All the West except the Holy Mountain was won!!

Now only here is left!!

You must use all your combat abilities to do so!!

It's actually a little bit more difficult!!

Su Yang even summoned all Blood Servants to fight!!

Soon, the confrontation begins!!

The first is the Blood Servant army led by Annie and Canaan!!

Raise your arms and start the battle decisively!!

Then I saw that the guardians of the gods chose to stay until the end!!

They have no such thing as surrender!!

You must use all your fighting abilities!!

hoohoo hoo!!

The charge of the Blood Servants is extremely sturdy!!

Start fighting against the enemy guards!

The morale of the blood clan is strong!!

It does get better results!!

Already a lot ahead!!

The cohesion alone is amazing!!

I really didn't expect to have such a powerful assault ability!

Countless dashes have been done within minutes!!

The number of guardians of the gods is very small!!

They are completely relying on their own strength to be able to resist for so long!!

But then it gradually became a little bit more difficult to beat!!

Playing like this is really a disadvantage!!

Boom boom boom!!

Su Yang took a look at the ancient city!

The enemy's power deployment in several areas is still a lot!!

If that's the case, destroy it decisively!

When you're done, start taking action!!

Start attacking these areas directly!!

White Moon Slash!!

The light quickly kills!!

Apparently the Guardians of the Gods didn't notice this!!


After an explosion, countless enemies were directly killed by the explosion!

Many were injured and completely lost their ability to resist!!

It seems that Zeus is still holding his breath!!

Not the first time to come out to resist!!

The guardians of the gods are not afraid of death!!

Keep rushing out to give people heads!

This situation is very tragic!!

There are actually many city walls and buildings under the holy mountain for defense!!

But now it doesn't seem to matter much!!

Because after Su Yang killed him!!

All have been destroyed!!

Under the attack of the blood clan army!!

All fortifications are hidden!!

Now start killing towards the location of the temple!

"Block them, the filthy vampires don't deserve to be near the temple!!" shouted the spirit guard!!


In the next second, Su Yang killed him!!

"Unworthy of the blood race? You really can talk!!"

Kill decisively, and then absorb the blood!!

The aura is too weak to be of little use to Su Yang of the Blood Emperor!

Then continue to command the army to attack!!

Looking at it now, the speed has not slowed down at all!!

The vampires roared and continued to charge forward!!

The territory of the guardians of the gods is gradually shrinking!

The whole holy mountain is not that big!!

Continue to retreat, I am afraid that I will approach the temple!!

At this moment, the flower beds on both sides began to attack the blood clan!!

Boom 060 Boom!!

The scene is starting to get chaotic!!

A lot of Samsung Blood Servants are too weak in defense!!

He was actually killed by a blast!

In this case, the blood family lost a lot!!

Corpses keep rolling down the holy mountain!!

The scene is bloody!!

"Sure enough, there is a mechanism, but it is too difficult to block me!!"

Su Yang is dismissive!

Start to lead the blood clan army to attack in an orderly manner!!

Bright Slash!

The white light just flickers a little!

The flower bed in front was directly blown up!!

Then go ahead!

Excellent speed control!!

We are about to arrive at the location of the temple!!

For the gods, this is the supreme place!!.

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