Leng Jie stared at Lin Yu and observed him carefully.

He almost touched him.

What a freshman! ?

This freshman acted like a professional with more than 20 years of experience in finance.

How could this 40-year-old middle-aged man feel embarrassed!

"Young man, are you really just a college student?"

"Are you framing me?"

"My company is actually quite big."

Leng Jie thought that Lin Yu rejected him because he thought his company was not good, but in fact, his company was quite large.

Lin Yu smiled faintly.

"Really, uncle."

"I'm really just a freshman."

"Why would I lie to you."

Leng Jie looked at Lin Yu's serious expression and felt a little regretful.

Oh, such a good financial seedling is still a college student.

What a pity!

"Okay, young man."

"That's a pity."

"What's your phone number? Let's add each other's contact information."

Lin Yu took out his mobile phone and told Leng Jie the number. The two added each other's contact information.

Leng Jie saw that Lin Yu's phone number was in hand, and he was ready to go back and make a plan.

He had to go back quickly, and he couldn't forget the plan he had just thought of in his mind.

"Young man, my inspiration is coming."

"I'll go back first, and let's have dinner together next time."

Leng Jie patted Lin Yu's shoulder.

Lin Yu also nodded: "Okay."

Whether it's a polite remark or not, it's completely fine to answer it well.

Leng Jie walked quickly towards the parking lot, inspiration! Grab the inspiration!

He looked at the uncle who was walking in a hurry, shook his head with a smile, and then walked towards the direction of the university.

Leng Jie walked to the parking lot and suddenly remembered that he didn't ask the young man's name!

Looking back, the parking lot is two miles away from the Magic Jiaotong University, and the handsome guy has long disappeared.


"You didn't even ask his name!"

Forget it, it's more important to do business.

As long as I have this guy's phone number, I will know his name.


A white Porsche followed Leng Jie, keeping a distance.

Zhou Fang was sitting in the car wearing sunglasses, observing her husband's every move.

She followed Leng Jie all the way to the entrance of the Magic Jiaotong University.

Seeing Leng Jie coming to the university gate, isn't he here to pick on Xiaoyu!

Zhou Fang wanted to get out of the car and catch him on the spot.

However, she didn't rush over, but observed the situation first. What if her husband said he was here to find Xuexue?

She had to wait until he was caught red-handed before arresting him.

As a result, she saw Leng Jie standing at the entrance of the university, chatting with two students she didn't know for a long time.

After chatting for a few words, Leng Jie left directly.

Zhou Fang was stunned by Leng Jie's action.


Has my husband changed his nature? He is not going to pick a fight with Xiao Yu?


She would never believe it. She wanted to see what her husband was up to.

Zhou Fang watched Leng Jie leave the university, and she continued to follow him.

Then she saw an amazing scene.

Zhou Fang saw Leng Jie and Lin Yu collide head-on.

"‼(•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎ"

"The phone was knocked off!"

Zhou Fang was so scared that she was ready to get out of the car quickly to protect Lin Yu, so that the two of them would not fight.

As a result, she saw Lin Yu quickly catch the phone and return it to Leng Jie.

And the two of them were still communicating with smiles on their faces.

Zhou Fang was stunned.

"Is this... so harmonious?"

Then the two seemed to be talking about something, and Leng Jie's expression changed from calm to shocked, and then his eyes lit up.

The two kept smiling during their conversation, and there was no swordplay as Zhou Fang imagined.

Finally, Leng Jie patted Lin Yu on the shoulder.

Zhou Fang was completely stunned when she saw this.

"(*゚ロ゚) This father and son are so harmonious and loving?"

"Is there something wrong?"

Leng Jie said goodbye to Lin Yu and walked towards the parking lot, and Zhou Fang continued to follow him.

In case he had any other plans to find fault with Xiao Yu.


Wang Jun and Zhao Tian returned to the dormitory and found that Lin Yu had not returned yet, so they took out their mobile phones and called Lin Yu.

At this time, Lin Yu had already walked to the entrance of the university. He heard the phone ringing and he pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Junzi, what's up?"

"Hello? Yuzi, a weird uncle just came to see you."

"I asked him what he wanted to see you for, but he wouldn't tell me."

"Then Lao Zhao and I teamed up to fool him, but we didn't succeed."

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows: "Weird uncle?"

"What the hell?"

He didn't remember knowing the uncle, the original owner's memoryNo.

"I don't know. He ran away before he could find the reason to look for you."

Wang Jun replied.

"Don't worry about it. He might be a liar."

Lin Yu said thinking.

"I think so too. That person doesn't know you, but he still yells to find you."

Wang Jun agreed.

The two hung up the phone.

Lin Yu walked on the road, thinking about what the weird uncle was.

He had never met any uncle.

No, today I met a handsome uncle.

That man is handsome, he shouldn't be a weird uncle.

At night.

Leng Jie finally rushed out the economic strategy plan in his mind.

This plan is the one he is most satisfied with so far.

This is also thanks to the inspiration given to him by the handsome young man.

He sent the file to Secretary Chen.

After a while, Secretary Chen sent a message.

"Boss! You are so amazing!"

"Not only did you finish the plan in one afternoon, but you did it so well!"

"This is the most impressive one I have seen in such a long time."

Leng Jie did not take credit for it.

"Xiao Chen, this is not my work."

"It was a very good young man who gave me inspiration."

Secretary Chen was puzzled.

Young man?

How young? He can't be 20 years old, right?

But he didn't dwell on this. His task was to send this to the cooperative company.

In the study room of the villa.

Zhou Fang walked in.

"Honey, what are you busy with? The meal is ready."

"Come out and eat."

Leng Jie: "........."

He deliberately ignored the fact that the meal was ready.

"Wife, I was just working on an emergency plan for the cooperative company."

"It's ready."

"Hey, thanks to that handsome young man this afternoon."

Zhou Fang knew that the handsome young man Leng Jie was talking about was her Xiao Yu.

"Oh? What happened to that guy?"

"Wife, you don't know, that guy is really a financial genius."

"He gave me the inspiration for this plan, four of them at once."

"I also wanted to bring him to our company."

"Guess what, he's still a freshman!"

"Unfortunately, I was so excited that I forgot to ask his name."

Leng Jie said with regret.

Zhou Fang suddenly understood after hearing this.

No wonder the father and son didn't fight when they met, it turned out that her husband didn't know Xiaoyu at all.

At the same time, she became even happier. She didn't expect Xiaoyu to have such a good talent for finance, worthy of being from the Department of Economics.

Where can you find such a good son-in-law!

Fortunately, she has been taken by her Xuexue.

Zhou Fang looked at Leng Jie: "Honey, is that guy really that good?"

"He's just a freshman?"

"Yes, that guy is not only good, but also very handsome."

"He's a little more handsome than when I was young."

Zhou Fang: ".........."

Is it a little bit.

She looked at Leng Jie with a smile, who looked regretful.

This guy you admire is Xiao Yu, who you always wanted to find fault with.

I wonder what expression you will have when you see Xiao Yu.

It must be fun! (。>∀<。)

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