The two sides of the battle are still in a state of panic.

In addition to containing the things that 009 split, Qin Leng is also planning how to destroy the two extreme organizations, Chaos Insurgency and Serpent's Hand.

The biggest problem at the moment is them.

In the process of containing everywhere, a team of people found a metal statue in a cave in Europe.

The leader of the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force recognized this person.

They brought the metal statue back to the current Nine-Tailed Fox headquarters and brought it to Qin Leng.

Some people may not know what this metal statue is, but Qin Leng knows who he is.

"Sorry for the wait."


Yes, the metal statue they found was the Taotie with a metal body.

After a group of researchers studied for a long time, they used a kind of bio-electric wave to awaken the sleeping Taotie.

The first thing Taotie faced after waking up was the biological gene damage caused by radiation.

Now Taotie has been sent for emergency treatment, but there is still no good solution to the damage to organisms caused by radioactive elements caused by the decay of cobalt 60 into nickel 60.

In desperation, the Nine-Tailed Fox can only let Taotie enter the metal state again.

Temporarily preserve Taotie's vital signs, and wake him up when future technology develops to the point where he can be treated.

This is very unfortunate news. Although Taotie retains his pre-apocalyptic memories and abilities, the radioactive elements in his body are also retained.

He is different from the White Walkers who have already frozen themselves. He turned on the metal state after being exposed to radiation.

But it is worth affirming that he sealed 005 with his body, which is a merit worthy of recognition.

Asia, the top of a building.

Meng Qing was lying on the top of the building in a black robe, with a tattoo of the Serpent's Hand on his right hand.

About two months ago, he was forced to become one of the three heads of the Serpent's Hand.

Mainly responsible for Asia.

But Meng Qing didn't care about these things.

What he really cared about was why he couldn't enter the game space?

Meng Qing was surrounded by a pile of gold bars, which were offered by the members of the Serpent's Hand.

But the problem was that he couldn't enter the game space of 079 with these gold bars in his hand. Why?

"It's been about ten days. Is 079 dead?"

Meng Qing put down the gold bars, and the circle pattern on his hand began to blur.

The game space was closed for unknown reasons.

This was more unfortunate news for Meng Qing than becoming the leader of the Serpent's Hand!

Although he brought his own admission ticket to the 079 game space, he had never entered the game space so far!

It was because he had no money before, but now he has money and the game is closed!

"This is my only hope to become a monster!"

Meng Qing was indeed very unfortunate, because Chen Ye had taken away the other half of the time essence of the game space not long ago.

The consciousness that came with that essence naturally died.

However, although 079's consciousness died, its essence was still there, that is, the game space was still there.

The reason why these people couldn't get in was because there was no consciousness to guide them in.

And Chen Ye was trying to restart 079, but the restart process was not smooth.

In other words, the restart failed.

In the end, Chen Ye chose a more compromise method, and he personally controlled the game space.

But it is still being rectified and modified.

The most difficult problem for him was that the AI ​​of the monsters in these games was originally controlled by 079.

Just like running a group, the host played the monster.

Now that the host is gone, the monster has naturally become a motionless dead thing.

Chen Ye didn't want to be distracted to play the role of controlling the monster, so the game space is still being rectified.

There is another problem, that is, 079's consciousness is dead, and it is difficult to balance the calculation of rewards and some values.

Because 079 is a supercomputer, it can balance and calculate a reasonable numerical distribution by itself.

For the above two problems, Chen Ye thought of a more labor-saving method.

First, change the rules of the game. Monsters are no longer controlled by AI, but by players in the space.

Second, cancel the so-called treasure chest rewards, leaving only one redeemable reward in the store, that is, potions.

Third, the game victory only provides index rewards, the monster side calculates according to the head, and the living people on the human side share the rewards equally.

Fourth, no ability can be brought into the game space, and everyone's start is the same.

Fifth, add more temporary props to the game to deal with monsters.

No changes to the rest.

Although the general idea has been made, it will take some time to realize it.

Back to Meng Qing, two black-robed men came behind him.

"Lord Set, it's time to act."

Meng Qing stood up after hearing this. The wind was very strong today.

The whistling wind blew up Meng Qing's black robe, and he reached out and took out a white crying face mask and put it on his face.

"What is it this time?"

"Tentative name: Demon Sword."

"The first place of discovery was the antique market on Dongchang Street. The target's appearance was a rusty sword. After the blade was soaked with blood, the rust gradually disappeared and it became sharper and sharper."

"Currently known problems, everyone who picked up the sword went crazy, and the knife holder would indiscriminately attack everyone he could see."

Meng Qing's eyes flashed under the mask when he heard this, "Is it necessary to recycle this kind of thing?"

"Lord Cain said that he has a way to suppress the demon sword. Take a look at this first."

A man in a black robe said as he presented a photo.

Meng Qing took the photo and glanced at it, and saw a sentence on the photo.

"I am the only me, the best in the world, the best here?"

"What do you mean?"

The black-robed man said, "This is a copy of the meme of another containment object. Lord Cain calls this meme the will of the only me."

"You should ask Lord Cain for details. Anyway, Lord Cain's original words are that as long as you have this, it is not a problem to subdue the demon sword."

Putting the photo in his pocket, Meng Qing prepared to leave without saying a word.

But another black-robed man called him, "Lord Set, you forgot the slogan."

Several black lines appeared on Meng Qing's forehead, "The Serpent's Hand will reshape the world."

"It's the human world."

Meng Qing: "..."

Ignoring the black-robed man, Meng Qing jumped and jumped directly from the building!

Wind, take me a ride.


There was a whistling wind under Meng Qing's feet, and he jumped directly into the air!

Meng Qing has practiced spiritual power, and this feeling of flying in the sky is an unprecedented experience for him.

As he rushed higher and higher, at a certain moment, the city in front of him suddenly turned into ruins!

Fires shot up into the sky, huge marine creatures blocked out the sun, and a pair of lantern-like eyes looked down at him from the sky, and then pulled out a weird smile!

Meng Qing's pupils shrank, and he suddenly fell from the sky!

And everything in front of him returned to normal.

He couldn't believe what he had just seen, that monster...

"Sea King?"


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