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"By the way, Rayleigh, I'm going to meet a new pirate. Do you want to go with me to meet him? Maybe you'll be very interested in that guy."

The two of them were drinking and chatting. After a while, Nura suddenly said

"Oh? Is there any newcomer that you want to meet in person? It sounds good. Let you go in person. Are you going to include him in your Hundred Demons?"

Raleigh was a little surprised. It was extraordinary for a new pirate to be personally represented by the Four Emperors.

Generally speaking, even if Nura was interested in a newcomer, he would only let his subordinates meet him. If any team leader among the Hundred Demons, or Katakuri of the Charlotte Family, came forward, it could be said that he attached great importance to him.

Unexpectedly, among the newcomers in the sea, there would be a little guy that Nura himself could meet. After a slight pause, Rayleigh shook his head and continued,"But forget it. My old bones can't stand the tossing. It's good for me to stay in Shampoo Land."

"Are you really not going to meet him with me?"

Nura showed a strange smile and looked at Rayleigh:"That guy and you had a special relationship before. He even called you uncle... No, who is older, you or Roger? I can't tell whether he should call you uncle or uncle?"

"Uncle, ghost……"

Rayleigh was about to refute Nura, but when he heard Nura's words, he was startled and stood up suddenly. He suddenly burst out with amazing momentum:"What did you say? That kid is related to Roger?"

Even though he was old, his momentum was still very strong. He could fight even against the general.

The reason why he couldn't control his emotions all of a sudden was that he heard about Roger.

""So you really didn't know all this time?"

Nura didn't care about Rayleigh's aura at all.

He just drank the wine with a calm face and said slowly:"The former Pirate King, Gol D.

Roger, left a descendant before being executed.

The child survived because of his mother's greatness.

And now, he has gone to sea, although he has not yet come to the Grand Line...

What do you think, Rayleigh, do you want to go with me to meet him?" Upon hearing this, Rayleigh was stunned for a moment.

He really didn't know Roger was still silent for a long time.

Rayleigh slowly sat down, let out a long breath, and said,"Forget it, you go and see him yourself.

If possible, ask him to come to Shampoo and see me.

But my old bones should stay here.

I can't stand the tossing from here to the East China Sea.


"Moreover, since Roger didn't tell us about this, I think he has his own considerations."Rayleigh drank his wine, and his eyes showed nostalgia, as if he saw Roger many years ago.

"In that case, forget it. I'll leave first. I came here just to see you, old man. There's nothing else important."

After saying this, Nura stood up and walked out, and Tamamonomae followed him immediately.

Seeing Nura leave, Rayleigh shook his head and sat in his seat drinking without saying a word.


After leaving Xia Qi's bar, Nura and Tamamonomae took a brief stroll in the Sabaody Archipelago, bought some things and then continued sailing. Fortunately, they did not encounter the Celestial Dragons, otherwise, the Marine Headquarters would have a headache again.

It's not that Nura deliberately targeted the Celestial Dragons, but because of the Celestial Dragons' idiotic brains and arrogant personalities, it would be impossible for Nura not to provoke him once he met them.

Not long after they went out to sea, Nura saw a naval warship. Judging from the direction it was sailing, it should be returning to the Marine Headquarters. Now it was just passing by the Sabaody Archipelago.

On the warship, Aokiji, who was sleeping with an eye mask, stood up all of a sudden. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little uneasy, and then walked to the edge of the deck, looked up, and the black boat came into his field of vision.

"Ah la la, I didn't expect to meet this big shot, this is really strange, Shampoo should be fine, right?"Aokiji couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Although not many people have seen Nura's human form, some people in the high-ranking officers of the Navy Headquarters know about it, and he, as an admiral, is naturally one of them.

".䢋Admiral Aokiji, do we need to stop that ship?"A colonel-level navy officer came over at this time, followed Aokiji's gaze and saw the boat where Nura and Tamamonomae were, and then asked.

Hearing this, Aokiji was stunned, and then looked at the navy captain beside him with a strange look.

Are you sure you were not joking just now?

Stop a Four Emperors?

What, are you planning to declare war on the Hundred Demons here?

With Nura's weird ability, Aokiji has no good way to deal with him, not to mention that he doesn't think that Nura has become stronger in the past five years. Although there is no news of Nura fighting with others even in the New World in the past five years, as a Four Emperor, his strength will never be weak!

Especially fighting with a Four Emperor here, isn't that asking for trouble?

Now the Navy Headquarters has not given him the task of arresting Nura, so……(Promise Zhao)

"Did you see a small boat over there? Do you think they are pirates, so you plan to stop them to confirm?"Aokiji moved his gaze to the naval colonel beside him, and asked slowly.

The colonel didn't know what his admiral meant, so he nodded and said nothing.

At this time, Aokiji went back to the recliner and lay down, putting on the blindfold again:"I didn't see anyone who looked like a pirate. Just speed up and return to Marinford. There is no need to cause trouble for others, do you understand?""

You saw suspected pirates, but this admiral didn't see them!

Even if he saw them, he didn't see them. He was not in the mood to fight with a Four Emperors here. And there were two people on the other side. If they really fought, would he still want his warship?

So, it's better to pretend that he didn't see it...

No, he didn't see it at all! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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