Start refining now!!

During this process, Su Yang has to pay full attention!!

Manipulate all your spiritual power!!

Even to open the field for protection!!

If someone messes up!!

The blood lotus will be scrapped directly, or killed in the worst case!

It can be said to be very serious!!

The blood lotus is shining with red light, and the third grade contains infinite energy!!

Slowly rise to the sky!!

Then Su Yang infuses spiritual energy and starts refining!!

The process is very long!!

The ancient city in the sky has given a lot of help!!

13 Such as enhancing Su Yang's aura!!

The difficulty of refining has been reduced a lot!!

In this case, to ensure that Su Yang can be easily refined successfully!!

The blood lotus begins to change!!

It turns out that the previous red light was just the shell!!

During the refining process!!

It's still falling off!!

This is totally unexpected!!

Now it's like the egg shell is gradually peeling off!!

The original dazzling red light of the blood lotus inside leaked out!!

But it makes people feel very beautiful!!

At the same time, the infinite energy can make people feel quite depressing!!

Su Yang understands that the process is very hard!!

Must keep going!!

He gritted his teeth and said!!

No matter what, you can't give up in the middle!!

In that case, the extremely rare third-grade blood lotus will be wasted!

This is a consequence that even he cannot bear!!

The shell of the blood lotus has all fallen off!!

It looks so beautiful now!!

It's like a treasure growing in the fairyland!!

Even just take a look!!

Absolutely think this is a treasure in the world!!

Whoosh whoosh!!

Not only that, but it keeps making sounds!!

It's been a month and a half!!

It's finally refined!!

Take it in your hand and take a closer look!!

You can clearly see the texture inside!!

Still moving around!!

It's like blood!!


The third-grade blood lotus is already regarded as the top treasure in China!!

It is quite difficult to get it!!

Su Yang can't wait to absorb it!!

A powerful energy radiates from the center!!

It's like a high tide!!

Even as strong as Su Yang will feel the surging discomfort!!

It can be absorbed by the body continuously!!

He is slowly recovering!!

Gradually, the aura became a lot more abundant!!

This improvement can be felt by oneself!!

"The effect of the third-grade blood lotus is also very good!!"

Su Yang exclaimed in amazement!!

It's really not that simple!

If only it could be absorbed all the time!!

I am afraid that the strength can still be further increased!!

Now the Blood Emperor is no longer an opponent!!

In fact, Su Yang has been walking sideways in China!!

Then I thought that this ancient city can actually continue to grow!!

Although the third grade blood lotus is gone!!

But there are more treasures in the body!!

Planting them all will definitely work!!

Even those who will be rewarded to the ancient blood empire in the future are enough!!

Besides, there are blood empires in the West now!

The place of control is actually expanding gradually!! 623

The ancient city will definitely be a fragrant pastry in the future!!

Those who can be rewarded by Su Yang must be very few!!

Whoosh whoosh!!

at this time!!

A strange purple light appeared in the ancient city!!


"Could it be that the enemy is coming?"

No, Yang is equipped with a lot of martial arts!!

This thing caught up long ago and was killed!!

It's not your turn to take action!!

The ancient city was very scientific at the beginning of its design!!

There are various weapons on it, the purpose is to prevent the enemy from invading!!

Go and have a look!!

It turns out that the ginseng fruit is already ripe!!

Under the towering tree!!

White fruit like a fat doll hangs on it!!.

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