in this case!!

Athena took a move, and some wounds appeared!!

Especially the sultry thighs leak out a lot!!

This makes Su Yang start to get crazy!!

Although all the Western gods are serious!!

But this Athena looks really good!!

"It's a pity that we are enemies!!"

Su Yang said slyly!!

Athena who realized something was very angry!!

But now he can't do anything about it!!

Just keep on killing!!

Beating Athena, I found myself slowing down!!

At first, I was dodged by Su 13 Yang every time!!

Now things are getting worse!!

Ares in the distance was very anxious after seeing it!

He knew what Athena was fighting with the blood emperor Su Yang!!

That's definitely going to be a loser!!

At the critical moment, you still have to go out on your own!

Endure the pain and continue to fight!

"Su Yang, I want you to pay!!" he shouted loudly!!

The golden light is quite dazzling!!

Whoosh whoosh!!

As soon as he stood up, a shadow attacked, completely heading straight for him!

I was beaten and fell to the ground before I was ready!!

But it didn't hurt this time!!

Stand up and start fighting!!

Obviously he is very confident in his own strength!!

Just a little chance to defeat the blood emperor Su Yang!!

But netizens can't believe it!

No two western gods can beat Su Yang!!

Then Ares got up and entered Su Yang!!

The attack ability of the spear is very strong!!

Several times in a row, it has achieved good results!!

If you continue to fight like this, there is a real possibility of winning!!

And Athena's strength is also not weak!!

Blood Rage!!

Su Yang started to find experience in the eyes of everyone with one against two!

Since you are attacking from front to back, just avoid it!!

Soon Ares' attack almost hit Athena!!

Two people are not fast enough!!

Often hurt each other!!

Su Yang has injected poisonous blood into the blood sea field!!

Both gods are impatient!!

I don't know what to do with this situation!!

If you keep fighting, the result will be even worse!!

"I didn't expect you to be fighting infighting?"

Su Yang said sarcastically!!

"Nonsense, Su Yang took my trick!!"

Ares don't know how to cope!!

Choose to continue to invest in combat power!!

Whoosh whoosh!!

It's a pity that his speed is not fast enough, and every time he hits the afterimage!!

Su Yang took him directly to Athena!!

The practice of the two people almost crashed the car!!

That's a great hit!!

Bright Slash!!

Take advantage of the fact that the two of them are not making a move!!

White light appears!!


This time the effect is quite good, just shoot Athena out!!

Falling down on a tall building, leaving a deep pit!!

Pfft! 767!

He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground!


Ares turned back and said, very worried in his heart!!

And there's only one person left, I'm afraid I can't beat it at all!!

Just looking back, the white light has hit!!


The live broadcast of this showdown has been going on!

Huaxia citizens are full of pride after reading it!!

Being able to defeat the enemy so easily, this strength is indeed worthy of their happiness!!

Now Ares is furious!

In fact, his Ares field still has side effects!!

My eyes are red, I have reached my limit!!

Still fighting with teeth!!

Anger has made him completely runaway!!.

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