I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 39 [Silver 10 Characters·Believer]

"What do businessmen believe in? Gold coins?" Luo Huai didn't understand why businessmen should be classified as [believers].

"Who knows? I didn't want to be a traveling businessman at first, but later I found that this leisurely feeling is not bad."

The wind blew the leaves and they rolled around. He didn't know what the goods under him were. They seemed soft, but that was a confidential part of the contract, so it was hard to ask.

Luo Huai also followed his example and lay down on the small wooden plank used for driving. On the plains, horses did not need to be taken care of as they were very familiar with the road.

"Why do we choose to leave at night? We usually choose to leave in the morning, right?"

"That's the method of the big caravan. If I work alone, I have to hide from the spy." Luo Huai didn't shy away and said directly.

"Eyeliner? Someone is watching you?"

"They are not staring at me, but at all the caravans. The thieves will not just wait in the wild for God to provide them with food. Although they cannot enter the city, they have ways to place spies in the city so that they can get ahead of the caravans. Set up an ambush.”

"Then according to what you say, wouldn't it be more obvious if you do this?"

"On the contrary, they won't give up that big pot of oil and water just for a sesame-sized piece of meat like mine." Feng Chuiye said confidently, "Those who can target me are just small minions who are easy to deal with. .”

"What if you encounter a monster? If you dare to go to Maple Leaf Town, you must be strong enough, right?"

"It's not that great. I'm just a businessman. How strong can I be? I just rely on my own little secret to survive. When the time comes, I will have to rely on you to protect me."

The eyes of the wind-blown leaves were a little lonely. He was so young and should have made great achievements in the fantasy world, but instead he became a profit-seeking businessman.

There are many stories in it, and they are also very cliché.

Luo Huai didn't ask any more questions and looked around instead.

The plains at night may seem quiet, but in reality there are hidden dangers. Predators always like to act at night.

The wooden bow was taken out, and Luo Huai put an arrow on the string.

Arrows are ordinary items bought in the city. Except for the sharp head, there is no other part that can cause damage.

But that's enough for now.

In the dark grass, a group of [Prairie Splittooth Beasts] stared at them, following the carriage's stealthy movement.

Three horses far away from the group, which is very attractive to hunters on the grassland.

【Grassland Splittooth】(Normal)


[Introduction] The hunters wandering on the grassland, you must see them, not him.

Jin Hong's eyes were open, and the vertical pupil mark on his forehead was also emitting dark light, and his night vision was activated to the maximum.

After looking around for a few times, he could see no trace of the Splittooth Beast. It was a group of wolf-like creatures with two pairs of large saber teeth growing out of its mouth.


Luo Huai raised his hand and pulled the bow to the full moon. As soon as his fingers relaxed, the arrow shot towards a crack-toothed beast with the sound of wind.

It was difficult to dodge the nearly silent arrow. The split-toothed beast howled in pain and immediately lost its balance. The body was pushed to the ground by the inertia of running. It rolled several times and then lay on the ground, lifeless. .

Luo Huai shot it in the eye, and the arrow was stuck in its eye. It was directly pressed into its brain when it rolled, and it couldn't die any more.

And this is the only way to kill these beasts instantly with ordinary arrows.

The wind-blown leaves lying in the groove of the cargo trough were awakened by the sound and poked their heads out.

The strange thing is that after he saw the beasts surrounding his carriage, he didn't show any panic. He even praised Luo Huai after seeing him shooting arrows: "His archery skills are good."

"Have you often encountered this kind of situation before?" Luo Huai asked while shooting arrows to drive away the beasts.

"Not a lot, just occasionally."

"Then how are you going to solve it alone?"

"Traveling merchants always have some weird things." Feng Chuiye said, but did not show the so-called weird things to Luo Huai.

After losing several companions, the Cracktooth herd gave up the pursuit of the carriage, leaving Luo Huai empty again.

Because he had to pay attention all the time, Luo Huai couldn't close his eyes. He knew that the wind blew the leaves and he must not have fallen asleep.

Suddenly, the wind blew the leaves and asked Luo Huai: "Are you curious about what my secret is?"

"If you're not curious, since it's a secret, it should be kept in your heart."

"Haha, you are so interesting." Feng Chuiye laughed, but he still talked to himself: "A few years ago, I entered the fantasy world..."

He talked about his story, why he became a believer, why he became a traveling businessman, and...why he hunted sin.

"Huh?" The more Luo Huai heard, the more something was wrong. At the same time, he felt something cold on his back.

"After that, I was able to see everyone's sinfulness."

Turning back suddenly, I don't know when the wind blew the leaves and they had stood up.

The canvas covering the goods beside him was lifted, and a silver-crossed metal crossbow that was half a man's height was lifted by him. The crossbow string had been pulled open and the crossbow arrows had been loaded. UU reading www. uukanshu.net

Through the crossbow's sight, Luo Huai's golden-red eyes saw the cold eyes of the wind-blown leaves.

"You know? When I first saw you in the crowd, I thought I was wrong. I have never seen a player with such a high sin value... You just look like you walked out of hell. The same."

Looking at Luo Huai's innocent expression, he seemed to be uttering one last sigh or a prayer: "Your soul will go to hell. May the just Silver Cross forgive you."

No longer hesitating, his finger pressed the trigger.

A dazzling white light suddenly flashed on the silver crossbow, and the white light at the mouth of the crossbow was even stronger. A crossbow arrow exuding soft holy light flew out with an aura of destruction.

Luo Huai only had time to raise his head. The speed of this light arrow was not slower than a bullet.

The white light finally hit the vertical pupil mark in the center of his forehead.

"It's over~" The wind blew through the leaves, thinking that everything was over.

However, what he didn't expect was that the white light hit Luo Huai's forehead and exploded into powder like fragile crystal, scattering into light particles in the air.


The strong concussion in his skull made Luo Huai couldn't help but scream, and his spirit was almost shaken away.

Luo Huai fell out of the carriage and rolled onto the grassland full of stones.

The moment Luo Huai left the carriage, the originally simple carriage changed dramatically.

The wooden car body turned into a gorgeous silver pattern, and the incantations on it sung their faith. Even the three old horses were transformed into holy and bright white horses without a single flaw.

The carriage became a sacred chariot.

"how so……"

Standing on the chariot, Windblown Leaf frowned.

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