Lin Yu realized that he was kissed secretly by the witch Leng Qingxue!

He was shocked.


Boys should protect themselves well outside!

Otherwise, they will be taken advantage of quietly like him.

Where can he go to complain!

Looking at Leng Qingxue's cute back as she ran away, Lin Yu smiled softly.

At this time, Leng Qingxue, who was running away, had a smile on her face and was a little shy.

Her little face was red, like a ripe red apple.

Just now, she kissed Lin Yu secretly on a whim.

Do you really think she is not shy?

Witches can be shy too!

But it's really exciting to run away after kissing!


It's fun.

Leng Qingxue smiled and suddenly thought of something.

It seems that she hasn't settled the score with Lin Yu yet!


What accounts are being settled? Of course, Lin Yu has such a good understanding of mathematics that even she was kept in the dark! She only discovered it now.

When she was interested in Lin Yu, she secretly asked about Lin Yu, and even found out when his birthday was.

Naturally, she also found out about Lin Yu's grades, which were quite standard.

As a result, Lin Yu wrote out the questions that she couldn't do today.

Leng Qingxue was very surprised and happy, so she dragged Lin Yu to study math problems for an afternoon.

Forgot about the account!

Now that she remembered it, she felt it necessary to go back and settle accounts with Xiao Yuer~


So she turned and ran in the direction of Lin Yu.

If Lin Yu knew what Leng Qingxue was thinking.

Then he would definitely complain.

His grades were really average, or the original owner's grades were average.

Mathematics was just because he had a system.

At this time, Lin Yu didn't know this, and he was already walking towards the dormitory.

He was exhausted today.

He pretended to save his sister, and studied mathematics with her...

Well, the sister was a big beauty...

He felt that he had overdrawn a lot.

He had to go back to the dormitory and drink a bottle of happy water to calm down.

He was walking forward, and suddenly saw Leng Qingxue, who was running away in the distance, running towards him again.

And she was running very fast, looking very energetic.

It seemed that there was still light in Leng Qingxue's eyes.

It was the look of the wolf pack seeing the lamb.

Lin Yu was shocked.


"Why is this sister back again!"

"Is it not enough for her to kiss once, and she wants to kiss a second time?"


"What a fierce woman!"

"Boys must protect themselves outside!"

Lin Yu thought so and became brave again.

Just in time!

The account of the sneak attack on him just now has not been settled yet!

He had to settle this account with his backhand.

Leng Qingxue's face was puffed up, and she ran back and forth aggressively, with her weapon shaking.

"Xiao Yu'er, I almost forgot that I have not settled a score with you yet."


Lin Yu was stunned.

You still want to settle a score? I still want to settle a score.

Lin Yu said lightly: "What score is not settled yet."

Leng Qingxue walked to Lin Yu and said with a breath as sweet as orchid.

"Xiao Yu'er, shouldn't you explain it?"

"How can you be so good at math."

"Obviously, my grades are average, but I am so good at math."

"Are you hiding it on purpose~"

Lin Yu was stunned.

Ah this.........

How can he explain it.

He didn't hide it on purpose, it was just because he had a system.

How can you say something like a system.

Believe in science, understand.

"Okay, Sister Leng, you didn't find out about this."

"I concealed it on purpose. I'm a low-key person."

"I never like to show off or pretend."

"I just like a peaceful life."

Lin Yu said without blushing or beating his heart, and he almost believed it himself.

Leng Qingxue nodded when she heard it.

She believed a lot, because Lin Yu was really low-key at ordinary times. He observed Lin Yu for a month.

This man really lived a peaceful life.

That must be peaceful, because Lin Yu's system function was still locked at that time.

It was impossible not to be peaceful.

"Humph, Xiaoyu, I believe your explanation."

"But you also concealed me, you must accept the punishment!"

Leng Qingxue blinked her beautiful peach blossom eyes and said with a devilish smile.

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows, punishment?

Just kidding, he couldn't accept the punishment!

Suddenly, Leng Qingxue stretched out her little hand and pinched Lin Yu's waist.

Then she stood on tiptoe and touched him on the other side of his face.He kissed her.



"The punishment is over!"

After saying that, Leng Qingxue ran away again.

Lin Yu was dumbfounded.

Damn! Sneak attack!

He was attacked twice by a woman today!

Who can stand this!

The next time they meet, he will catch Leng Qingxue and teach him a lesson.


Lin Yu returned to the dormitory, where the three LSPS were playing games.

It was rare that Zhao Tian didn't look for a partner today, and Qian Fei didn't do any homework.

He walked to his desk, picked up the full bottle of fat house happy water and took a big sip.



The three saw Lin Yu coming back and stood beside him directly.

Like three brothers.

"Tell the truth!"

"Yuzi, did you study secretly behind our backs!"

Because of today's open class, Lin Yu was too pretentious!

Lin Yu was able to solve such a difficult problem, and he even acted as a hero to save the beauty!

Lin Yu was not panicked at all, and these three LSPs looked like brothers.

In fact, now that his physique has been strengthened, he can capture them with one hand.

He drank another sip of happy water, and then said lightly.

"Do you think I look like a person who can study?"

"And secretly study, really dare to think."

"Then how do you explain today's pretense!"

Wang Jun asked with a look of doubt.

Lin Yu explained slowly: "I just happened to see that question in another book."

"I will."

He naturally couldn't say the existence of the system, and he really didn't study, he just opened a small cheat.

Lin Yu patted Wang Jun on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Junzi, I never do dormitory involution."

"That's really just a coincidence."

"Do you think I look like the kind of person who studies secretly?"

Wang Jun nodded when he heard it.

Lin Yu is not the kind of person who studies secretly. He saw that Lin Yu either played games or drank happy water when he returned to the dormitory.

The three continued to play games.

As long as you don't engage in involution, everyone is a good friend.

Lin Yu opened his mobile phone contentedly and started watching videos.


At the same time, in the campus forum, because Lin Yu's ranking in the comprehensive list of male god lists rose.

It caused quite a stir.

Zhang Tingting also saw the discussion in the forum, and her face became a little gloomy.

Lin Yu is actually very good at math?

How is this possible! ?

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