As if it resonated, the top of the Spark Tower was attracting Li Ming.

He felt that his heartbeat was speeding up, and the light that had been running smoothly in his heart suddenly started to move.

"That's what the light left..." Li Ming murmured to himself.

As the train drew closer and the light came closer, the haze of darkness seemed to disappear.

When we arrived in the city, it was already like day outside the carriage. If we couldn't stand the dark horizon in the distance behind us, we would never imagine that this was a planet shrouded in black mist.

The priest took Li Ming to a huge square. There were many people standing around the square with pious faces. They all faced the tall tower in the center of the square, the source of hope.

"Man of light, the one in front is our bishop."

After the priest brought Li Ming close to the tower, he stopped and made a gesture of invitation.

Li Ming followed his gesture and looked over, seeing an altar in front of a high tower. A man in a white robe stood on it, with his back to them.

Judging from the curve of her back, she must be a woman.

Li Ming walked up the steps of the altar. He originally thought that the bishop was an old man from the old times, but when he saw his face...

She was a pure girl, shrouded in the sacred light of the Spark Tower, white and flawless.

The bishop was holding his hands on his chest and praying to the Spark Tower. Li Ming knew that he couldn't disturb him at this time, so he stood silently on the side.

He turned to look at the Spark Tower, the thing that moved his heart more than the girl.

Facing the seemingly supreme holy light of the Spark Tower, he also closed his eyes, made prayer gestures, and began to recite prayers in his heart.

Not a prayer for anything, just a greeting to the light.

After a while, Li Ming opened his eyes. He turned to look at the bishop, only to find that the bishop had already finished praying and was staring at him with two big eyes.

But there was neither curiosity nor excitement like the old priest's eyes. On the contrary, there seemed to be some sadness remaining in these clean and clear eyes.

Li Ming glanced at the corner of the bishop's eyes, where there must have been tears just now, which made him not know how to react.

Fortunately, the bishop spoke first. Her voice was as sweet as a silver bell, but it was a little more sad because of a hint of choking.

"People of prophecy, please follow me." Her words were very brief, and she didn't even want to say one more word.

Li Ming followed her towards the entrance of the tower. He felt as if he was a little unwelcome.

"My Lord Bishop, may I offend you in any way?"

"No..." The bishop shook his head. She didn't look as calm as a bishop should. This made Li Ming even more confused and suspected that there was something hidden in this.

I hope it's not for some dark reason, the Spark Tower is real.

"No need to guess, I was indeed not a bishop a few days ago." The bishop noticed Li Ming's doubts and said calmly.

Her expression does not look like a formal young girl at all, but more like a twisted product of self-restraint under a stressful environment and her own sensibility.

This doesn't make people feel disgusted, but makes people feel a little distressed.

Li Ming did not speak. He was waiting for the bishop to continue speaking. The bishop followed his will and continued: "I am just a saint here. The original bishop...has already thrown himself into the embrace of light."

"What do you mean?" Li Ming knew that for this so-called "commitment", "sacrifice" might be more appropriate.

But "Light" is not an evil god, and it is impossible for him to accept the sacrifice of flesh and blood.

"The energy of the Spark Tower is not endless. The energy left by that light was nearly exhausted more than 20 years ago."

"Then why..."

"We later discovered that people's passionate hearts can also burst out with powerful light. The duty of our priests and bishops is to guide the light in these people's hearts into the Spark Tower so that it can continue to protect people."

The bishop seemed to look away and spoke in a much calmer tone.

"But if things go on like this, more or less people who use the light will appear [Light Building]."

Energy assimilation, also called elementalization... Li Ming immediately thought of the knowledge points in the class. This is a very common symptom in the mage class. If you pay attention to maintenance and recovery, there will be no big problem.

But... in this apocalyptic world, is there really any chance for people to breathe?

At least these people who stand on the line of defense for the destiny of the ethnic group do not...

The answer is obvious. The system of Yanyang Sect should be that the son/daughter serves as the substitute for the bishop/priest and is passed down from generation to generation. This is the inheritance of sacrifice and dedication.

Li Ming suddenly understood the meaning of the old priest's words, "We have tried our best."

"The light will accept them." He could only express his apology and comfort in this way.

"Thank you." The bishop's impression of Li Ming was slightly better, but she was still a little relieved.

After all, if Li Ming had appeared a few days earlier, maybe her father wouldn't have... Well, that was an ending that couldn't be changed, but at least she could have been able to accompany her father through the last few days instead of just watching. The back figure disappeared into the spark tower.

"I believe someone told you about it on the way here." The bishop began to get back to the topic.

"Do you need me to drive the body left behind by that light?"

"Yes, the giant of light..." At this time, the two of them happened to walk into the center of the Spark Tower. The bishop suddenly raised his head, his expression becoming pious.

Li Ming raised his head with her and looked at the giant statue standing straight in front of them.

"People of prophecy, the next step is up to you."

The bishop suddenly said something and stepped back.

"Ah? What?" Li Ming, who was looking at it in fascination, was suddenly confused. No one told him what to do? He thought there would be guidance for novices!

"The prophecy says that you will naturally know what to do. UU Reading" After the bishop finished speaking, he slammed the door of the tower.

"???" Li Ming was even more confused.

I do not know!

Unfortunately, no one answered him, and in the end he could only turn his attention to the only "other person" here.

"Um...can you teach me?" He asked with a wry smile at the giant in front of him.

But the question did get a response, just not from the Colossus, but from his fingers.

With a flash of golden light, the ring given to Li Ming by Guang suddenly appeared and emitted strong fluctuations.

"This is..." Li Ming felt a strong traction coming from the ring, dragging him closer to the colossus.

The target of the ring seems to be the crystal on the chest of the Colossus.

But Li Ming was still too heavy, and the ring couldn't lift him up even though he was flying.

But at least... Li Ming knows what to do now.

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