Lin Yu's mouth twitched when he saw the message.

What the hell is Xiao Yu'er!

He's not little at all!

He's serious!

And this is so disgusting.


Lin Yu felt goosebumps all over his body.

Leng Qingxue is such a strong woman.

He opened his phone with a look of disdain, and typed quickly on it with his bony fingers.

Yu: "Not here."

Leng Qingxue: "......."

"How can you type if you're not here!"

This Lin Yu! (◦`~´◦)

Yu: "The phone typed by itself, it has nothing to do with me."

Xue: "........."

"Tell me, Xiao Yu'er."

"I haven't seen you for a day, have you missed me~"

Yu: "No."

Leng Qingxue's delicate and fair face suddenly bulged when she saw this.

She clenched her fists tightly, and her forehead bulged.

She wanted to beat Lin Yu up right now.

But I can't beat him, so I'm so angry.

This Lin Yu, such a beautiful woman like me is willing to give herself to him, but he doesn't want her.

Is she not beautiful enough? Or is her figure not sexy enough.

She looked down at her full chest and perky buttocks.

Well, it's convex and curvy, with curves in all directions!

In this case, it's not her problem, it's Lin Yu's problem!

Leng Qingxue thought of this and showed a cunning smile.

Xue: "Although Xiao Yu'er didn't miss me."

"But I miss you very much."

"I miss you so much that I want to see you immediately."

"Boyfriend! I'll come to see you right away!"

"Economics Department Class 1, right? Wait for me."

Lin Yu was shocked.

Damn it!

This woman is too good!

She actually wants to run to their classroom to find him!

This won't do!

Now everyone is here, such a beautiful woman runs to find him.

That will definitely cause a commotion.

And there will be gossips everywhere, Leng Qingxue is her girlfriend.

Lin Yu doesn't want this to happen.

He Lin Yu just wants to live a peaceful life.

He typed quickly.

Yu: "Sister, don't!"


"You are such a big beauty coming here will cause a commotion."

Leng Qingxue looked at Lin Yu's answer, and a smug smile appeared on her face.

She typed with her jade fingers flying: "Huh, now you know I'm a big beauty?"

"What did you do earlier?"

"I'm coming!"

Lin Yu: "I'm wrong, sister."

"I miss you so much, I miss you so much."

Xue: "Really? I don't believe it."

Yu: "Really! The sun and the moon can testify!"

Leng Qingxue looked at the phone, her beautiful big eyes rolling.

Xue: "Okay, then you call me a good sister, I will believe it."

Lin Yu: "......."

It's too much!

Is he Lin Yu this kind of person?

Will he give in to such a thing?

Lin Yu typed quickly: "Good sister............"

Leng Qingxue was satisfied with this, and her smile became even stronger.

Xue: "So good~"

"Come to think of it, you should really call me sister."

Lin Yu was stunned, he was a little dissatisfied.

He was 20 years old, he didn't believe Leng Qingxue was older than him.

Yu: "Why do you think so?"

Leng Qingxue didn't answer, but asked.

"Lin Yu, you are 20 years old this year?"


"What month were you born."


"I was also born in November."

"What day."

"The 9th."

"I'm the 8th."

Leng Qingxue said lightly.

She had known for a long time that Lin Yu's birthday was November 9th, and she was the 8th.

That must be older than him.

Lin Yu was stunned.

Damn! Is it such a coincidence!

Just one day older?

Yu: "One day older is considered older?"

Xue: "One second older is considered older (¬_¬)"

"Little brother~"

"Okay, no more talking, I still have morning classes."


Lin Yu was stunned.

He reacted.

He was deceived! This woman has morning classes, there is no way she can come!

She just scared him on purpose!

He was taken advantage of! (´థ౪థ)σ


Wang Jun on the side looked at Lin Yu.

"Yuzi, who are you chatting with?"

"You are laughing so happily."

Lin Yu paused.

