The reappearance of the white beard was enough to shock people. The fact that the white beard was still standing behind him was even more incredible.

Pirate Supernova can be said to be a very potential existence. In the Supernova Alliance, there is no Luffy, but even if there is Luffy in Supernova, Luffy is only ranked second or third.

Many people agree that Kidd’s potential is still higher than that of Luffy, if Luffy doesn’t have that kind of identity and background.

Without the guidance of Garp and others,

Luffy would probably not be able to compare to Kidd if his resources were the same as Kidd.

But now Kidd, looking at Aizen’s figure, his fingers couldn’t help but tremble. This Lord of Hueco Mundo was already famous throughout the world. No matter who saw it, they would inevitably be frightened.

Not only Kidd, but the other supernovas and pirates behind him, even the Whitebeard Pirates, were all trembling in shock. Looking at Aizen’s domineering figure, their scalps were numb and their whole bodies were numb. Goosebumps came out in shock

“Master Aizen, tell me, what should we do now?”

The next moment everyone heard Whitebeard’s name for Aizen. Phoenix

Marco, who regarded Whitebeard as a god, even widened his eyes. After experiencing countless storms, they all felt that it was unprecedented and unbelievable that their old man Dad was actually surrendered

“The so-called pirate supernova is really just a bunch of ants!”

Aizen said calmly, his voice was very domineering:”Hueco Mundo doesn’t need beings without potential. You go and try them. If you think they are good, catch them. If you think they are bad, kill them.”

“”Okay, Lord Aizen.” Whitebeard nodded. He didn’t feel there was anything wrong with respecting Aizen. You must know that the strong one is always king in this sea battle. Back then, he also succumbed to Rocks. Under the power, not to mention that Aizen today is many times better than Rocks.

Now Whitebeard is walking towards Kidd and others step by step.

Kidd gritted his teeth, Whitebeard was once called the world The most powerful man, facing such a guy, Kidd and others said they were not nervous, which is a lie. At this moment, Kidd and the others were under great pressure.

But soon Kidd thought of something and shouted loudly:”Let’s all come together, he no longer has the power to shake the fruit.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the pirates behind Kidd also brightened up.

Yes, during the battle on the top, everyone knew that Whitebeard was dead. Even if he was resurrected, the Shock Fruit would not be on Whitebeard’s body. ,

Blackbeard once robbed the power of the Shock Fruit, so the Whitebeard in front of him does not have the Shock Fruit. He is a fighter of the Kidd Pirates and a samurai pirate who likes to fight. He wears a mask on his head and cannot see it. Kira, who was in his true form, shouted:”Okay, today I will try the power of Whitebeard.”

Captain of the Hawkins Pirates, born in the North Sea. He has a silent personality, speaks like a fortune teller, and has straw fruit abilities. He can use straw dolls to divert attacks to weaker soldiers. Hawkins also thought of his own fruit. Ability means:”I also want to fight the guy who was once called the strongest man in the sea.”

Skullachimanap, the captain of the Radio Pirates, Ulki, the captain of the Broken Monk Pirates, etc. all nodded.

“Just a bunch of brats!”Bai Hu muttered to himself.

At this moment, he has gained new power.

His attributes are shock + anger.

It can be said that the white beard at this moment is equivalent to the original white beard plus dense teeth, plus a hollow head.

His The power of the shock is still there, but it is not the power of the shaking fruit, but the power of the void.


Whitebeard shouted, and punched Kidd and others directly, click!

The spiritual pressure was on Whitebeard A terrifying air wave surged above his fist, and it came towards Kidd and others.

The space made a harsh shattering sound.

Some weak pirates were directly shaken into pieces by such force. , punch out, the roaring sound continues, this is a terrifying power,


Kidd and others also took action one by one, but their power was nothing under the current power of Whitebeard.

In the blink of an eye, Kidd and others were lying on the deck car with bruises, and the living ones were There were only 9 people, and thousands of other pirates died at the same time.

Although Kidd and others were not dead, there was a wisp of blood hanging from the corners of their mouths, and their clothes were in tatters, which was in sharp contrast to their resolute faces. , looking particularly embarrassed and funny.

Kidd is a person who refuses to admit defeat. In the original work, he was defeated by Kaido of the Beasts, but he was not afraid of Kaido because of this. Instead, he thought about how to take revenge on Kaido of the Beasts. Now Kidd gritted his teeth and asked that sentence.

“What exactly is going on? How come you have such terrifying power?”

Kidd could see that the whitebeard did not exert all his strength just now. He just waved his fist easily. It was so terrifying and destructive that it was unexpected.

Once upon a time. Whitebeard is very strong, but it is absolutely impossible to do this simply!!!

“I am Whitebeard, but I am no longer the Whitebeard you know. At this moment, I am the Ten of the Ten Blades of Hueco Mundo!”


Following Whitebeard’s words, Kidd and others widened their eyes.

Whitebeard’s sons were also surprised and looked at each other. They never thought that their father would now be one of the Ten Blades..

Thinking carefully about the fact that Soul Society is going to conquer Hueco Mundo together with the people from Buddha’s Warring States Period, Phoenix Marco and the others became worried again.

Marco even shouted:”Dad, let us follow you Bar!”

My father will definitely face a war in the future. Phoenix Marco and the others are willing to accompany his father.

Whitebeard looked at Aizen behind him at this moment.

“Bai Huzhi happens to be short of subordinate officers, and you will be his subordinate officers from now on!”

The men’s basketball team played by Bai Xiu said this slowly.

Kidd and the others who are still alive have realized one thing. Whitebeard’s power is now the power of the void, which is greatly different from the power of the previous Devil Fruit. It’s different.

And Marco, the dead bird, will become a virtual existence in the future, and they will leave him forever.

When thinking of this, Kidd quickly looked at Aizen,

“blue……”Lord Aizen”

Kidd and others finally said this.

Aizen nodded, Kidd and other super stars still have some potential.

“Next, I will make you become Hollows, and then under the power of Bengyu, you will gain the strength of Arrancar… The Whitebeard Pirates are the subordinate officers of Whitebeard!”

“Kidd, you will be the prepared subordinate officers. There will be a new Ten Blades in the future, and you will follow him.”

“You know now the decisive battle is finally about to begin!”

“Hueco Mundo also requires combat power.”

……Whitebeard was resurrected and became one of the Ten Blades of Hueco Mundo. This fact was not concealed, and it swept the entire pirate world like a hurricane.

Many forces on the sea were shocked by this and exclaimed that it was absolutely impossible. _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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