I Created An Ancient Vampire Empire

Chapter 104: The World Is Blocked

The eyes of all vampires are focused on this unlucky bastard!!


The unlucky guy secretly swallowed his saliva and took a step towards the black mist ahead!


next second!

Before this unlucky bastard's feet could probe towards the black mist, he felt a huge calendar coming from behind!!

The thin body was directly kicked in by a powerful vampire...!

Like a fired cannonball, it rushes straight ahead!


A scream!!

The unfortunate vampire's body fell heavily on the ground, in a dog-biting posture, splashing all over the ground with mud......

Endure the pain and slowly get up from the ground!


The clothes on this hapless vampire quickly began to melt, as if being burned by flames...!


The vampires outside the black mist frowned!

The corrosiveness of the black mist is still there!!

The eyes of many vampires looked towards the back of Su Yang13, with complicated eyes....!

Who is this mysterious person?

He was able to directly ignore the corrosiveness of the black smoke and enter the ancient tomb of the Blood Emperor of Flanders??

The hapless vampire who was kicked into the black mist!!

Even the skin of the body has been eroded and melted, the flesh and blood are gradually disappearing, and even the white bones can be seen...!

After a few struggles...!

Then he fell to the ground, and the flesh and blood disappeared...!

"What the hell is this guy?"

"Being able to directly ignore these black smoke... How is it possible?"

In addition to the horror in the eyes of the vampires, I am afraid that they are shocked and incredible!!

"How about going first?"

"Everyone is waiting outside, this kid will come out sooner or later, and when he comes out, we'll take the kid's harvest inside - it's fine if you don't take it off!!"

"It also saves us having to go into it again and worry about it!!"

A female vampire patriarch among the thirteen ancient families in the West, with a hint of coldness in her eyes!!

"That's right, everyone just needs to surround the black forest, and when the kid comes out of it, kill him!!"

"In the words of the Orientals, this is called the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind!"

"When the time comes, let's all start together!"


The patriarchs of the ancient thirteen clans in the west nodded to each other, and quickly surrounded the place filled with black smoke, waiting for Su Yang to come out from the black mist, and immediately strangle him...!

And Su Yang!!

I don't know what's going on outside, what kind of crisis I'm about to face, step by step toward the castle ahead...!

The black mist is gradually disappearing!!

Entering the range of the castle, every step of the way, the pressure in the air seems to be heavier......!!

But this kind of pressure can be almost countless for Su Yang, who has just entered the blood emperor!!

Flanders Vampire Blood Emperor!

Before he was alive, he was just a blood emperor, but what kind of terrifying power can he display after death??

So after entering the castle!!

For Su Yang, all the organs and tests were like playing at home, and they soon reached the final level!

This is a stone tablet with a keyhole on it!!

Su Yang took out the key that opened the tomb of Vampire Blood Emperor Flender, inserted it and twisted it...!


The stone tombstone in front of him began to sink slowly, and a dark hole appeared in front of Su Yang!!

Under the dark hole, it seems to be the entrance to the abyss!!

A little blood bat flew in slowly, and after finding that there was no danger, Su Yang followed closely behind and jumped in...!!

Under the entrance of the cave, there is a magnificent palace!!

On the throne of the palace, Su Yang found a corpse with a crown on its head, although it was unknown how long it had been dead...!

But the body seems to be the same as before, and the skin is still delicate and shiny!

The corpse of a true blood emperor!

Comparable to the power brought by the so-called blood emperor's blood essence, it is even richer and richer...!


Su Yang said nothing, the terrifying power of heaven and earth shook the corpse in front of him into a blood mist, sitting cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the power of blood......!!

After absorbing all the power of this blood emperor!

One's own strength can completely step into the realm of blood emperor's strength from the first step into the realm of blood emperor's strength!!

As for the other treasures left by the blood emperor of Flanders!!

Su Yang doesn't have much interest, just a parchment scroll in a delicate gem box next to the body...!

There should be something very important in it!!

While absorbing the power of the blood of the blood emperor of Flanders, he opened the scroll in the exquisite box...!

Look at the deeds recorded in the scroll!!

Su Yang's brows furrowed slightly...!

Heaven and earth are the cages, and all living beings are suppressed in it. After reaching the blood emperor realm, it reaches the peak, which means that the strength has reached the last step...... !!

If I want to go further, I clearly feel the bondage of heaven and earth!!

turn out to be!

I don't know when, the strongest strength of the creatures on the earth can only reach the emperor-level strength, and it seems that the existence of the great terror has blocked the rising strength of the cultivation base...!

Whether it is a human warrior or a dark creature, the speed of increasing strength has become slower!!


If you want to break the blockade, you need the blockade of the earth's air fortune!!

Thousands of years ago!!

Human warriors and dark creatures ended the war, looking for 333 ways to break the blockade of heaven and earth, and finally found the blockade of heaven and earth!

Until the power between heaven and earth gradually began to disappear, human warriors and dark creatures did not find a way to break the blockade of heaven and earth!

I don't even know where the Heaven and Earth Air Fate Blockade is!!

And according to the literature!

Every once in a while, the dark power will revive, whether it is human warriors or dark creatures, there is hope to break through the emperor level!!

But I can't find a way to break the blockade of heaven and earth's luck!!

These powerhouses!

It will pass in the long river of time...!!

When was the last time the dark powers revived!

Twelve years!!

Twelve years!!

Looking at the deeds recorded on the scroll, Su Yang frowned!!

It seems that the world is different from what I see...

Now that the earth's dark power has recovered, it has been five months, and I am afraid that in another eleven years and five months, the dark power will gradually disappear...!

The dark power can also be understood as the aura known to Su Yang in his previous life!!

Shaked his head!!

do not care!

Or absorb the power of the blood emperor of Flanders first, and enter the ordinary blood emperor realm as soon as possible!!!

Only great strength!!

Only then can you complete the goals you want to accomplish, including the so-called breaking the heaven and earth fortune blockade...!.

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