After entering the auction and finding a place to sit down, Nura began to wait. There are many auction venues in the Sabaody Archipelago, but the one with the most extensive and largest reputation is naturally the one opened by Doflamingo.

Not long after, the auction officially began. This is a large-scale auction with almost everything, but except for the devil fruit, Nura is not very interested in other things.

"We have bought four devil fruits now, right?" During the auction, Nura turned to Kuroda Fang and asked

"Four are already there. We have bought almost all the devil fruits that appeared in this auction. However, we have almost spent all our Baileys. Now we only have 31 million left, which is probably not enough to buy other things."Kuroda Fang calculated in his mind and told the current situation.

They brought 1 billion Baileys to the auction, and now there are only 31 million left, which means that on average, they spent more than 20,000 Baileys to get each devil fruit.

Fortunately, there are no powerful and precious devil fruits in the auction today, otherwise they can't even buy four.

After all, for Nura, there is no difference between the quality of devil fruits.

Anyway, in the eyes of the system, only the number is recognized, one is one, even if it is a mythical beast, it will not be counted for half an extra fruit.


, Nura's greatest hope is to use more than 100 million Baileys to get those superhuman devil fruits that no one wants.

"Four devil fruits, so I can only summon one. I hope my luck will be better then."Nura was a little depressed, but devil fruits are expensive, and he was very lucky to make a fortune from Crocodile this time. Think about the two years in the Drum Kingdom. In those two years, he only summoned three times, and in those three summons, he even summoned Jumpy Brother and Natto Monk. He was depressed for a long time.

"General, this man is very strong, why was he captured and used as a slave?"At this moment, Shuu's eyes suddenly became sharp. He looked at the person standing on the auction platform and couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Nura instantly thought of a person in his mind, and then he raised his head and looked around...

It was indeed this guy!

After seeing the guy being auctioned, Nura said slowly:"He was not captured as a slave. There are not many people in the world who can capture him. If nothing unexpected happens, this guy should have no money to drink, or lost money in gambling, and then sold himself, so he became a commodity and was thrown here for auction."

"But it's strange, he is obviously a celebrity on the sea, but few people can really recognize him."Nura looked up and down at the guy with a heroic face. Although he is in his sixties, almost seventy years old, anyone who dares to underestimate him will definitely pay the corresponding price.

Pluto Rayleigh!

The right hand of the Pirate King who lives in seclusion in Sabaody is a legendary man in this world. He is so powerful that he can even suppress the admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Rayleigh slowly raised his head at this time, and his sharp eyes fell on Nura. He thought to himself:"Haha, it seems that another good little guy has appeared, and this little guy seems to recognize me."

Nura and Rayleigh's eyes met in the air. For a moment, that enchanting smile appeared on his face, and then he stood up and said softly:"Let's go, there is no point in staying here, it's about time to go to the next place"

"Where to go next?"Shou Wu was stunned for a moment. He didn't remember what other itinerary his general had arranged.

"We'll take it one step at a time. I don't know where to go next. It's too early to go to the New World, but there's nowhere to go on the Grand Line... If that doesn't work, why don't we go around the four seas?"

Nura himself didn't have a goal. He came out this time just to take a breath. He was too bored after staying in the Drum Kingdom for two years.

"How about going to the Seven Seas Capital? I remember that we, the Hundred Demons, don't have a ship that truly belongs to us." Kuroda Fang's eyes turned and he suggested.

Indeed, in the past two years, they have been using the ships of the Drum Kingdom, and the Hundred Demons Pirates do not have a pirate ship of their own.

And if you want to build a pirate ship, you naturally need to build the best, otherwise it will not be worthy of the status of the King of the Night Parade of the Hundred Demons. In this world, the best shipbuilder is in the Seven Water Capital. If you calculate the time, Master Tom has not been executed yet, and he is completing the final stage of the sea train project.

After thinking for a moment, Nura nodded and said,"There is no problem going to the Seven Water Capital. We do need a big ship of our own, but Kuroda Fang... have you considered one thing……"

"What's the matter?"Kuroda Fang was stunned for a moment, not knowing what his general wanted to say.


Nura rolled his eyes at Kurodabo and said,"You also said that we only have 31 million berries left, so what can we use to build a ship? To build a large ship suitable for the Hundred Demons, it will take at least hundreds of millions, or even a billion berries!"

As soon as these words came out, Kurodabo, Aotabo and Shumu's faces turned black, and they realized that they had indeed forgotten about the money.

They are different from normal pirates. If they were other pirates, they would naturally rob when they had no money, but they, the Hundred Demons, are not that kind of vicious pirate group. And the Nura group is even more so!

""I am so sorry, Lord Celestial Dragon, please forgive my daughter, please!"

Just when Nura and the others were worried about money, a hoarse shout reached their ears.

It must be said that in the Sabaody Archipelago, such voices are almost heard every day, because the Celestial Dragons, who are like termites, will be directly executed if they make them unhappy at least a little. No matter whether they are old or young, they are just pariahs in the eyes of the Celestial Dragons, and the life and death of pariahs have no meaning to them.

And at this moment, it was just because a little girl of only five or six years old accidentally let the bubble balloon in her hand float in front of the hood of the Celestial Dragon.


The gunshot rang out, and a bullet whizzed out. Just as the bullet was about to hit the girl's mother, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the mother and daughter. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the bullet.

At this moment, Nura smiled and said softly:"It seems that we are in trouble, but it is reasonable. After all, Qingtianfang is a monster that protects children!"

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