Did he laugh just now?

He calmly replied: "No one, just a bad woman."

"I was fooled by her."

Wang Jun was confused.

Lin Yu looked at Leng Qingxue's avatar.

Her avatar is a white cartoon of a kitten.

It looks very cute.

This iceberg goddess actually used such a cuteThe avatar, the contrast is a bit big.

Moreover, this woman doesn't seem to be as cold as the legend says.

Instead, she is very naughty.

He was a little curious and wanted to click on Leng Qingxue's avatar.

His finger was stuck in the air halfway through.

Lin Yu reacted.


He almost clicked.

Don't dare to click randomly!

That's a little devil!


At this time, Yang Fan looked at his watch, and half an hour had passed.

He clapped his hands.

"Okay, the matter is explained."

"Don't take up everyone's time."

"Everyone can go back."


Everyone dispersed.

They wanted to go back a long time ago. It was not easy to have no classes in the morning, so they had to do something serious........

Lin Yu also ran away.

He was afraid that if he didn't run away, what would happen if Leng Qingxue really came later?

Although she had early classes, it was not ruled out that she would suddenly come to mess with him.

This woman doesn't play by the rules, he has seen it before.

Lin Yu ran all the way back to the dormitory.

There is a distance of several miles from the teaching building to the dormitory.

Because of his enhanced physical fitness, he ran all the way without taking a breath.

He opened the door of the dormitory and walked into the dormitory.

Well, the first one to the dormitory, perfect.

A few minutes later, Wang Jun and others returned to the dormitory one after another.

Seeing that Lin Yu was already in the dormitory, he was a little confused.

Lin Yu, who was usually a little weak, could actually run so fast.

Wang Jun said: "Yuzi, you are usually a little weak, but you can still run so fast."

"Get lost!"

Lin Yu didn't want to pay attention to this group of lsp.

He was not weak at all!



Lin Yu took a capsule to enhance his temperament.

Well, today is another day to become handsome.

Then he went to professional courses with Wang Jun and others.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, two classes ended.

Zhao Tian ran out first, and in the contempt of the three people, he went to find his partner.

Qian Fei took the book and went back to the dormitory to practice questions.

Yesterday, he saw Lin Yu writing like a god, and secretly decided to increase the difficulty of internal competition.

Roll them to death!

Wang Jun went to the supermarket to buy snacks.

Lin Yu walked slowly on the road.

In the distance, a boy was holding a bouquet of flowers and confessing to another girl.

There were many onlookers around.

Lin Yu was not interested in this.

Because... he just confessed yesterday!

And the legendary Leng Qingxue insisted on him...

Dog system!

Lin Yu saw that the girl rejected the boy, and he silently gave the boy a thumbs up.

Well, this is a good comrade of our singles alliance.

Only Zhao Tian, ​​the traitor, must be severely punished!


Lin Yu's mobile phone rang with a message notification sound.

He stopped and picked up the phone to see.

Leng Qingxue's message.

Xue: "The math textbooks of the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Economics have arrived."

"We'll need them for the public class next week."

"Brother Yu, come with me to get them."

Lin Yu was slightly stunned.

He thought of something.

Damn! Leng Qingxue is not from the first class of the Department of Mathematics! ?

Yu: "You are from the first class of the Department of Mathematics?"

Xue: "Yes, what's wrong."

Lin Yu was shocked.


Damn! This woman is from the first class of the Department of Mathematics.

Doesn't that mean they will go to the public class together next week?

Lin Yu felt terrible just thinking about it!

Yu: "I'm very busy, I don't have time..."

Lin Yu was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and he typed and sent the message in an instant.

It was no problem for him to move books at ordinary times.

But now he was going with Leng Qingxue.

Who would dare to do that!

Although he was very free now.

However, he can have time or not.


"Hmm, Lin Yu, I heard you are very busy?"

A cool and charming female voice sounded behind Lin Yu.

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