I conquer the immortal with my strength

Difficult decision, suspending updates for half a year

I really don’t know what to say. Actually, after my health started to deteriorate, my wife Duan has been urging me to take a long vacation.

But at my age, I can’t just let it go!

I always want to hold on and work hard.

I want to have some income every month so that I don’t have to live off my savings.

Let the elderly live more comfortably and let the children suffer less in the future.

Of course, there are so many book friends who support me. I can’t let it go and always want to write more.

But I found that I still overestimated myself.

I found that I couldn’t hold on any longer.

I’m really sorry. I want to take a half-year vacation.

During the long vacation, I will write some when I’m in good condition and slowly save the manuscript.

I’m really sorry, really sorry!

I really want to update steadily every day, but my health has never been as bad as it is now.

However, book friends, don’t worry, this book will definitely continue to be written.

I don’t like to owe others when doing things. Since book friends have subscribed to this book, it will always be completed.

Unless my health really collapses and I can’t finish it!


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