrank suddenly. He suddenly released his spiritual pressure at this time. After comparing the terrifying spiritual pressure that appeared, I found that my own spiritual pressure was just a drop of rain, while the opponent’s spiritual pressure was vast and endless, like an ocean.

“How could such majestic spiritual pressure exist?”

“This is impossible, completely impossible”

……No matter it is the 8th blade or the 9th blade at this moment, it is also on the forehead, and I can’t help but shed drops of cold sweat.

“how come?”

They couldn’t help but screamed in horror, looking at the arrogant figure in front of them in disbelief.

This kind of spiritual pressure was even more terrifying than the terrifying spiritual pressure of Aizen they had felt. I don’t know how many times..

Now the 8th Blade and the 9th Blade looked at each other, knowing that if they didn’t take action in time, they would be afraid that under such spiritual pressure, they would not have the courage to take action later. At this moment, the 8th Blade and the 9th Blade were at the same time. Recognized his own unique move.

The Ninth Blade, Arronillo Aluruyeli! After returning to the blade, his upper body maintained its original form, while his lower body changed into a huge, ugly, octopus-like form. According to Arronillo, he It has devoured 33,650 Hollows, giving it to the Blade with the strength of more than 30,000 troops.

The eighth blade, Sal Apollo Grantz, was liberated.���Apollo swallowed his sword, then his whole body expanded and exploded, showing a new posture. After liberation, the lower body turned into tentacles, and then the tentacles condensed and disappeared, turning into feet and the hem of clothes. Four wings grew out of the back, and there were colorful lines in the eye sockets.

Now, these two guys used Wang Xu’s flash at the same time, and the two attack powers suddenly gathered together, and suddenly they went towards Bai Sha.

And Bai Xiu pulled out the Zanpakutō from his waist.

“Everything is reduced to ashes!”

This is just the beginning, but the space suddenly burned with eternal flames, and the temperature suddenly began to rise.

Not just here, but the temperature in other places in Hueco Mundo suddenly soared into the sky,

When Wang Xu’s flash was about to bombard Bai Xiu, under the burning flames, the attack burned into nothingness and disappeared!

The ninth blade and the eighth blade looked in disbelief!

They suddenly found themselves with the person in front of them. The difference in strength was really too big.

After they looked at each other, they thought……escape! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation, sharing

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